Two very different days on the beach!

I was walking quickly along a favourite stretch of beach with my head down pushing into the wind, trying to reach a little café cum art gallery on the estuary. As I battled on into the wind, I ignored what the sea was doing. I hardly looked at the beach, and only occasionally did I look up to see how much further I had to go in the biting wind.

As I sat in the café with my cup of steaming hot chocolate, I mused on the journey and how so much of our lives are spent like this. We struggle along not noticing very much of what is going on around us, pushing on to our own goal, struggling against all life appears to throw at us.

The following day was a very different day; the wind had dropped, it was much warmer and this time I strolled along the same beach. Now I noticed how the wind and high tides brought in drift wood – sea weed, large pebbles and shells. I saw the intricate patterns and shapes of smaller shells. I noticed all the water marks in the sand. There were many smaller birds scurrying around at the waters edge, as well as the ubiquitous gulls. There were tussocks of grass, small rivulets, most of which had been there before. I just hadn’t noticed them as I pushed forward into the wind!

Again, this made me think! Too often we are just too busy to notice the beauty of things that surround us!

Do we thank God for the glory of creation?

Then as one thought led to another, I was reminded of the Lent Course that many people of the churches in the Savernake Team were studying during the weeks leading up to Easter. In this we looked at signs of God’s glory in the world and the need to thank God for all he has done for us, and to tell people about it.

How often do we see God at work in this world, the Kingdom of God present here and now, and yet fail to recognise it? We are too busy pushing into the wind that we fail to recognise the work of God in relationships, in kindnesses, in justice, and most of all when people are forgiven and transformed! After all, we are still celebrating Easter, the day of resurrection, when lives were transformed by encounters with the risen Jesus. This continues to happen all around us, not just within the church. We just have to look up from our everyday lives and see the glory and give thanks to God and look for the signs of God at work in our communities.

With my love in Christ,



The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1(AV)

Date / Time and
Service / Sidesmen / Readers & Readings / Prayer / Flowers / Cleaners
7th May / 6pm Evensong / Carolyn
Chris / Carolyn: Acts 4:5-12
John B: Jn 10:11-18 / Chris / Isobel
14th May / 11am Village Comm. / Mary
Amanda / Bill W: Acts 8:26-40
Caroline: Jn 15:1-8 / Mary / Amanda / Bill & Ann
21st May / 11am Morning Worship / David
Mary / Joanna: Jn 15:9-17 / David / Betty
28th May / 9.30am Morning Worship / Vikki
Mary / Mary: Acts 1:15-17,21-26 or Jn 17:6-19 / RG / wedding / John & Janet

We welcome the Revd Richard Graham who will take Morning Worship at 9.30am on 28th May while the Revd Mary Edwards is away.

Monthly Munch will be at 1pm on Wednesday 3rd May at Providence Cottage

Choir Practices will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 3rd May at Providence Cottage, and then 10th, 17th and 24th in St Nicolas’.

Sunday Club will be on 7th May 10-11.30 at the Village Hall.

Reading of St Mark’s Gospel on Sunday 21st May at 6pm, at the Cross Keys.

An advert for this appears later in the Chronicle. We hope you will want to take the opportunity to hear the whole gospel for once - it should take about an hour and a half. The gospels were written to be read aloud - and surely tell the greatest story ever told!

Dates for your diaries!

Friday 5th May, 7.30pm in St Mary’s Collingbourne Kingston, Charles Barclay will give a talk on ‘Astronomical Archaeology, 6000 years of timeless knowledge in one hour’. Entry is free (with a retiring collection). Wine and refreshments will be served. A really fascinating evening!

Sunday 4 June, at 11.00am, Team Pentecost Service at Collingbourne Kingston. The Archdeacon of Sarum will preach and will be well worth hearing.

Sunday 2nd July, at 6pm, Team Songs of Praise at St Mary’s Chute Forest


Planning Applications

There are 3 applications to record:-

53400/Amended - Land opposite Jimila, Lower Chute. To erect house. No objection by PC.

54096 - Bakers Chute Cadley. Work to Yew trees. Under consideration by PC

54136 - Folly Cottage, Chute Cadley. To erect UPVC Conservatory. Under consideration by PC

There is 1 application outcome to record:-

53793 - Collis Farm: to retain riding arena/manege. No Objection by PC. Approved by KDC.

Voluntary Work

I have been approached by the ‘Volunteer Centre Kennet’ (a charity which seeks to match volunteers, or potential ones, with suitable opportunities). If you are interested please telephone 01672 564140 or e-mail .

Furniture Recycling

If you have an unwanted item of furniture, or a kitchen appliance, in useable condition, please contact Kennet Furniture Recycling on 01380 720722. Items collected will be passed on to residents in need.

The next (annual) meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for 7.30pm on Thursday 11th May 2006. Venue: Village Hall. As always, members of the public are welcome. The Agendas will be displayed at the four notice boards around the Parish and the minutes of the previous meetings will be displayed on the Council notice board at the Village Hall.

David Clark

Chute Parish Clerk (Tel 730782)


The last meeting of the council was a very routine affair with no planning applications to be discussed. Once again we looked at the problems of replacing our excellent Clerk, Sally Tweed. We had two tentative replies, but in the end, nothing came of them. We are now looking further afield and have approached the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils to see if any one was willing to help. The problem with employing what are professional clerks is that the expenses will be higher, as there will be travelling to be taken into account. Until the vacancy is filled I am taking over. Under the rules, no Councillor can be the Clerk and be paid a salary, but they can be both, as long as there is no money involved. I would hope that there is someone in the Chutes who will come forward. The work is not onerous and they would find that the Parish Council is a good one, with a lot of expertise.

These are the present Councillors with one more year to serve before the next election.

Pat Caddick

David Close {Vice Chairman}

David Milligan

David Pike

Rowan Cherrington {Chairman}

There are two meetings in May. The first is on the 18th when there is the Annual Meeting of the Parish. This is an opportunity for any parishioner to attend to hear the work of the council for the year and to receive reports from, among others, your local Councillors, the police, the playing fields, and hopefully the man who is in charge of our roads working for the Wiltshire County Council. Dennis Compton is retiring this year and this will be a chance to thank him and to ask questions. Do try and come the meeting starts at 7o’clock.

On the 25th May there is the annual meeting of the Parish Council. It is at this meeting when the officials are elected and also when we fill the posts on the local organisations such as the playing fields, the fete committee and the village hall.

I hope these notes are of interest, I will endeavour to keep all informed.

Rowan Cherrington



The Village hall are organising a FREE Bluebell and Spring Flower Walk, leaving the Village Hall at 2.00pm. 2 walks will be available:

·  A shorter walk, child and push chair friendly. No dogs will be permitted on this walk.

·  A longer but still very manageable walk, intended for adults or older children. Dogs will be allowed, but must be under close control.

Teas, cakes coffees, etc will be available after the walk, and there will be an opportunity to make donations, should any participant be so inclined!


Notice is given that the Village Hall AGM will be held on Tuesday 6th June, at the Village Hall.


The Chronicle Committee (Chris Stock, Lisa Jackson and Emma Hawkins) are delighted that Simon Falla has volunteered, post Fete, to join their band. We warmly welcome him aboard!


The talk in April was the last of this season’s talks organised by the Gardening Club. The next event will be

Plant Sale - 21st May 2005, 10.30 am

A wide range of perennials and annuals will be available at this years show, thanks to all the efforts of the club committee members and others in the village. Please do come along for the sale armed with carrier bags to carry away your purchases. We also need people to help at the sale. If you can help set up on the Saturday, or actually man a stall on the Sunday, please contact myself, or Eileen Soper on 730698.

Chute Gardening Club Plant Sale has a reputation for producing good quality plants at incredibly good prices, so make a note in your diary.

Trip to Hestercombe - Friday 30th June

The Gardening Club will subsidise this trip by paying for the garden entry for each person, the ticket price will now be £20 only. There are still places on this trip so please do contact myself or John Wood (730685), if you would like to come along.

Payment for the trip is required by the end of May. Cheques to be payable to Chute Gardening Club.

Flower Show – Saturday 22nd July

I promised to let you know a bit more about the Flower Show this month, but in reality there is little for me to say in addition to what was said last month. If you would like a copy of the schedule please do contact me and I will get one to you, otherwise they will be supplied in the normal way in the July Chronicle.

I know there are quite a few gardens around which have fantastic roses, so hopefully there will be a good entry for this year’s gardens competition. My favourite garden could be applied to any garden, large or small, front or back. If you would like to put your name forward for either of these competitions we would love to hear from you.

Sally Tweed

Secretary, Chute Gardening Club



The annual Chute v Chris Stock XI match has been fixed for Saturday 12th August, so if you’re interested in playing, spectating, or being involved in any other way whatsoever, put this date in your diary now!

I’m hoping to announce other dates soon, (unfortunately the Chronicle deadline was just a bit too soon!), but we hope to organise weekly practice sessions from Thursday 11th May, starting at 7pm. I will confirm this directly with those who have expressed an interest, so if you haven’t done so already, but might be interested a playing a few friendly cricket games this summer, let be know – preferably by e-mail () or give me a call on 730613.

Chris Stock


Will this year’s fete, on 17th June, be the biggest ever?

The Chinook Helicopter, (Fly out @ 4:00pm)

~Sports and Classics Cars~


Tug-of-War (Hatchett vs Cross Keys vs Cricketers vs Chute Club)

The Ever-Popular

FAMILY DOG SHOW, Start: 2 PM, Entries only £1

Huge Grand Draw with Fabulous Prizes

All the Usual Stalls


The Fox Inn at Tangley

Cordially invite you to a

Cheese and Wine Evening

Monday May 15th 2006

The wines will be presented by

Test Valley Wines Ltd

The leading family run wine merchants in Wessex.

Wines to be tasted will include wine from France, Australia, Chile, Italy and other leading growing areas.

This is intended to be a fun evening, so why not come along with friends and make a night of it?

Tickets £5.00

(only available in advance)

To include nibbles and wine.


Wed 3rd




Monthly Munch


Providence Cottage

Wed 3rd




Choir practice


Providence Cottage

Sat 6th


All day


Private function


Village Hall

Sun 7th




Sunday Club


Village Hall

Sun 7th




Bluebell and Spring Flower Walk


Village Hall

Mon 8th




Line Dancing


Village Hall

Wed 10th




Choir practice


St Nicolas

Thurs 11th




Cricket practice


Playing Fields

Thurs 11th




Chute Parish Council AGM


Village Hall

Sat 13th




Savernake Team Children Event


Village Hall

Mon 15th




Line Dancing


Village Hall

Wed 17th

/ /

Wednesday Club


Wed 17th




Choir practice


St Nicolas

Thurs 18th




Cricket practice


Playing Fields

Thurs 18th




Chute Forest Parish Council AGM


Village Hall

Sat 20th


pm / evening


Gardening Club set up