Tallahassee Ballet Field Trip Information
Dear Families,
We will be going on a field trip to attend a performance of The Nutcracker put on by The Tallahassee Ballet. We will be discussing characters, settings, fact/fiction and problem/solution in class before attending the field trip to help prepare the students for the performance.
Each child will need to return the permission slip and a fee of $10.00 to attend the field trip. We will be taking a school bus to Ruby Diamond Auditorium on Florida State University’s campus. Any parents who would like to help please speak with your child’s teacher as soon as possible. Cost for parent chaperones is $14.00.
Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Time: Be at school at 8:30 a.m buses leave at 9:30 a.m
Permission Slips & Money Due: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
If you have any questions please let your teacher know.
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_____ My child has permission to go to the Tallahassee Ballet, enclosed is $10 for admission.
_____ My child will not be attending the fieldtrip to the Tallahassee Ballet.
_____ I will CHAPERONE and ride the bus (first-come, first-served, since there is limited seating), enclosed is $14 for admission
_____ I will drive my own vehicle and follow the bus, enclosed is $14 for admission
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print student name sign and print parent name