Deadly Power

A case for eliminating the impacts of the South Bay Power Plant

on San Diego Bay and ensuring better environmental options

for the San Diego/Tijuana region.

Prepared by the

San Diego Bay Council

A coalition of San Diego environmental organizations dedicated to protection and

restoration of San Diego=s coastal water resources

Member Organizations

Environmental Health Coalition

San Diego Audubon Society

San Diego BayKeeper

San Diego Chapter of the Sierra Club

San Diego Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation

Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association


Contributing Authors

Elaine M. Carlin, Research Scientist, Joint U.S./Norwegian Research Team; Former Research Associate (Encina Power Plant Impact Assessment), Center for Marine Studies, SDSU; Scientific Consultant to Bay Council

Laura Hunter, Environmental Health Coalition

Ed Kimura, Chairman of the Water Committee, San Diego Chapter of the Sierra Club

Stephanie Pacey, Associate Attorney, San Diego BayKeeper

Bruce Reznik, Executive Director, San Diego BayKeeper

Embargoed until December 3, 2001, 12 p.m., P.S.T.

Deadly Power:

A case for eliminating the impacts of the South Bay Power Plant on San Diego Bay and ensuring better environmental options for the San Diego/Tijuana region.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1

Introduction 7

Section 1: Permitting History and Regulation of the South Bay Power Plant 9

  1. South Bay Power Plant (SBPP) Timeline 9
  1. Regulation of Power Plant Water DischargesBLegal Framework 12

Clean Water Act 12

California Toxics Rule 13

303(d) Listing 13

SBPP=s designated Discharge Channel 14

Storm Water Permit Requirements 14

Section 2: Environmental and Human Health Impacts from the South Bay Power Plant15

A.Overview of Plant Operations 15

B.Biological and Ecological Impacts of the Power Plant on San Diego Bay 16

Introduction 16

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health 17

Power Plant Effects on the Water Itself 19

Killing of Early Life Stages of Organisms 19

Trapping and Killing of Fishes and Large Invertebrates 23

Killing of Clams, Mussels, and Other Organisms That Inhabit the Bottom

(Benthic) Environment 24

Sea Turtles 24

Halibut 25

Impacts of Chlorine on Marine Life 26

Impacts of the Release of Copper and Zinc into the Bay 28

Eelgrass 29

C. Air Quality Impacts from Emissions from the South Bay Power Plant 31

Emissions from the South Bay Power Plant 31

Emissions under natural-gas curtailment 32

D.Environmental Justice Impacts of Power Plants in South Bay Area 32

Section 3: Environmentally Preferable Alternatives to once-through cooling 34

A.Overview: Wet-cooling: once-through and closed cycle 34

B.Dry-cooling: The Better Option 35

Dry-cooling uses no chlorine or chlorine products 36

Other advantages of Dry-cooling 36

What are the drawbacks to Dry-cooling 37

C.Dry-cooling Case Studies 37

Dry-cooling is increasing in use 37

Case Study in Dry-cooling: Athens Generating Plant, New York 38

Case Study in Dry Cooling: The Samalayuca Plant, Chihuaua, Mexico 38

Section 4: Recommendations and Rationale for Action 39

A.Overview of Problems and Solutions 39

The Problem: Cooling that Kills 39

The Solutions: 39

A.The Need for a State of the Art Power Plant

B.Need for Comprehensive and Meaningful Regulation of

the Existing Power Plant

  1. Recognition that South San Diego Bay is impacted by Power Plant


B.Future Plans for the SBPP 40

A.The Rationale for a ADry-Cooled@ Replacement Plant 42

A New Plant with Dry-cooling is the Only Acceptable Replacement Option

to Protect Environment, Public Health, and Community Interests 42

Efficiency and Economics 43

Legal Implications of Replacing Power Plants

Technology Forcing 45

Repower/Replace = New Plant Requirements 45

Legal Interpretation of the Anew discharge@ issue 46

D.Rationale for Strengthened Discharge Permit for the SBPP and

303(d) Listing 48

Fundamental Flaw in Regulation of the Discharges of the SBPP

Must be Remedied 48

Proposed Permit Monitoring Regime Does Not Assess Impacts or

Require Mitigation for Damage 49

Storm Water Requirements need to be strengthened and updated in the

permit 49

Additional Regulatory Requirements 50

South San Diego Bay should be Listed on the 303(d) List 50

Compromised Data 51

  1. Agency Recommendations

State Water Resources Control Board 52

Regional Water Quality Control Board 52

San Diego Unified Port District 53

California Energy Commission 53

National Marine Fisheries Service 53

San Diego Regional Energy Office 53

References 54

Deadly Power

Executive Summary

The South Bay Power Plant has been responsible for severely degrading the San Diego Bay ecosystem with thermal and chemical pollution and by killing a wide range of juvenile, larval, and adult organisms in its cooling system for more than 40 years. These impacts are severe and continual. This degraded condition is now so long-standing that it is considered the Abase-line@ for South Bay. This grossly inefficient plant is also a source of air pollution and a visual blight on the community.

Soon, plans will be developed for a replacement for the South Bay Power Plant. We cannot let the degradation and destruction of San Diego Bay continue through the use of bay water for cooling. Now is the time to stop theAcooling that kills.@ The evidence in this report makes it clear that:

the negative environmental impacts from the South Bay Power Plant to San Diego Bay are significant;

there are feasible, viable, and protective alternatives for replacement of the South Bay Power Plant;

the current permitting structure is inadequate; and

government must act now to eliminate the damage to San Diego Bay.

The member organizations of the San Diego Bay Council, representing 22,000 San Diegans, are committed to act through community involvement, regulatory participation, and legal action, to ensure that the South Bay Power Plant is torn down and its damaging impacts to sensitive South San Diego Bay are ended. The Bay Council urges agencies with authority over the South Bay Power Plant to aggressively pursue the following actions:

  1. Build a State of the Art, Dry-Cooled Power Plant to Replace the South Bay Power Plant

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The South Bay Power Plant must be torn down and replaced as soon as possible with a more efficient, dry-cooled plant and there must be aggressive commitments to conservation and clean, renewable energy sources. This will result in less air and water pollution and use of less hazardous materials in the region. Officials should establish an enforceable time line to phase out the South Bay Power Plant.

  1. Provide Comprehensive and Meaningful Regulation of the Existing Power Plant

The South Bay Power Plant=s National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is up for a five year renewal. In the near-term, the Regional Water Quality Control Board must require new, more protective requirements for the discharges into San Diego Bay. The Regional Board should include a permit condition or resolution that clearly states that any replacement plant should not use Bay water for cooling and that impacts from current practices should be fully mitigated and the Bay should be restored. The monitoring regime for the new permit should include discharge and receiving water limits and monitoring for all constituents known to be present in the discharge. It should also be designed to fully assess impacts on beneficial uses.

  1. Recognize the Impacts of the South Bay Power Plant on South San Diego Bay

Impacts to marine life of South Bay will not be addressed until we recognize the extent of the problem. South Bay is heavily impacted by the power plant discharges and cooling process itself. South San Diego Bay should be added to the 303(d) list of Aimpaired@ waterbodies so that it receives priority action for protection.

Biological and Ecological Impacts

The South Bay Power Plant is a steam electric power generating facility located at the far southeast shore of San Diego Bay, surrounded by sensitive mudflat habitat. The plant uses what is called a once-through wet-cooling system that draws cooling water from San Diego Bay. This heated cooling water is then discharged back into the Bay. At full capacity, 601 million gallons of water are discharged back into the Bay each day. Other California power plants use this cooling method, but draw from and release water to the open ocean, where the volume of the water body greatly exceeds the amount being used and where the heated water is more quickly dissipated.

South San Diego Bay is a sensitive marine environment, highly vulnerable to thermal, chemical and other pollution sources. The south bay environment is most vulnerable in summer, the time of year that the SBPP releases the most thermal pollution because of increased summer energy demands. Water discharged from the plant can reach temperatures over 1001F, a lethal temperature for fishes and other marine life. The plant also releases toxic chemicals in discharged water, including copper, nickel, zinc, chromium and chlorine. The high temperatures exacerbate the effects of chemical pollution on marine life.

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There is no maximum temperature limit for SBPP discharges. Between 1974 and 2000, average discharge temperatures have risen over 101F in both summer and winter. Permitted increases in temperature between intake water and water discharged from the SBPP have risen from 12.51F to 151F. The higher water temperature decreases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water and, at the same time, increases the metabolic rate of animals which increases their oxygen demand. The plant discharges dead plants, fishes, shellfish and other organisms back into the Bay and the decay of these plants and animals further reduces oxygen levels.

The South Bay Power Plant has been disrupting the ecosystem of South San Diego Bay for more than 40 years. Roughly 20 percent of the water in the South Bay is drawn into the plant every day. Early life stages of marine plants and animals also are drawn into the cooling water system, where they are subjected to mechanical damage, as well as chemical, temperature and pressure shock. The loss of early life stages of fish, shellfish and other invertebrates, and other microscopic plants and animals that form the base of the food chain may affect the overall ecological balance of the Bay. Millions of these organisms are lost in the Power Plant each year.

Adult fish and invertebrates in the vicinity of the SBPP intake are drawn into the intake structure and impinged, or trapped, by either a "trash rack" or a series of screens. A 1979-1980 study considered impingement and estimated that 28,174 individual fish were killed in the plant in 1979.

A major concern is the use of up to 4,100 pounds of chlorine per month for the purposes of killing marine life in the intake water. The highly chlorinated water is then discharged back into the Bay. Almost all species of animals are hit hard by chlorine, and this effect is exacerbated in a shallow, poorly circulated environment like the South Bay. In addition to its immediate effects, chlorine is now known to break down, complex with other substances, and form new compounds such as chlorinated organics. These chlorinated organic compounds can remain toxic for aquatic life for long periods. The SBPP uses more chlorine in summer, compounding the effects of higher summer water temperature, less dissolved oxygen, and the greater toxicity of other chemicals.

The SBPP also releases an estimated 400-1020 pounds of copper, a heavy metal that is highly toxic to marine life and which is known to accumulate in fish and shellfish, into the Bay each year. Nickel concentrations in the cooling water have also been significant. Zinc waste plates, used for corrosion control, release zinc into the cooling water. For fishes, a decrease in oxygen levels of the water increases the apparent toxicity of zinc and copper. Water temperature is possibly the most important factor affecting zinc toxicity: the higher the temperature, the shorter the survival time. The juvenile inhabitants of South Bay are more sensitive to these metals than adult animals.

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Eelgrass (Zosteramarina) forms a distinct marine habitat providing vital shelter and food for many bay inhabitants. For some reason, eelgrass is absent in the vicinity of the plant, yet plentiful west of the plant and in other areas of the South Bay. Eelgrass is highly dependent on sufficient light to thrive, and declines in seagrass abundance have been linked to decreasing water transparency. Without the power plant discharge, we would expect a resurgence of eelgrass beds.

One problem associated with securing reliable information about the impacts of the plant is that the data we have is not independent of the discharger. Many of the existing studies are suspect because they were funded by the discharger with a significant interest in the conclusions of the studies. Independent assessment of the impacts of the power plant is needed.

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Efficiency and Economics

The South Bay Power Plant energy conversion efficiency is about 38 percent compared to modern day power plants which have design efficiencies upward of 56 percent. A new plant that generates the same amount of electricity would use significantly less natural gas and emit less air pollution. Efficient use of natural gas is critical given the negative air quality impacts of burning oil and the limited supply of natural gas. Further, two-thirds of the cost of operating a fossil fuel plant is the cost of fuel.

There are feasible, viable, and protective alternatives to once-through wet-cooling. Dry-cooling has been available for more than 40 years and has been used in all climates with several in arid regions of Mexico and the United States. Dry-cooling uses air instead of water to cool the low-pressure steam leaving the steam turbines. Large radiator-type tube banks are used to transfer heat from the condensing steam to air passing over the tubes. Dry-cooling has no air or water polluting emissions. There is no water evaporation, no visible plume, no thermal discharges, and no particulate air emissions associated with the cooling. Water is only needed for periodic system maintenance and cleaning. Dry cooling could result in reductions in water use by more than 99 percent over once-through wet-cooling. Through such reductions in water use, the need to use water from any sensitive or biologically productive water body is removed. Further, dry cooling does not need to sterilize the water it uses for cooling so the use of chlorine is eliminated.

There are over 600 electric power plants throughout the world that use dry-cooling, including 50 in the United States. These plants are of a variety of sizes, types, and located in a variety of climates including one planned in Otay Mesa.


The State Water Resources Control Board should

ensure that the updated Thermal Plan provides more protective requirements regarding thermal discharges into state waters. The update should strengthen protections for estuaries and enclosed bays. The new Thermal Plan should prohibit the use of natural surface waters for cooling of power plants since feasible alternatives exist.

add the waters of South San Diego Bay to the 303 (d) list as impaired for heat, chlorine, and copper.

The Regional Water Quality Control Board should

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specifically address requirements on any replacement plant for the SBPP and make clear the intent of the Board for any future proposal. This could be accomplished through a condition in the new NPDES permit or a resolution requiring any reconstruction/repower during this permit duration to carry a "new discharge" designation and, thus, subject to much more stringent requirements.

strengthen the NPDES permit, increase monitoring, and require mitigation for damage caused by the operation of the SBPP in order to ensure protection of beneficial uses in San Diego Bay. The new permit should move closer to the elimination of water quality impacts from the power plant discharges as soon as possible. Essential changes include: establish limits and monitoring requirements for dissolved oxygen and all constituents present in the discharge such as metals and chlorine by-products; relocation of the compliance point to the real point of discharge (i.e. end of the pipe); set maximum temperature limits for the discharge; establish impingement and entrainment limits; establish sediment monitoring; and increase frequency of chlorine monitoring.