KASADA Executive Committee Meeting
Moulton 3rd Floor Conference Room
In attendance:Steven Antalvari, Christine Connors, Lisa Froning, Stephanie Walker
Not in attendance: Liz Driscoll, Joanna Liedel, Millie Therrien,Amy Wilkens
- Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 1:00
- Review of Minutes – Minutes from 2/22/13 were approved
- Treasury Membership Update(Stephanie)
- See attachment to email for Treasury update
- We got $500 for NACADA Region 5 Grant – Steven will follow-up with Jennifer Moore about accepting the money on paper and Stephanie will be at the Region 5 conference to accept the money in person
- Committee Updates
- Communication (Millie)
- Registration email to listservs
- When to go out – March 25 (Save the Date), April 2 (with agenda and breakout sessions), & April 22 (reminder that April 30 is deadline)
- Professional Development
- Wednesday, April 17th Meet Up (Steven)
- Viking Vineyards
- Conference
- Call For Proposal is live and on the website
- Last day is Monday to submit – Chris will send one last email today – we have a total of 10, hope to get to 12
- Registration link is live and on the website
- Regional Campus
- The regional campus update was March 12th at Twinsburg
- Great work Liz!!
- Email from Liz: My only update is that Joanna and I have been discussing the College Updates in May and that she has a tentative agenda and will be contacting the presenters shortly if she hasn’t already.
- New Business
- KASADA Conference Proposal (Steven) - Joanna and Steven will be doing a breakout session at the conference about the role of KASADA and where the group is going
- KASADA Committees (Stephanie) – Stephanie emailed a list of the members of each committee, when people renew their membership they will be able to choose again, for the next meeting Stephanie will bring descriptions/purpose for each committee for the Executive board to review
- Elections – Steven will draft an email about KASADA Officers so that the membership can vote electronically in April, election results will be announced at May conference, be thinking about who would be great for a position
- Retreat for KASADA Officers - June
- Old Business
- Scholarship applications? No applications were submitted, money will go toward conference
- Steven will make final revisions to the by-laws, get that document to Millie so she can convert to a Google doc for the membership to vote & approve
- Announcements
- Adjournment