Media Analysis Evaluation
A. Ashtyn Berry
B. Dear Parents/Guardians,
The time has come, in our classroom, to begin our Introduction to Media Analysis. This activity will surely benefit each of your children, because they are constantly absorbing the many different types of media every day. Of course, since this is a third grade class, we will only be skimming the surface of this extremely important issue. However, each student will undoubtedly continue his/her “media education” as they advance in school. Media analysis has become a vital part of the curriculum, simply because it is important for students to learn how to examine and understand the types of media, as well as how it works.
The North Carolina Standard Course of Studyconsists of the curriculum for kindergarten through the twelfth grade. It is every teacher in the state of North Carolina’s guideline for how to construct his/her class. By consulting the Standard Course of Study, it is easy to see why media analysis is such a significant part of education. For example, in regards to our own Language Arts class, NCSCS states, “the ultimate purpose of the English Language Arts curriculum is to teach students the language abilities they need to communicate effectively as individuals and as contributing members of society.” Since media is such a massive aspect of our society today, there is no doubt that your children need to learn how to understand its many elements, as well as how each of these elements affect the world, in order to accomplish what the Standard Course of Study describes. Furthermore, one of the main principles that the “philosophy” of English Language Arts consists of, according to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, states that “Language skills are interrelated processes utilized by the learner to comprehend and convey meaning: oral (listening and speaking), written (reading and writing), and media use.” From this quotation, one can see that media literacy plays a vital role in the development of any student’s overall language skills. This fact is exactly why media analysis is being introduced to your child.
The Information Skills Curriculum is another guideline used by teachers in North Carolina. It calls for third grade classes to “EXPLORE sources and formats for reading, listening, and viewing purposes,” as well as to “IDENTIFY and USE criteria for excellence to evaluate information and formats,” and to “COMMUNICATE reading, listening, and viewing experiences.” This is exactly what we will be doing throughout our Media Analysis lesson:
Introduction to Media Analysis: (This activity will consist of four steps)
- “EXPLORE sources and formats for reading, listening, and viewing purposes.”
- The first part of the Media Analysis activity will be to understand the different genres of media. Although there are many different types of media, such as graphic, print, and audio, for this particular lesson, our class will be focusing on the various genres of video media. Video media consists of everything from commercials, television shows, movies, news broadcasts, etc…
- To understand the different genres of media, I will first make a small list of them on the board. For example: documentaries, advertisements, infomercials, fictions (such as certain television shows), and broadcasts (such as the news).
- Next I will ask the students to raise their hands and tell me what they think each one of these genres entail. Throughout this process I will help the students along, and modify the information they are providing into clear definitions for each of the genres of media.
- “IDENTIFY and USE criteria for excellence to evaluate information and formats.”
- Once I feel like every child has grasped the concept of each genre, we will play a short game. I will have hung posters in various spots in the classroom prior to class. Each of these posters will list one of the five genres we just finished discussing. For example, the red poster will say, “Documentary!” After the class sees the five posters of the walls, we will begin the game.
- I will then play a short video clip. This clip will be under one minute long, and will also be one of the five genres we covered earlier in class. For example, I may play a minute long clip of the evening news. After doing so, I will ask the class to get out of their seats, and go to the poster whose genre they think is represented by the video clip. After they all find the poster they believe to be correct, I will ask individuals why they picked that certain genre. After four to five responses, I will finally reveal the actual genre. (This process will be repeated two more times, with two different genres of media.)
- “COMMUNICATE reading, listening, and viewing experiences.”
- The third element of the Media Analysis Activity will involve answering approximately 5 questions about each of the three pieces of media we watched together (15 in all). These questions will challenge your children to truly think about the three video clips. Also, these questions will ask about the details of each clip, such as purpose, audience, aesthetics (elements such as music and color), etc.
- The fourth, and final, component of the Media Analysis Activity will be for each student to produce his/her own piece of media.
- I will first explain that, although we focused on video media during class, I now want each student to create his/her own piece of print media.
- I will explain to the class to imagine things they see in the school newspaper. Then I will explain that they will have a choice between creating news media and advertisement media.They will either write a news story that could go in the school newspaper, or create an advertisement for something students need for class. I will also explain that these pieces of media should be creative, and interesting. Each child should take into consideration the audience that the piece of media is directed towards, and also what said audience finds stimulating. These articles/advertisements should grab the attention of the readers.
- After explaining, I will hand out construction paper, scissors, glue, crayons, markers, colored pencils, and any other materials the students may need. If the majority of students do not finish by the time class ends, this project will become homework. I will send all necessary materials home with the students, in order to ensure that each has everything they need to succeed.
***When all the students finish this assignment, we will combine their advertisements and articles, to create our own classroom newspaper. I will save finished product, so you can see it, when conferences come around.
North Carolina teachers also adhere to the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards. These standards call for us, as educators, to do many things, such as “embrace diversity,” and “treat students as individuals.” However, it also calls us to utilize technology, wisely. “Teachers know when and how to use technology to maximize student learning. Teachers help students use technology to learn content, think critically, solve problems, discern reliability, use information, communicate, innovate, and collaborate.” Therefore, to truly make the Media Analysis Introduction effective, it is my responsibility to incorporate technology, in the lesson. The three clips of media undoubtedly fulfill this technology requirement.
Howard Gardner’s theory of “Multiple Intelligences” also supports the integration of media analysis in schools. His list of seven intelligences consists of “linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, music intelligence, body-kinesthetic intelligence, spatial intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence.”Media analysis is directly related to at least two of these intelligences, one of which Gardner explains are generally not focused on in schools:
- “Logical-mathematical intelligence consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. In Howard Gardner's words, it entails the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.”
- This intelligence is important, because analyzing problems (media, in this case) logically will definitely be a major part of our media analysis introduction.
- “Interpersonal intelligence is concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators, salespeople, religious and political leaders and counselors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence.”
- This intelligence is one that is not typically focused on in today’s schools. However, it is vital, when it comes to our Media Analysis Introduction, simply because such a huge part is devoted to understanding the media’s intentions.
As you can see, learning media analysis is a vital aspect of each student’s education. This is so simply because media (especially digital) is inevitable in today’s society. I believe that this activity will initiate the process of preparing the students for the real world they will encounter later in life, in an effective way. We are all bombarded by media, every minute of every day. Why wouldn’t we want to teach our children about it, and how to understand it?
I want to personally thank each one of you for your support! Also, I hope that this letter helps you understand the purpose of the Media Analysis Introduction. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
C. Titles:
- “Keebler’s Chips Deluxe Commercial” (Advertisement)
- “Back-to-School Bags” (WBTV: News Broadcast)
- “Toy Story 3” clip (Fictional movie clip)
D. Type of media: videos
E. Media materials: three different genres of media:
News Broadcast
Fictional clip
F. Questions will be divided into seven key concepts of media:
All media are constructions.
- What is the genre of clip one? What makes it this genre?
- Clip one is an advertisement for Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies.It makes the audience want to buy the product. The dialogue helps determine this fact. For example, after Elmer (the first elf) loses control over the “Generosity Wand,” more chocolate chips go into the cookies than normal. However, this turns out to be a positive accident. After asking Elmer if it was his first day with the wand, the elf in charge takes a bite out of a cookie and simply says “Delicious!” Also, the commercial explains that Chips Deluxe Cookies have “chocolate in every bite.” These two bits of dialogue/script show that the chip was crafted to persuade the audience to buy Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies. This is how I know that this clip is an advertisement.
- What is the genre of clip two? What makes it this genre?
- Clip two is a news broadcast. It is informing the audience about a certain event in society—the “back-to-school bag” program. This clip was constructed the way most news broadcasts are. A certain lighting is used, a script is written, etc. Also, WBTV used many resources to inform its viewers of this true story. This may be what truly sets news broadcasts apart from all other genres of media—the stories are true, and each event is usually current and important.
- What is the genre of clip three? What makes it this genre?
- Clip three is a fictional piece of media. This is so because toys talk to each other, and it is animated. These two facts alone show that the clip is fictional. Piggy-banks cannot talk, toy dinosaurs do not have feelings, and cowboy dolls cannot walk by themselves. These elements could possibly be in an advertisement, too. However, since this is a clip from an entire movie, it cannot possibly be an ad.
- Thefirst and third pieces of media are animated (like a cartoon). Why do you think the directors chose this format?
- I think the directors of the first and third pieces of media chose to animate their productions because they are both intended to appeal to children. Cartoons tend to be more colorful. Therefore, they effectively capture the attention of young viewers.
- The product of the advertisement (cookies) is definitely one that children are interested in. Therefore, it only makes sense to take advantage of the target audience, and create a commercial that is irresistible to kids. Animation accomplishes this goal. I believe that if humans, instead of elves, were the characters in this advertisement, it would not have been as affective.
- The third clip is a segment of “Toy Story Three.” This movie is definitely made for children. However, many young adults could also choose to watch it, simply because it is a series they grew up with. Therefore, the directors of this movie chose animation for two reasons:
- To capture and keep the attention of young children.
- To stay consistent with the rest of the series.
- Do you think the second piece of media was edited (was it changed before put on television)?
- Yes, I think the news broadcast was edited. More than likely, the majority of film shot throughout the entire process was not used. The producers simply chose bits and pieces of video footage and personal interviews, strung them together, and then added a script. Also, all the audience knows about the “back-to-school bags” is what this news broadcast told it.
- Do you think scripts were used in the making of the second piece of media? (instructions telling people what to say)
- Yes, I think scripts were used in the making of the second piece of media. It is a news broadcast. Therefore, the purpose of it is to inform viewers about important events that happen throughout the day. One person cannot possibly memorize every fact and statistic necessary to produce an effective news broadcast. Therefore, a script is provided. In the case of this news broadcast, the list of goods that were put in the “back-to-school bags” was probably written down, so that when the anchor read it, she would not forget anything important.
The media are commercial entities.
- Who do you think made the first piece of media?
- I believe that the company that owns Keebler Foods also produced the first piece of media. Keebler may, in fact, be an independent company. However, it is more than likely owned by a larger food corporation. This corporation made this advertisement, in order to sell more Chips Deluxe Cookies.
- Who do you think made the second piece of media?
- I think that WBTV News made the second piece of media. This is so because, throughout the entire clip, “” was shown in the bottom left-hand-side corner. Also, at the end of the clip, the news anchor says “WBTV News, on your side.”
- Who do you think made the third piece of media?
- I believe that Disney made this piece of media. Since Disney made the first two “Toy Story” movies, it only makes sense that the same corporation produce the third one, as well. Also, Disney is known for its animated movies. Since “Toy Story Three” is animated as well, even if I did not know its history, Disney would be the best guess.
- What age group(s) is the first clip for? Why this age group?
- The age group that the first piece of media targets is definitely children. This is so because most children love cookies. They do not care about eating healthy, at this point in their lives. Therefore, when they see a captivating commercial that is advertising something like Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies, many will want their parents to buy them some, immediately.
- What age group(s) is the second clip for? Why?
- This clip is for all ages. Children can relate to the students shown in this news broadcast, while adults can relate to the concerned parents/workers. Also, it is a refreshing piece of news, simply because it is “good news.” Many people, of all ages, will find this interesting, and inspirational.
- What age group(s) is the third clip for? Why?
- This piece of media was made with children in mind. It is in the form of a cartoon, which always attracts kids. Also, the toys talk to one another, and the audience is able to see things that the main character, Andy, cannot see. This fact makes kids feel special, and gives them a sense of power. However, young adults will also watch it, because they grew up with the “Toy Story” movies.
Media communicate values and ideology.
- What message does the first clip send?
- The message that the first media clip sends is simple—you should buy Keebler’s Chips Deluxe Chocolate Chip Cookies. However, it also implies that mistakes are beautiful. No one is perfect, just as Elmer is not perfect. He made a mistake, but good still came out of it.
- What message does the second clip send?
- The message the second clip sends is that amazing things can be accomplished, if everyone does his/her own part. The adults all came together, and worked hard to give these students everything they needed for school.
- What message does the third clip send?
- The message the third clip sends is harder to understand than the previous two. I think it actually changes, according to which audience is watching. For example, the message it sends to children (its target audience) is that friends are always there for each other. However, the message that young adults get from this clip is probably related to new chapters, in life. Andy is going to college, and is also having to decide which parts of his childhood he wants to keep with him, and which parts he is willing to let go of.
- What does the second clip tell us about some relationships between people, today?
- The news broadcast tells us that there are actually people in our world who truly care about others. We are able to see the joy in each student’s face, as he or she is given a bag. Seeing this process confirms the fact that passion is making a difference, today, because of people like this.
The media have social and political implications.