On joint motion of all Councilmembers present, the following resolution was offered:
A resolution ratifying a two (2) year agreement with Perez, APC for providing professional architectural and engineering services on an as-needed basis for architectural related projects located throughout the Parish for a total not-to-exceed annual fee of $500,000.00. (Parishwide)
WHEREAS, on August 18, 2010 by virtue of Resolution No. 115008, the Jefferson Parish Council selected the firm of Perez, APC to provide professional architectural and engineering services on an as-needed basis for architectural related projects located throughout the Parish; and
WHEREAS, the maximum cumulative fee that can be charged for all work on this contract shall not exceed $500,000.00 annually unless increased by contract amendment approved by the Jefferson Parish Council; and
WHEREAS, all services shall be provided on an as-needed basis and there shall be no guarantee as to the amount of work given on a yearly basis; and
WHEREAS, issuance of a notice-to-proceed under this agreement shall be contingent upon the availability of funds for each individual project; and
WHEREAS, Perez, APC is authorized to provide these services with support from All South Consulting Engineers, JBA Consulting Engineers, Professional Service Industries, Inc., R.W. Krebs Professional Land Surveying, Canzoneri & Associates, LLC, and Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux Consultants, Inc.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Jefferson Parish Council of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said Parish:
SECTION 1. That the Council does hereby ratify the terms of the two (2) year agreement with Perez, APC for providing professional architectural and engineering services on an as-needed basis for architectural related projects located throughout the Parish for a total not-to- exceed annual fee of $500,000.00.
SECTION 2. That the Chairman of the Jefferson Parish Council, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, be and is authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to give full force and effect to this resolution.
SECTION 3. That the fees paid under this agreement shall be charged to account number 7331 of the user department.
SECTION 4. That all services shall be provided on an as-needed basis and there shall be no guarantee as to the amount of work given on an annual basis.
SECTION 5. That issuance of a notice-to-proceed under this agreement shall be contingent upon the availability of funds for each individual project.
SECTION 6. That Perez, APC is authorized to provide these services with support from All South Consulting Engineers, JBA Consulting Engineers, Professional Service Industries, Inc., R.W. Krebs Professional Land Surveying, Canzoneri & Associates, LLC, and Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux Consultants, Inc.
The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
The resolution was declared to be adopted this the 22nd day of September, 2010.