- BE ON TIME!!! Be in class BEFORE the tardy bell rings! Have your pencil(s) sharpened and all other materials readily available at your desk.
- BE PREPARED FOR CLASS!!! You will NOT be allowed to leave my classroom to retrieve forgotten items.
- Speak only when given PERMISSION to do so in order to maintain an orderly environment.
- REMAIN SEATED in your designated area for the duration of class. Do not move from your area without permission! Trash must be placed under your desk until the end of the block.
- NO FOOD, drinks, candy, or gum allowed in my classroom at any time.
- Do not hinder the educational process of another student!!!
- NO CELL PHONES or other electronic devices are to be seen or used in class unless provided by your teacher.
- 1ST OFFENSE: You will receive a written warning which will be considered a classroom infraction.
- 2nd OFFENSE: Your parent will be notified.
- 3rd OFFENSE: You will serve after school detention and your parents will again be notified.
- 4th OFFENSE: Office referral will be submitted.
***NOTE: You will automatically be moved to the next level if you do not serve your penalty or if you report late to detention.
- HOMEWORK will be assigned at the discretion of your teacher. Students are to place homework in the assigned homework basket (following the initial day of the assignment).
- BELLRINGERS will be assigned daily and will be checked once every two weeks. You are expected to begin working on your bellringer upon entering class. You will retrieve your materials for class from your backpack and immediately begin with your bellringer. In the instance that you have completed your bellringer assignment before you have been given further instructions, you are expected to review material that you have already received/covered.
- NO CELL PHONES ARE ALLOWED IN CLASS!!! You may NOT use your phone or any other electronic devices to take notes or for any other reason during class. If your cell phone is visible, it will be confiscated until the end of class as your first warning. Upon a second offense, I will keep your cell phone until the end of the school day. In the instance of a third offense, your cell phone (or other electronic device) will be confiscated and turned in to the office.
- As mentioned above, TRASH will remain at your desk until the end of class. You will not be allowed to get up and throw away materials during class. Walking during class when not instructed to do so is a hindrance in the educational process of other students.
- In the case that you have forgotten your PENCIL for class. I will loan you a PENCIL, and you will loan me your SHOE. Your shoe will be returned once my pencil is returned!!!
- In order to leave my class, you will be required to show me a HALL PASS from the teacher that needs to see you. You will not be allowed to leave my classroom without bringing me a pass!!! No exceptions!!!
- 1ST and 2ND BLOCKS: You will be given 4 BATHROOM PASSES per 9-weeks. If you do not use ANY of your bathroom passes during the 9-week timeframe, you will be rewarded with 5 bonus points on your exam. If you exceed the number of allowed bathroom passes, you will be required to serve a teacher afterschool detention. The times allotted for using your bathroom pass will be within the first 15 minutes of class or the last 15 minutes of class.
- 3RD BLOCK: will be given 3 BATHROOM PASSES per 9-weeks since we will have a break for lunch. If you do not use ANY of your bathroom passes during the 9-week timeframe, you will be rewarded with 5 bonus points on your exam.
- 3rd BLOCK ONLY: Three minutes before we are scheduled to be in the cafeteria for LUNCH, we will line up to proceed to the cafeteria, you will only be required to line up when we are in the halls of buildings. When leaving the cafeteria, you will line up at the bottom of the stairway between the main building and the gym and wait until I get a headcount before proceeding back to class. If you are not in line at the allotted time, you will be immediately written up for being out of area!!! I will NOT look for you!!!
It is the student’s responsibility to make up work due to an absence. All work shall be made up for excused and unexcused absences. Make-up shall begin immediately upon the return of the student to school. The number of days allowed for a student to make up missed work will be equal to the number of days missed. (Example: if you miss three days, you will have 3 days to make up missed work.) It is the responsibility of the student, on the first day back to school, to arrange with the teachers for the assignment of missed work. Failure to complete the work in the time period specified will result in a grade of zero “0” for the missed work. (BHS HANDBOOK PG.15)
Promptness is a virtue that becomes a habit. Students are expected to be in class on time each period. Parents who transport their children to school are encouraged to have students at school on time. Students who are late must check in through the attendance office. Parents must accompany students to the office if arriving to school after 8:00. Students will be allowed two opportunities per nine week period to check in late with a parent and receive no consequences. Thereafter, late check in to school (even if accompanied by a parent), will result in an After School Detention. (BHS HANDBOOK PG.13)
All rules as is in the BHS 2017-2018 Student Handbook will be strictly enforced!!! (BHS HANDBOOK 42-43)
By signing below, you agree that you have read and gained a clear understanding of the classroom rules, procedures, and consequences discussed.
Student signature X______Date____