Each candidate must:
- Haveagoodstandardofgeneraleducation.
- Hold a QQI (FETAC) Level 6 Advanced Certificate Craft (Plumbing) or equivalent recognised qualification and have completed a recognised apprenticeship in plumbing and be a fully qualified craftsperson.
- Afterobtainingqualifications,candidatesshouldhavesatisfactory Plumbingexperience.
- Hold a full clean current driving licence in respect of Category B Vehicles or equivalent in the EU Model Driving Licence on the latest date for the receipt of completed applications.
- EachcandidatemustholdacurrentSafepassCard,acopyofwhichmustbesubmittedwiththeapplicationform.
- Experience in leak detection and leak eradication.
- Experience of central heating systems.
- Experience in Gas Heating installation/servicing.
The Craftworker will be part of a multi-disciplinary team and may be based in one of the Council’s three municipal districts, subject to assignment. Typical services include roads and transportation; water services (under a Service level Agreement); environmental and housing maintenance.
The current vacancy is in the Water Services Department and the initial assignment arising from this competition shall be to that department. In that regard Laois County Council (LsCC) operates and maintains the Public Water and Wastewater schemes in Laois under a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Irish Water (IW) IW.
Typical Tasks:
The Plumber will be work as part of a Leakage Repair Crew consisting of a Foreman or Ganger and a General Operative and generally with the assistance and guidance of the local Water Services Caretaker. The Crew is tasked with repairing bursts on IW Watermains reported to IW or reported directly by operational staff in Water Services. In relation to Water Conservation, the plumber will be expected to carry out active leakage detection in consultation with the SSS to identify, locate and arrange for the repair of leaks found on the networks. The plumber will also carry out other duties assigned by the SSS in relation to the operation and maintenance of the Public Water Schemes.
The Plumber will report to the Sanitary Services Supervisor (SSS). Daily tasks will be assigned by the SSS either verbally or utilising a Hand Held Unit (HHU) and where such tasks are assigned by the SSS using a HHU, the plumber will receive such tasks on a HHU held by the plumber. The plumber will use his handheld to capture and record data in relation to the task completed.
Ongoing training is provided in relation to the proper use of the HHU by the plumber and Field Force personnel are on hand to support staff in the operation of the HHU.
Other plumber positions may be filled at a future date from the panel formed as a result of this competition with assignment determined on the basis of suitable skills and experience.
Required Skills, Experience and Knowledge:
Candidates will demonstrate through their application form and at the interview that he/she possesses the following skills and attributes:
- excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- ability to use initiative and judgement
- ability to use technology
- a high level of technical competence relative to the requirements of the post
- the capacity to contribute to and work well in a team
- Good awareness of Health and Safety legislation and issues in the workplace
- Report writing and record keeping
- The position is wholetime and permanent.
Persons who become pensionable employees of a local authority under the Single Public Service Pension Scheme will be required in respect of their superannuation to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 3.5% of their net pensionable remuneration plus 3.0% of pensionable remuneration.
The salary shall be fully inclusive and shall be as determined from time to time. The holder of the position shall pay to the local authority any fees or other monies (other than inclusive salary) payable to and received by him/her by virtue of his/her position or in respect of services which he/she is required by or under any enactment to perform.
In accordance with EL02/2011 persons who are not serving Local Authority employees must be placed on the minimum of the scale. Where a person being appointed is a serving Local Authority employee normal starting pay rules will apply.
The rate of remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with government policy.
Thecurrentsalaryis from: €626.19 (Min) to €732.71 (Max)Gross per week.
39 hour week.
ThedutiesofthepostofPlumber,whichshallbecarriedoutunder thesupervisionofthe Supervisor,shallinclude,butarenotlimitedto:
- Installationandmaintenanceofwatermainsandfittings.
- Carryingoutrepairstobursts/leaksofwatermains.
- Carryingoutnewconnectionstowatermains.
- Plumbingworksasdelegatedfromtimetotimebythe Council.
- Complywith workpractices including: Co-operationwithNewTechnology/InformationTechnology/use of handheld units.
- Installationandmaintenanceofhouseholdpipeworkandfittingsforwatermainssupply.
- Installationandmaintenanceofinternalhouseholdwaterdistributionsystem.
- Installationandmaintenanceofsanitarywareandhouseholdappliances.
- Installationandmaintenanceofcentralheatingsystems–solidfuel,oilgas.
- Installationandmaintenancefoulandstormwaterpipework.
- Installationandmaintenanceofwater,heatinganddrainagesystemsin Laois County Councilbuildings.
- ComplywithallHealthandSafetylegislativerequirements.
- AnydutiesasrequiredbytheSupervisor.
Selection of candidates for appointment shall be by means of a competition based on an interview conducted by or on behalf of the local authority. The merits of candidates shall be assessed by reference to their suitability for appointment, general knowledge and intelligence, skills, and experience of value, if any.
A panel may be formed on the basis of such interviews.
Candidates may be shortlisted on the basis of relevant qualifications, training and experience as set out on their application form. The candidates shortlisted will be invited to attend for interview.
Panels may be formed on the basis of the interviews. Candidates whose names are on a panel and who satisfy the local authority that they possess the qualifications declared for the office and that they are otherwise suitable for appointment may within the life of the panel, be appointed as appropriate vacancies arise.
- References/DocumentaryEvidence
Each candidate may be required to submit as references the names and addresses of two responsible persons to whom he/she is well known but not related.
- Candidates may be required to submit documentary evidence to the local authority in support of their application.
The local authority shall require a person to whom an appointment is offered to take up such appointment within a period of not more than one month and is he/she fails to take up the appointment within such period or such period or such longer period as the local authority in its absolute discretion may determine, the local authority shall not appoint him/her.
For the purpose of satisfying the requirements as to health it will be necessary for successful candidates, before they are appointed, to undergo at their expense a Medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner to be nominated by the Local Authority. On taking up appointment the expense of the medical examination will be refunded to candidates.
When a person who is not already a permanent officer of a local authority is appointed the following provisions shall apply, that is to say –
(a)there shall be a period after such appointment takes effect during which such person shall hold such office on probation.
(b)suchperiodshallbe 10months,butthe Chief Executive mayathis/herdiscretionextendsuchperiod.
(c)such person shall cease to hold such office at the end of a period of probation unless during such period the manager has certified that the service of such person in such office is satisfactory.
The Single Public Service Pension Scheme (“Single Scheme”) as provided by the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012 commenced with effect from 1st January 2013. The act introduces new pension and retirement provisions for new entrants to the public service appointed on or after 1st January 2013. Pension age set initially at 66 years; this will rise in step with statutory changes in the SPC age to 67 years in 2021 and 68 years in 2028. The compulsory retirement age of 70 applies. Otherwise the retirement age of the relevant Scheme applies.
It should be noted that candidates who are in receipt of a Public Service Pension and are rehired in any paid capacity by a Public Service Body may be liable to have their pension abated.
Prior to appointment successful candidates will be obliged to complete a Declaration in relation to previous Public Sector Pensionable Employment.