Minutes of the Parish Advisory Council of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church
Held on Monday 9th June 2014
Present ---Richard Seamarks (Chair) Mark Slane(Vice Chair), Celia Sharland, , Father Cenydd, Richard Maloney, Arthur Staton, Denise Lissaman, Lindsaye Briscoe, Janet Winter, Mary Merron, John McGowan, Gavin Mcaleer, Paul Bennett
Apologies -- Phil King
Father Cenydd gave the opening prayer.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Appointing a new Secretary
Lindsaye Briscoe and Denise Lissaman were appointed as the new PAC secretaries. Many thanks Lindsaye and Denise.
Matters Arising.
The Fire Door in the Parish Rooms has now been completed – need to check it’s always closed correctly however.
10 X 8ft folding tables - £180 each. Look at Go Pak – http://www.gopak.co.uk/products/folding-tables/ for more information as the tables in the church hall do need replacing when funds allow for this. Tupsley Church has these. Mark and Richard to investigate.
Parish Redecoration
Ongoing - £1432 raised as at 11th May 14. The PAC took onboard the comments made by Mr Flatley at the AGM regarding the opportunity cost of having money in the deposit account, versus using some of this to assist with the church redecoration.
Buildings/Grounds Maintenance
Arthur said that the statue of Our Lady still had her hand missing, this has been fixed a number of times, at present Jim Meenaghan has it in his possession. It was decided to try one again to fix the hand. Arthur is sorting this.
Lock on Lady’s toilet door needs fitting. This should be dealt with now.
Disabled Toilet are not in a good state – no toilet seat. Needs to be dealt with.
Get a unisex Toilet or a male one. This will be dealt with during the redecoration
Benches in garden – Some are quite old and falling apart. Plaques to be relocated to somewhere suitable around Church. Celia – To put a notice in the newsletter to inform parishioners of this..
Window sills do need replacing – 1 in Naive and 2 in Lady Chapel. Mark to contact Roman Glass for a quote.
Arthur has put up a slippery path warning sign and Mark to apply patio cleaner.
Church Carpet – We would like to replace, but funds don’t facilitate this at present.
Window Cleaning – decision to d o the church quarterly and house half yearly.
It was noted that the church doesn’t have storm drains!
Guttering also needs to be done at the top of the Church. Possible to add hedge hog brushes to prevent leaves from building up. Mark to request a quote from Mayglothline.
A 3 tier ladder has kindly been donated.
£4 too expensive for a social, but acknowledged we must cover costs
Barn Dance a possibly idea for September – could put an advert out in Polish. Denise knows a singer
Bingo attendees are falling, in fact outs is the oldest Bingo in Hereford. This may have to close as a result of dropping numbers.
Other ideas included:
*Lunch time outing / craft / knitting
* Games Night
* Darts
* Race Night
* Childrens Disco
* Pimms & Pudding
* Tea Dance
* Safari Meal – i.e Starter at 1 house, main at another and pudding and a another house
Decision made to rebrand the Tote – to our “Our Lady’s lotto” Re-do some posters and translate in to Polish.
Decision made to look into having a Bouncy Castle for the BBQ.
Pilgrimages were discussed. Possible places are as follows. Richard to ask parishioners where they would like to go.
· Lourdes
· Rome & Assisi
· Poland
· Fatima
· Shroud of Turin
1 day visit to Stoneyhurst happening on July 18th.
Alarm monitoring – If the system goes down it can SMS people – Mark to get a quote. Alternative is check daily to ensure everything is functioning correctly.
For the next agenda – Include Father having 1 day off a week & Expanding the Church Shop.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting was fixed as Monday 28th July2014
Father Cenydd closed the meeting with a prayer