World Bank Carbon Finance Unit
Annual Meeting of the Host Country Committee
8-9 May, 2006; Cologne
Room “Europasaal”, 1st Floor, Koelnmesse
Objectives of the meeting
To seek advise from, and engage members of the Host Country Committeeon a dialogue around “post 2012”, including the need to ensure market continuity, means and options for engagement;
To stimulate a discussion around CDM and JI policy updates, including developments around and progress on programmatic CDM;
Update and progress on the status of the HCC work program
Day I:Beyond the First Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol8:30
/ Breakfast9:00
/ Welcome Xuedu Lu, Chair of the Host Country CommitteeJoelle Chassard, Manager, World Bank Carbon FundsAdoption of AgendaRoundtable Discussion: The need for a regulatory framework beyond 2012 and market continuity
- A dialogue between members of the Host Country Committee and other experts -
9:15 / POST 2012 and Market Continuity
Moderator: Venkata Ramana Putti, World Bank
Joanna Lewis, PewCenter for Climate Change
Rajesh Sethi, Ministry of Environment and Forests, India
Hiroshi Yamagata, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
Andrei Marcu, IETA
Xuedu Lu, China
Miguel Angel Cervantes, SEMARNAT, Mexico
Johannes Heister, World Bank
/ Coffee Break11:15
/ - continuation of post 2012 discussion -Discussion with the audience
12:30 / Wrap-up of Panel /Next Steps – Johannes Heister, The World Bank
/ Lunch14:15 / Update on Methodological Issues
Felicity Spors, The World Bank
/ Parallel SessionCoordinators: Martina Bosi and Klaus Oppermann, World Bank
Status/ updates programmatic CDM – World Bank
Discussant: Marcela Main, Chile / Parallel Session
Coordinator: Felicity Spors, World Bank
Vlad Trusca, Romania
Status of Joint Implementation and Green Investment Schemes
16:20 / Coffee
16:45 / Update on CF Assist activities and work program issues
Moderators: Konrad von Ritter, World Bank Institute
- CF Assist work program update – Charles Cormier and Venkata Ramana Putti
- Report and updates on HCC work program 2005 – Charles Cormier
Election of the New HCC Chair
Next meeting/other HCC issues
-a roundtable discussion with buyers and sellers –
Moderator: Charles Cormier, World Bank
Chandra Sekhar Sinha, World Bank
Marcela Main, Chile
Rajesh Sethi, India
Pablo Fernandez, ENDESA
Shin Oya, Japan Carbon Fund
Miguel Cervantes, Mexico
Samir Tanawi, Egypt (tbc)
Marcos Castros, Ecuador
Michael Fubi, RWE
-discussion –
11:30 -12:15 / A discussion on improving regional distribution of CDM projects
Johannes Heister, The World Bank
Washington Zakhata/Bwango Apuuli and/or
New chair of the HCC
Philippe Bosse, AFD
12:15 – 12.30 / Closing remarks – Warren Evans, The World Bank