CNIA/ONIG Conference2017

Informatics: Engaging, Enabling and Empowering Nurses in Digital Health

Saturday June 3, 2017

6th floor Auditorium, Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing

University of Toronto 155 College Street, Toronto, Ontario

Time / Title / Speaker
0800-0830 / Registration and Continental Breakfast 6th floor lobby
0830-0845 / Welcome / Peggy White, President CNIA
Nancy Cunningham, President ONIG
0845-0945 / Nursing’s Unique Role in Patient Engagement for Population Health
Sponsored by IBM / Judy Murphy RN, FACMI, FHIMSS, FAAN, Chief Nursing Officer & Director-Global Business Services at IBM Healthcare
0945-1015 / Coffee and Networking – 6th floor lobby
1015-1115 / Engaging Nurses in Understanding and Using Data Standards
Jurisdictional Data Standards: Exploring the National Need / Andrea MacLean, BSc, MLT
Director, Interoperability Standards
Canada Health Infoway
Advancing Nursing Data Standards in Canada / Lynn Nagle, Assistant Professor
Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
1115-1215 / Engaging, Enabling and Empowering Nurses Through Social Media
More than LinkedIN: The Evolving Social Media Presence of Nursing / Tracie Risling, RN, BA, BSN, MN, PhD. Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Oh SNapp”- Lessons Learned -The Implementation of the Saskatchewan Nursing Application (SNapp) / Shelly Luhning, RN, MN, Saskatchewan Polytechnic
1215-1315 / Lunch
1315-1415 / Enabling Evidence Informed Practice through Digital Health
Engaging Nurses and Nurse Managers to Leverage Data to Drive Quality Improvement / Lianne Jeffs, RN, BScN, MSc, PhD, FAAN, Associate Professor
Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
Enablers of Practice Based Evidence – Big Data & Data Science / Sally Remus, NI Doctoral Student, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Western University
1415-14:45 / Empowering Patients and Families through Digital Health
An Integrated Clinical Telehealth Network / Eryn Tedesco, RN, MHA, Director Clinical eHealth Initiatives, First Nations Health Authority, British Columbia
14:45-1615 / The Future of Informatics in Canada
14:45-1530 / Emerging Nurse Informaticians Panel:
Planning for our Future
Moderator: Richard Booth, RN, PhD /
  1. Gillian Strudwick, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
  2. Sabrina Millis, Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Saskatchewan Polytechnic and University of Regina
  3. Brittany McBride, Master of Health Informatics, University of Toronto

1530-1615 / CNIA Jurisdictional Panel – Advancing an Informatics Agenda in Canada
Moderator: Peggy White, RN, MN /
  1. Pamela Farthing RN, BA, MSc., Faculty, School of Nursing, Undergraduate Adjunct Professor University of ReginaSaskatchewan Polytechnic
  2. Leanne M. Currie, RN, PhD Associate Professor University of British Columbia
  3. Helen Edwards, Director, Clinical Informatics and Technology Assisted Programs, Sick Kids

1615-1630 / Closing / Peggy White, President CNIA
Nancy Cunningham, President ONIG

Preliminary Program CNIA/ONIG 2017 Conference