Beginning iPad

·  Download iPad manual in iBooks. Consider iPad Tips & Tricks (Davies) and/or iPad 2 Tips and Tricks for Beginners (Liu).

·  Sleep/Wake Button and Side Switch

·  Settings (“General” is where most of your settings will take place). One tap of the “home” button will get you to settings quickly. Also, settings can be changed on the multi-tasking bar (use 4 fingers to swipe upward or tap home button twice, slide finger to right). “Siri” is available for iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, and new iPad (voice – can ask it questions, it can launch apps by speaking the apps name).

·  Spotlight Search (Settings – General – Spotlight Search)

·  Practice with ”Notes” (these are general rules with typing on an iPad). Use “General Settings” to set up typing/editing tools.

·  Add YouTube (adding websites to screen)

·  Using the “Search” (home page)

·  Adding Apps (Note that apps can allow further tweaking: Settings – look for app name on left side.) Toggle between IPad and IPod to search apps.

·  Pulling apps from “the cloud” for other iPads

·  How to “zoom in” (touch to return)

·  Camera/Video and Making your iPad a “Picture Frame.” This can be customized in “Settings.” Photo Stream enables photos to be shared across all devices and computers.

Keyboard Tricks:

  1. Double tap space bar for period and space.
  2. Double tap shift key for “all caps.”
  3. Hold down letter keys to see similar letters.
  4. Tap the picture of a keyboard to “hide” the keyboard.
  5. Hold down picture of a keyboard to “split” or “dock” (set the keyboard back to the bottom of the screen)the keyboard. Hold down picture again to revert back.
  6. Use “Settings – General” to find more keyboards, and specific editing choices.
  7. You can add more keyboard choices through “Settings” – “General.”
  8. If you just want to type one number quickly, hold the “.?123” key and slide your finger to the number you want. Let go. The keyboard will revert back to the alphabet keys automatically.

Updating/Synchronizing iPad:

When you go into iTunes to update or synchronize your iPad, connect the USB port to your computer. Once you’re in iTunes, synchronizing will be done UNLESS you hold-down “shift-control” (PC) or “command-option” (Mac). Also, if you don’t want automatic synchronizing, you can slide the unlock bar on your iPad to stop the process.

Rearranging Apps:

  1. Hold your finger on the app’s icon until it “wiggles.”
  2. With your finger on the app, slide it into a different position and just let go.
  3. Press the home button to save.
  4. You can delete an app by following step 1 and hitting the “x.”

Create Folders on Your iPad:

  1. If you want to organize your iPad for easier use, you can create folders.
  2. Pick two icons that have similar characteristics (e.g. they’re both brain games, or practice with fractions)
  3. Tap one of the icons until it “wiggles” and then slide it on top of the other icon.
  4. A box will appear. This puts both icons in the same folder. You can name the folder what you would like.
  5. Press the home button to save.
  6. Folders can be edited by holding down an icon in the folder (until it wiggles) and you can retype a title.

iBooks Features:

·  Navigation Guide (tap top or bottom of page)

·  Bookmarks

·  Notes

·  Highlight

·  Define

·  Speak (use “General” – Accessibility – Speak Selection)

·  Clear choices

·  Find “Bookmarks” and “Notes” in Table of Contents

“Accessibility” for impaired physical/motor, blind/low vision, hearing impaired, learning difficulties:

·  Larger Text

·  Text to Speech (using Voiceover/ Speak Selection)

·  Guided Access

·  Speak Auto-Text (speaks suggested words as you type)

·  Dictation (3rd generation)

·  Zoom

·  AssistiveTouch

·  Anytime you want to see a larger view, pinch out. Then, tap screen to go back to regular view.

How to Maximize Your iPad’s Battery Life:

·  Keep you device out of the sun

·  Reduce the brightness of the screen

·  Make sure the screen locks quickly

·  Use “airplane mode” if you don’t need internet

·  Eliminate/Reduce mail and calendar checking

·  Eliminate/Reduce push notifications

·  Eliminate/Reduce system sounds

·  Disable location services

·  Disable Bluetooth, if you don’t need it

·  Disable vibrate feature in games, if you don’t need it

·  Close simultaneously running apps (from multi-tasking)

How to Lock an iPad Screen:

  1. Tap on the “Settings” icon.
  2. Under “General,” tap on “Passcode Lock.”
  3. Tap “Turn Passcode On.” (You can change to a more complicated passcode by turning off “Simple Passcode.)
  4. Put in a 4-letter or 4-number password.
  5. You can tap on “Erase Data.” However, if you don’t put in the right code, your IPad will be completely wiped if it’s not put in correctly 10 times in a row.
  6. Each time your iPad is turned on, you will have to enter the 4-digit pin in order to access any of your content.

How to Get Out of a Freeze by Rebooting (follow these steps in order):

1.  Press the home button twice (for the multi-tasking bar) and hold your finger on the app (until it wiggles). Then, click the “x” to get out of the app.

2.  Hold down the sleep/wake button on the side/top; wait for a red slider to appear (don’t slide it); let go of the sleep/wake button; and hold down the home button for a force quit.

3.  If the iPad is still frozen, hold down the sleep/wake button on the side/top. Wait for the red slider to appear and slide it across. Then, turn on the iPad in the normal fashion.

4.  To reboot, hold the sleep/wake button and the home button at the same time until it reboots. Let go of the buttons as soon as it reboots.

Surfing the Web with “Safari”

·  You can choose your search engine through “Settings” - “Safari.”

·  When you access a website, you have options to bookmark it or add it to our home screen by clicking on rectangle with arrow (top left).

·  If you have a long webpage, you can go back to the top quickly by tapping the top of your Browser.

·  When tapping the book icon, you have 3 choices: Bookmarks (icon is book), History of Searches (icon is clock) and Reading List (icon is glasses).

·  In settings, you can choose to see your bookmark bar every time: Settings – Safari – Always Show Bookmarks Bar.

·  Use the plus sign (top right) to open more websites.

·  If you’re looking for a word on the page, tap the search bar. The keyboard will appear with its’ own search. Type in your word above the keyboard.

·  iPad can fill in forms automatically. First, add yourself as a contact. Then, go to Settings – Safari – AutoFill – Use Contact Info. Finally, select the contact person.

·  The iPad can remember logon details: Settings – Safari – AutoFill – Username and passwords.

·  If you see a “Reader” icon at the end of the web address, you can open the page in Reader view (clearer view of texts and pictures and can adjust font size).

·  To save images from Safari: Tap and hold image until pop-up appears; save image; find image in “Photos.”

How to clear “Safari” browsing history, caches, and cookies:

  1. Under Settings, tap on “Safari” (left hand column). In the right column, you will see a place to click on “Clear History,” “Clear Cookies,” and “Clear Cache.”

Accessing “Recently Used” Apps:

  1. Press home button twice or swipe 4 fingers upward.
  2. View/launch recently used apps.
  3. Swipe to the right for brightness, median, or sound.

Add an app to your iPad Dock (bottom tray):

  1. The dock can hold 6 apps.
  2. Choose the app you want to put in the doc and hold your finger on the app until it starts wiggling.
  3. Slide the app over the doc and release your finger.
  4. Now the app will show on all of your iPad pages.

How to take a screen shot of your iPad:

  1. Tap the home button and power button (on the side) at the same time.
  2. You will hear the screen shot being taken.
  3. Look in “photos” for the screen shot.
  4. You can email the photo to yourself (use arrow at top of screen).

How to add pdf files and read in iBooks:

How to import documents to pages on your iPad:

How to insert photos in a Pages document using iPad and share it as a PDF:

How to remove the “Sent from My iPad” Signature:

How to disable installing apps to iPad:

How to print from your iPad:

Other iPad questions? See

Free downloadable Quick Reference Card for iPad:

Websites for Suggested Educational iPad apps: (up to and including 5th grade) (beginning readers)