28 October 2003
Dear Member
South Wales & Western Branch Meeting
Postponement from Thursday 15th September 2005 to Wednesday 16th November 2005
The next meeting of the South Wales & Western Branch has been postponed from Thursday 15th September 2005 and rescheduled for Wednesday 16th November 2005.
The meeting will be hosted by Exeter City Council and we will meet at St George’s Hall, Exeter. Following refreshments, Members will have the opportunity to visit the closed Bartholomew’s Cemetery (1835), a short walk away. It is hoped that Members will also be able to visit the Exeter Catacombs situated within the cemetery. Upon our return to St George’s Hall we shall receive a presentation by Datafind Services, innovators in “intelligent archiving solutions”.
The Branch Meeting will commence following a buffet lunch and Tim Morris will be in attendance to update Members on latest initiatives and issues. A question and answer session will also be added in order to give Members the opportunity to discuss problems and issues with like-minded people.
Following the meeting a visit has been arranged to Higher Cemetery, a ten-minute drive from St George’s Hall. Opened in 1865, Higher Cemetery contains some interesting old memorials, including the memorial to the victims of the Theatre Royal Fire of 1887. A “trail” leaflet has been produced showing memorials of particular interest.
Guests of Members are very welcome to attend the morning and afternoon tours, lunch and Branch Meeting.
Please complete and fax the attendance slip attached to register your intention to attend.
I look forward to seeing you all at the re-scheduled Branch Meeting.
Yours sincerely
Joanna Hamilton
Branch Secretary
Wednesday 16th November 2005, St George’s Hall, Exeter
10.30 - Members meet at St George’s Hall Exeter
10.45 - Tour of St Bartholomew’s Cemetery and Catacombs
12.00 - Presentation by Datafind Services
12.30 - Lunch
1.30 - Branch Meeting
2.30 - Visit to Higher Cemetery
4.00 - Approximate end of day
Branch Meeting
1. Welcome
2. New Members of the Branch
3. Current ICCM initiatives (Questions and answers) – Tim Morris, ICCM Chief Executive
4. Open Forum
5. Any Other Business
6. Vote of Thanks
7. Close of Meeting
I will / will not* be attending the meeting To be held at St George’s Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday 16th November 2005
Organisation ………………………………………………………………………………………
I will be bringing ……………………………………………………………… (name of guest)
Please fax or email to:
Joanna Hamilton
Coychurch Crematorium
CF35 6AB
by no later than Monday 7th November 2005
Tel: 01656 656 605
Fax : 01656 668 108
*(please delete as appropriate)
Registered Office: ICCM National Office, City of London Cemetery, Aldersbrook Road, Manor Park, E12 5DQ
Tel: 020 8989 4661 Fax: 020 8989 6112 Website: www.iccm-uk.com
A Company Limited by Guarantee Founded 1913 – Incorporated 1958 London Register No. 610299