Makerere and Xiangtan University to start academic collaboration

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Xiangtan University of China have opened ties for collaboration in terms of research, staff and student exchange.

This was reached during a meeting among the staff from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), the College of Engineering Design,Art and Technology (CEDAT) and Chinese delegation from Xiangtan University held on May 9, 2012 at the School of Agricultural Sciences Conference Room.

The six man delegation from China was led by Xiangtan University Vice President who is also Professor of Economics and Doctoral Supervisor, Dr. Liu Changgeng. The team had earlier met with staff in the colleges of Health Sciences(CHS), College of Humanities and Social Sciences(CHUSS) and destined to meet the staff in the School of law.

Dr Liu Changgeng said, China and Makerere University signed a memorandum of understanding in October 2011 and agreed to strengthen academic cooperation with specific focus on petroleum, chemical engineering, water control research, law and some aspects in agriculture.

We wish to strengthen our collaboration in Agricultural food engineering and environmental protection so that we can achieve mutual knowledge through student and staff exchange” Dr. Liu said adding that Xiangtan University agricultural programmes focus on food production technology, food chemistry and mechanics.

The Principal College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Prof. Samuel Kyamanywa highlighted the college structure under the collegiate system, the student enrolment, human resources, programmes and research activities undertaken in the college.

Prof. Kyamanywa hailed the Chinese for choosing Makerere for collaboration pledging his commitment to partner with Xiangtan University. “We welcome this collaboration and my college is willing to join the partnership for mutual benefit. We will particularly be interested in having student and staff exchange as a beginning point”. Prof. Kyamanywa said.

He also said that the college was planning to shift to the off campus site at Kabanyolo to expand enrolment, improve infrastructure and enhance practical teaching and extension services adding that the university was looking forward to the Chinese government for financial support.

A team from the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) led by Dr. Charles Niwagaba presented the college structure, programmes, human resources and student population highlighting existing and proposed research activities that require technical expertise and human resources to strengthen them.

Some of the areas pointed out included programmes in chemical engineering, civil engineering, geo engineering and construction management in different research in regard to L. Victoria as an essential natural resource impacting on fishing, navigation, agriculture and electricity generation.

“We are discussing to start a program in chemical engineering and I think this kind of collaboration will open our door to move faster to establish the chemical engineering programme” Dr. Niwagaba said.

He said although CEDAT collaborates with different institutions with well established staff at professorial level worldwide, the college has young lecturers who need support to advance their career to enhance their contribution to national development.

The staff and the visiting delegates shared ideas on common national and international programme and research activities in the two universities including sponsorship and entry points and agreed to start on exchange of ideas.