Global Project News (Africa): May’2017
Update: May, 2017
Vol. 97
Focus Market
Satpreet Kaur
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1.0 INDEXTenders
Project / Country / Dead Line / Page no.Water/ Irrigation
Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations / Egypt / 10 July 2017 / 3
Social Infrastructure
Uganda/Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale And Eldoret Bypass Roads Project Upgrading Of Kapchorwa – Suam Road (73 Km) From Gravel To Bitumen Standard / Uganda / 04 July 2017 / 4
Uganda – Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads Project / Uganda/Kenya / General Procurement Notice / 6
Construction of a mini-Slipway and Procurement of Slipway Service Equipment with Associated Works / Gambia / 25 July 2017 / 7
GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE ZIMBABWE Oxygen Rooftop Solar Project / Zimbabwe / General Procurement Notice / 9
Consultancy Services for improved efficiency and competitiveness of local businesses in the construction sector in the Nacala Corridor in Mozambique / Mozambique / 22 June 2017 / 10
Nacala Corridor Business Linkages Technical Assistance Project (Individual Consultant: Project Manager) / Mozambique / 22 June 2017 / 12
Nacala Corridor Business Linkages Technical Assistance Project(Individual Consultant: Procurement Expert) / Mozambique / 22 June 2017 / 14
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Detailed Design and Preparation Of Tender Documents For Amaya Dam Water Supply Project / Kenya / 07 June 2017 / 16
Consultancy Services For Feasibility Study, Detailed Design And Preparation Of Tender Documents For Eldama Ravine Sewerage Project / Kenya / 07 June 2017 / 17
Feasibility Studies, Preliminary Designs, Detailed Technical Designs, Esia/Rap And Preparation of Tender Documents for Mwania/Miwongoni Dam Project In Tanathi Water Services Board Area / Kenya / 07 June 2017 / 19
News Items
Morocco to construct Africa’s tallest high-rise tower21
India to invest $2 billion for solar projects in Africa22
Zimbabwe bank sets aside US$30m for housing development23
Chinese firm signs $1.94b deal for construction of industrial park in Kenya24
Volvo Group to construct US$ 24m assembly plant in Kenya26
Saudi Arabia plans electric-power trade with Africa by 202027
Egypt to spend billions in renewable energy plan28
Four bidders shortlisted for Malawi water project29
Nigeria secures funding for power transmission projects30
World Bank approves US$ 200m for Zambia’s rural roads upgrade32
Dodoma stadium in Tanzania set to be constructed33
Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations
Project ID No.Project Name: / Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations
Country: / Egypt
Funding agency: / Islamic Development Bank
Last date of bid submission: / 10 July 2017
Address for bid submission/ further information: / Attention: Head of MED
Address: 3 Taftesh El-Ray St. – Shoubra El Mazalat – Cairo - Egypt
City: Cairo
ZIP Code: 002
Country: Egypt
Telephone: +2-22090794
Facsimile number: +2-22090976
Electronic mail address:
The Government of Egypt has received a Finance from the Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) toward the cost of the Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Pumping Stations project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under the contract for Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations in three lots as
(i)Lot 1: Kostol – Korta – Sibaaia Pumping Stations,
(ii)Lot 2: El-Kherit Elolia - El-Kherit Elsofla Pumping Stations, and
(iii)Lot 3: Baira – Wadi El-Arab Pumping Stations. The Mechanical and Electrical Department as Executing Agency intends to prequalify contractors and/or firms for Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations in three lots as stated above. It is expected that invitations for bid will be made in August 2017.
Prequalification will be conducted through prequalification procedures specified in the Islamic Development Bank’s Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works, May 2009 and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries, as defined in the guidelines.5
Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from and inspect the prequalification document at the MED address below from 09:00 – 15:00 Cairo time.
A complete set of the prequalification document in English may be purchased by interested Applicants on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of USD 300 or equivalent in a freely convertible currency.
Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by 10/7/2017 instead of 7/6/2017, and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations.”
Attention: Head of MED
Address: 3 Taftesh El-Ray St. – Shoubra El Mazalat – Cairo - Egypt
City: Cairo
ZIP Code: 002
Country: Egypt
Telephone: +2-22090794
Facsimile number: +2-22090976
Electronic mail address:
Social Infrastructure
Uganda/Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale And Eldoret Bypass Roads Project Upgrading Of Kapchorwa – Suam Road (73 Km) From Gravel To Bitumen Standard
Project ID No./ IFB No: UNRA/WRKS/15-16/00124
Project Name: / Uganda/Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale And Eldoret Bypass Roads Project Upgrading Of Kapchorwa – Suam Road (73 Km) From Gravel To Bitumen Standard
Country: / Uganda
Funding agency: / African Development Bank
Last date of bid submission: / 1100 hours on 4th July 2017
Address for bid submission/ further information: / The Head,
Procurement & Disposal Unit,
Uganda National Roads Authority,
Plot 3 – 5, New Port Bell Road,
UAP Nakawa Business Park First Floor,
Block D P.O. Box 28487,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 312 233100/414 318000
Fax: +256 414 232807/347616
1. This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in UNDB online AfDB302-03/17 of 30 March 2017 and on the African Development Bank Group’s Internet Website on 31 March 2017.
2. The Government of the Republic Uganda has received for Financing from the African Development Bank in various currencies towards the cost of Upgrading of Kapchorwa-Suam Road (73 Km) from Gravel to Bitumen Standard. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Upgrading of Kapchorwa-Suam Road (73 Km) from Gravel to Paved (Bituminous) Standard.
3. The Uganda National Roads Authority now invites sealed bids from bidders for the construction and completion of the Upgrading of Kapchorwa-Suam Road (73 Km) from Gravel to Bitumen Standard. The Road works shall comprise Upgrading the existing Class A gravel road to Class 1b bitumen standard 7.0m wide carriageway and 1.5m to 2.5m wide shoulders on either side, with a gravel subbase, graded crushed stone base and asphalt concrete wearing course including the associated drainage and ancillary works as well as environment and social mitigation measures.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the offices of the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) at the address below.
5. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of UGX:200,000= (Uganda Shillings: Two hundred thousand only) or US$60 (United States Dollars Sixty only) or its equivalent in a freely convertible currency
6. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and the General Conditions of Contract are the Provisions of the African Development Bank Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Works.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 1100 hours on 4 th July 2017 and must be accompanied by a Bid Security of US$2,300,000 (United States Dollars Two million and three hundred thousand only) or UGX8.0 Billion (Eight Billion Uganda Shillings only).
8. Bids shall be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 1130 hours on 4 th July 2017 at the following address:
The Head,
Procurement & Disposal Unit,
Uganda National Roads Authority,
Plot 3 – 5, New Port Bell Road,
UAP Nakawa Business Park First Floor,
Block D P.O. Box 28487,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 312 233100/414 318000
Fax: +256 414 232807/347616
Uganda – Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads Project
Project Name: / Uganda – Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads ProjectCountry: / Multinational Uganda – Kenya
Funding agency: / African Development Bank
Last date of bid submission: / General Procurement Notice
Address for bid submission/ further information: / Procurement Manager,
Kenya National Highways Authority,
Blueshield Towers Office,
Hospital Road,
Upper Hill, P.O. Box 49712-00100,
The Government of Kenya has received a loan from the African Development Bank to finance the Multinational Uganda – Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads Project. The Project is a multinational operation that provides an important link between Uganda and Kenya by connecting through the border post of Suam. The Kenya side of the project road is Suam-Kitale and Eldoret Town Bypass. The project road supports the regional integration objective of member countries of East African Community (EAC) and Great Lakes Region, especially Uganda and Kenya by connecting to Suam and further linking with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan. This is a transformative project that will contribute to socio-economic development, poverty reduction and regional integration in eastern Uganda and western Kenya. The project will also improve traffic congestion within Eldoret town along the Northern Corridor.
The Project involves the following components:
i) Lot 1: Construction of Eldoret Town Bypass Project (32Km). The works consist of grade separated junctions (Interchanges), one (1) no. major bridge truck parking facilities street lighting and approximately 5kms access road links into existing public facilities..
ii) Lot 2: Upgrading of Kitale-Endebess-Suam (45Km). The works consist of Construction of a dual carriageway through Kitale Town and upgrading of the section after Kitale town through Endebess Town to Suam (Border with Uganda). It will also include construction of a One Stop Border Post (OSBP) at Suam border. Please note that the procurement of the above works has already started through Advance Contracting.
i) Lot 1: Design Review and Construction supervision services
ii) Lot 2: Design Review and Construction supervision services
iii) Awareness and mitigation of HIV/AIDS, STI, TB, Malaria prevention and Gender mainstreaming and Road safety.
iv) Technical Audit
v) Bridge Management System
vi) Road Safety Study vii) Axle Load Management Study
viii) Training of unemployed youth Selection of Consultants for Design Review and Construction Supervision Services of Lots 1 and 2 has already started through Advance Contracting.
Requests for expression of interest for the remaining services are expected from May 2017.
Interested Bidders may obtain further information from:
Procurement Manager,
Kenya National Highways Authority,
Blueshield Towers Office,
Hospital Road,
Upper Hill, P.O. Box 49712-00100,
Construction of a mini-Slipway and Procurement of Slipway Service Equipment with Associated Works
Project ID No./ GM0080/81
Project Name: / Construction of a mini-Slipway and Procurement of Slipway Service Equipment with Associated Works
Country: / Gambia
Funding agency: / Islamic Development Bank
Last date of bid submission: / 25 July 2017
Address for bid submission/ further information: / Attn: Mr. Ebrima Cham
Director General
Kanifing Institutional Layout
Serrekunda, Kanifing Municipality, The Gambia
West Africa
Tel:(+220) 4375340/4375341/4375342/4375343
E-mail: ; ;
1. The Government of the Republic of The Gambia has received financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) towards the cost of the Enhancing Value Addition in the Groundnut Sector Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under contracts for the procurement of goods and equipment.
2. The Gambian Agency for the Management of Public Works (GAMWORKS),acting on behalf of the Gambia Groundnut Corporation (GGC),now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the following contract:
1 Construction of a mini-Slipway of 200 Ton and Procurement of Slipway Service Equipment and associated works US$25,000 ICB/GGC/WKS/001/17
3. Bidding will be conducted through the Open International Competitive Bidding (ICB-Open) procedures specified in the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works under IDB Financing. “The bid is open to bidders from both the IDB Member and non-Member Countries. Bidders from non-member countries are eligible to participate in this bid”.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and can inspect the Bidding Documents at the address noted below, from 8am to 5pm (GMT), Monday to Thursday and 8am to 12:00noon on Fridays.
5. Qualifications requirements are as noted in the Bidding Documents.
6. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written Application to the address below and upon payment of a non- refundable fee of GMD7,000 (Seven Thousand Gambian Dalasis) or US$150 (One Hundred and Fifty United States Dollars) or its equivalent in a freely convertible currency. Documents will be sent by email or courier for local delivery. The method of payment will be Cash or Bank Draft in the name of GAMWORKS payable in The Gambia or Bank Transfer.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12.00 noon on Tuesday, 25thJuly 2017. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 12.00 noon on Tuesday, 25th July 2017. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security from a reputable financial Institution of the amount noted in the table above or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency, in the format noted in the bidding document.
8. The address referred to above is:
Attn: Mr. Ebrima Cham
Director General
Kanifing Institutional Layout
Serrekunda, Kanifing Municipality, The Gambia
West Africa
Tel:(+220) 4375340/4375341/4375342/4375343
E-mail: ; ;
Project ID No.Project Name: / Oxygen Rooftop Solar Project
Country: / Zimbabwe
Funding agency: / African Development Bank
Last date of bid submission: / General Procurement Notice
Address for bid submission/ further information: / OXYGEN ENERGY (PVT) LTD
51 Van Praagh Avenue,
Milton Park, Harare Zimbabwe
Mr. Admire Rabvukwa:
Mr. Simbarashe Mhuriro:
Tel: +263 772 813 045 or +263 4 702 520
1. Oxygen Energy Ltd has received a grant from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) administrated by the African Development Bank to support preliminary activities required for the Oxygen Rooftop Solar Project to approach bankability and reach financial close.
2. The principal objectives of this project are to support the structuring of a bankable business case that is able to catalyze the commitment of financial partners for the development and construction of rooftop solar PV installations on existing buildings, tenanted mostly with SMEs, in Zimbabwe countrywide with a cumulative installed capacity of 20MW.
3. The project includes the following components :
1) Feasibility Studies. Investigation of Technical Feasibility of each of the intended project premise rooftops for solar PV panel installation. Each roof needs to be certified as a suitable location, otherwise ground installation may be advised, or location discarded altogether. Financial & Bankability Feasibility will investigate whether the business plan can translate into a viable project with healthy returns. This will especially take into account payment history of SMEs regarding their rent + utility bills as well as SME occupancy fluctuation history on all 156 premises. Preparation of Due Diligence Reports for the abovementioned DD investigations. The Quality and Cost-Based Selection will be the Procurement method to be used in the recruitment of the consultancy firm.
2) Transaction Structuring. Preparation and legal & regulatory verification of four sets of documents for four Project SPVs. Preparation of Grid Connection and Net Metering Framework Agreements. Preparation of five equity documents. Financial Advisory Services, Preparation of Project Framework Agreements to formulate commercial terms and lay down project timelines. Preparation of Government Support Agreement between MoFED and Oxygen Africa Ltd. (one of the shareholders in Holding Co. Oxygen Energy Ltd.) to allow for implementation of already-bestowed Prescribed Asset Status and National Project Status of Project. The Quality and Cost-Based Selection will be the Procurement method to be used in the recruitment of the consultancy firm.
4. Acquisition of the services of Consultants will follow the African Development Bank’s “Procurement Policy Framework for Bank Group Funded Operations as approved in October 2015” and as amended from time to time, which is available on the Bank’s website at Bidding documents are expected to be available in (end of Quarter 3 2017).
5. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting:
51 Van Praagh Avenue,
Milton Park, Harare Zimbabwe
Mr. Admire Rabvukwa:
Mr. Simbarashe Mhuriro:
Tel: +263 772 813 045 or +263 4 702 520
Nacala Corridor Business Linkages Technical Assistance Project: Consultancy Services for improved efficiency and competitiveness of local businesses in the construction sector in the Nacala Corridor in Mozambique
Project ID No./ P-MZ-KB0-001
Project Name: / Nacala Corridor Business Linkages Technical Assistance Project
Country: / Mozambique
Funding agency: / African Development Bank’s Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA)
Last date of bid submission: / 14.00hrs (GMT) on Thursday, 22 June 2017.
Address for bid submission/ further information: / The Investment Promotion Centre
Rua da Imprensa, 332 R/C
Project contact person: Mr. Antonio Macamo
Co-ordinator of Enterprise Linkage Services
Tel: +258 21313310/70
Cell: +258 82 307 1831
Caixa Postal 4635 Maputo Mozambique
The Republic of Mozambique, will receive financing from the African Development Bank’s Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA) towards the cost of implementing the Nacala Corridor Business Linkages Technical Assistance Project, and intends to apply part of the financing to payments under contract for Consultancy Services for improved efficiency and competitiveness of local businesses in the construction sector in the Nacala Corridor in Mozambique. The consultancy services under this assignment include:
A) Identification of partner companies, BDS providers, beneficiary SMEs in the construction sector and stakeholders in the business linkages’ program;