Board of Social Work Examiners

New Mexico Board of Social Work Examiners


Friday, July 13, 2012 11:00 a.m.

Regulations and Licensing Department, Toney Anaya Building, 2550 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505



At 11:05 a.m. the Board Chair, Alfredo Garcia, called the New Mexico Board of Social Work Examiners July 13, 2012, meeting to order.


Chair: Would the Administrator take a roll call?


Alfredo Garcia, Chair

Romaine Serna

Ann Swanson

Louise Tracey-Hosa

Judith Britton

Brahna Wilczynski


Ellen Costilla


Tanya Maestas, Assistant Attorney General


Monica Garcia, Board Administrator

Laura Romero-Halama, Compliance Liaison

Elisa Salazar, Administrative Assistant

Chair: Roll Call was taken by Ms. Monica Garcia and a quorum was determined present.

(Refer to sign-in Sheet for Other Guests)


Romaine Serna made a MOTION to approve the agenda as amended. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Amendments: 4.4 Committee assignments


3.1 December 16, 2011

Romaine Serna made a MOTION accept Regular Meeting as amended. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Amendments: Typos 5.1 line 11 add‘s to board’s and the last line add s to social workers.


4.1 NIWA CEU Considerations

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to disapprove for 30 hours but can use as 10 hours of self-select. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

4.2 2011 ASWB Examination Pass Rates

Board administrator gave board for an FYI.

4.3 NMRVCTP-Vadra Baca

Anna Swanson made a MOTION to accept to participate letter will be sent out. Romaine Serna SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

4.4 Committee Assignments-

Culture Committee- Romaine Serna, Lousie Tracey-Hosa

Complaint Committee- Anna Swanson, Romaine Serna


No old business


Chair: I will hear a motion for closure of the meeting to enter into Executive Session.

Board Member Dr. Garcia: I move that the New Mexico Board of Social Work Examiners close this meeting in order to enter into Executive Session to discuss the items listed in the agenda. Pursuant to Sections 10-15-1.H. (1) of the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed sessions for matters related to issuance, suspension, renewal, revocation of a license.

Board Member Romaine Serna made a motion and Anna Swanson second the motion.

Chair: Would the Administrator take a roll call vote to enter into Executive Session?

Roll Call Vote:

__Yes__ Alfredo Garcia, Chair

_Absent __ Ellen Costilla

_ Yes__ Romaine Serna

_ Yes__ Ann Swanson

_ Yes___ Louise Tracey-Hosa

__Yes __Judith Britton

__Yes __Brahna Wilczynski

Chair: The motion is approved by unanimous approval. Let the record show that at 12:15 pm. the Board entered into closed session and the recorder has been turned off.

6.2 Katherine D. Armijo Etre

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to deny her request.

Ann Swanson SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.3 Tony Bobadilla

Judith Britton made a MOTION to approve application for licensure. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.4 Shannon E. Caswell

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to approve application for licensure. Ann Swanson SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.5 Claudia W. Gopp

Judith Britton made a MOTION to deny her request. Romaine Sernan SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.6 Alicia D. Holder

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to approve request to receive credit for hours in another state as calculated by board staff. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.7 Anita Fairman

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to approve application for licensure. Ann Swanson SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.8 Nikka Peralta

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to approve application for licensure, and must submit any other conviction that may occur. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.9 Erika Ann Milo

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to approve application for licensure. Ann Swanson SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.10 Lori Vallejos

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to approve application for licensure. Ann Swanson SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.11 Nathan Padilla

Matter was tabled

6.12 Roberta Jim

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to Deny Request. Ann Swanson SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.13 Demian Rubalcaba-Dismiss

Ann Swanson made a MOTION to dismiss and move forward. Romaine Serna SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.14 SW-10-06-09 – Daniel O’Brien

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to issue a Default Order revoked for 5 years and recommended penalty $500.00 deadline of 30 days date of order. Ann Swanson SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.15 SW-10-07-12 – Wayne Elmer Wittkop

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to issue an Order to Show Cause. Romaine Serna SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.16 SW-11-09-17

Brahna Wilczynski made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there is no evidence to support findings of violations. Judith Britton SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.17 SW-11-11-18

Lousie Tracey-Hosa made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board and the matter is non-jurisdictional because the respondent is not a licensed social worker, nor has she claimed to be one. Judith Britton SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.18 SW-11-11-19

Judith Britton made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.19 SW-11-12-20

Judith Britton made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.20 SW-11-12-21

Judith Britton made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because the matter has already been addressed by the Board. Louise Tracey-Hosa SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.21 SW-11-12-22

Judith Britton made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because the matter has already been addressed by the Board. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.22 SW-12-01-01

Judith Britton made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.23 SW-12-01-02

Judith Britton made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.24 SW-12-02-04

Judith Britton made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board. Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.25 SW-11-08-15

Judith Britton made a MOTION to re-open the complaint and refer to the Attorney General’s Office for the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action for violations to include, but not limit to, 61-31-17.A (4) & (8); 16.63.16.A; and (4), with proposed early resolution. Louise Tracey-Hosa SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.26 SW-12-03-05

Brahna Wilczynski made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board. Louise Tracey-Hosa SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.27 SW-12-04-06

Brahna Wilczynski made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board. Louise Tracey-Hosa SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.28 SW-12-05-07

Brahna Wilczynski made a MOTION to accept respondent’s surrender of license and report to the NPDB-HIPDB. NCA will be issued to revoke Louise Tracey-Hosa SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.29 SW-12-05-09

Judith Britton made a MOTION to dismiss the complaint because there are no violations of the Act or Rules of the Board. Louise Tracey-Hosa SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.30 SW-10-01-01 – Pamela Burnham

Judith Britton made a MOTION to accept with amendment Settlement Agreement. Romaine Serna SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


Take the exam16.63.3.10 F National clinical Exam

Proof of transfer of client

6.31 Susan Rivera

Judith Britton made a MOTION to rescind the motion made at the October 14, 2011 meeting to refer to the Attorney General’s Office for the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action to deny the application for licensure because applicant withdrew her application for licensure as an LISW and applied for, and was granted an LMSW. Romaine Serna SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

6.32 SW-08-11-22 – Kathleen DeWitt

Romaine Serna made a MOTION to dismiss Brahna Wilczynski SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


No reports


Friday, September 28, 2012 Las Cruces at 10:00 am



There being no other business to come before the Social Work Examiners Board, Judith Britton made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 2:32 pm. Lousie Tracey-Hosa SECONDED the motion, which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Submitted by: ____

Monica Garcia, Board Administrator Date

Approved by: ______

Alfredo Garcia, Chair Date

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department


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