09:00-09:30 / REGISTRATION
09:30-10:15 / OFFICIAL OPENING
Ms. Katarzyna Sobierajska, Under-Secretary for Tourism ofPoland
Mr.Taleb Rifai,UNWTO Secretary-General
Mr.Jerzy Gorzelik,DeputyMarshal of Silesia
Ms. Malgorzata Manka-Szulik,Mayor of Zabrze
10:15-10:30 / Introductory Remarks
Mr. Sławomir Ratajski, Secretary-General, Polish National Commission for UNESCO
10:30-10:45 / Findings of the UNWTO Survey on “Industrial Heritage in the European National Tourism Policies”
Mr.Henryk Handszuh, Chairman, Scientific Council, International Documentation and Research Centre on Industrial Heritage for Tourism, Zabrze, POLAND
10:45-11:10 / Coffee Break
11:15-12:00 / Industrial Heritage for Sustainability and Innovation
Ms. Anna Wieczorek and Mr.Tomasz Bugaj , Historic Hard Coal Mine “GUIDO” in Zabrze, POLAND
Mr. Adam Hajduga, Deputy Director,Promotion and International Cooperation Dept. Marshal Office of Silesia
Mr. Piotr Kossobudzki, Copernicus Science Center, POLAND
Mr. Cezary Molski, Director of Regional Cooperation Department, Polish Tourist Organization, POLAND
12:00-12:20 / The Growing Attractiveness of Industrial Heritage to the Public
Mr. Andre Dubuc, Managing Director of the Mining History Centre, Lewarde, FRANCE
12:20-12:40 / The Transformation of 900 Year Old Wine Cellars into a Successful Modern Tourism Project-
The LOISIUM Wine Resorts - Austria
Ms. Susanne Kraus Winkler, Managing Partner, LOISIUM Wine&Spa Resorts, AUSTRIA
12:40-13:00 / Tourism at the World Heritage Site “Zollverein” – Challenges, Chances and Risks
Ms. Martina Tendick, Tourism Coordinator, Foundation Zollverein, GERMANY
13:00-13:20 / Company Guided Tours as Tourist Attractions. A case of success: Made in Torino.Tour the Excellent.
Mr. Luca Savoja, Associate Professor of Sociology of Tourism , University of Turin, ITALY
Ms. Francesca Coss, Product Developer "Made in Torino", TurismoTorino e Provincia, Turin,ITALY
13:20-14:20 / Lunch
14:20-14:40 / Using Military Historical Heritage as a Tourist Attraction: Converting Ukrainian Military Bases into Museums
Mr. Viktor Karpov, Director, NationalMuseum of the Armed Forces, UKRAINE
14:40-15:00 / Space Tourism in Russia – New Opportunities
Mr. Oleg Panasyuk, Deputy Manager and PR Director, International Association of Space Activities, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
15:00-15:20 / Routes and Marketing of Industrial Tourism in Catalonia and South France
Mr.Eusebi Casanelles i Rahola,Director of theMuseum of Science and Technique of Catalonia and Former President of TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage), SPAIN
15:20-16:55 / PANEL DISCUSSION:“How to Make Good Use of Public Measures and the Work of International Organizations for an Attractive Tourism Product Based on Industrial Heritage”
Panellists: Representatives of MemberStates, International Organizations, etc.
Moderator: Ms. Cordula Wohlmuther, Deputy Regional Director for Europe, UNWTO
16:55-17:00 / Conclusions
Mr. Zoltan Somogyi, Executive Director for Member Relations and Services, UNWTO