Parish Council
Telephone: 01903 812042 /
The Steyning Centre, Fletcher’s Croft, Steyning,
West Sussex, BN44 3XZ
Following the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and with regard to regulations on Access to Local Government Meetings, members of the public area advised that they have a right to film/record the meetings of Steyning Parish Council. Members of the public are also advised that by attending a meeting of Steyning Parish Council, they give their consent to being filmed/recorded by other members of the public, if such activity is taking place. Any equipment plugged into the main electrical power supply of the Steyning Centre must be PAT tested. During confidential sessions there is no recording permitted.
1.0APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – to receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Syred and Cllr Pearcey.
2.0 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATIONS – to receive Councillors declarations of interest (personal, prejudicial and disclosablepecuniary) initems on the agenda and consider any dispensations,
Cllr Muggridge declared a personal interest in items 4.0 & 4.1as Sally Johnstone is a friend, associate and was a co-worker on the SWAB NP Steering Group.
Cllr Goldsmith declared a personal interest in item 5
To resolve, under the PublicBodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, in accordance with Standing Orders 3 (e) toexclude the press and publicon the grounds that the confidential matters to be discussed under items
4. 5. And 6.Below would be prejudicial in thepublic interest.
3.1 Proposed Cllr Northam, Seconded Cllr Lloyd, that the meeting be taken into confidential session.Agreed
To receivefrom SPC NP representatives, theirrecommendations for membership of the NP Steering committee (Seesupporting papers)
Cllr Northam proposed, seconded by Cllr Muncey, that the Council resolves to appoint the recommended candidates to the Steyning Neighbourhood plan steering group committee.
Cllr Muncey explained the process that had been undertaken concerning the interviews of the candidates who applied to work on the Neighbourhood Plan. She also read out the terms and conditions agreed by the
Parish Council for the Neighbourhood Plan.
4.1.2 Cllr Muncey also explained the role undertaken by a third party as an independent member during the
Interview and selection process, who scored candidates on criteria but did not vote – this being undertaken
by the representative councillors only.
4.2 Cllr Muggridge proposed an amendment to the proposal, seconded by Cllr Lloyd,
That the Council resolves to consider the recommended candidates, one by one, based on the interview data and any other relevant factual input, and appoint candidates to the Steyning Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group committee subject to a majority vote of councillors present.
This amendment was agreedby a majority of 8 votesFor (Cllrs Northam, Bowell, Lloyd, Muggridge, Hanson,
Toomey, Willett and Picking) to 5 votes Against (Cllr S Sullivan, G Sullivan, Goldsmith, Muncey and Trundle).
Cllr Muncey left the room and took no part in the appointment of candidates on a one to one process.
Cllr S Sullivan took no part in the voting of the candidates on a one to one basis and left the room.
4.3.1 The candidates appointment to the Steyning Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group were recorded as the
4.3.2Cllr Bowell proposed, seconded by Cllr Muggridge to accept the recommendation of Richard Bell this wasAgreed 8 votes for (Cllrs Northam, Bowell, Lloyd, Muggridge, Hanson, Toomey, Trundle and Willett) and 3
abstentions(CllrsPicking, G Sullivan and Goldsmith). Agreed.
4.3.3Cllr Bowellproposed, seconded by Cllr Toomey to accept the recommendation of Giles Vidgeon this was
Agreed 8 votes for (Cllrs Northam, Bowell, Lloyd,G Sullivan, Hanson, Toomey, Trundle and Willett) and 2
abstentions (Cllrs Picking and Muggridge)Agreed.Cllr Goldsmith did not vote
4.3.4 Cllr Bowellproposed, seconded by Cllr Toomey to accept the recommendation of Paul Maidmentthis was
Agreed 8 votes for(Cllrs Picking, Bowell, Lloyd, Muggridge, Hanson, Toomey, Trundle and Willett) and 3
abstentions (Cllrs Northam, Goldsmith and G Sullivan)Agreed.
4.3.5Cllr Bowellproposed, seconded by Cllr Lloyd to accept the recommendation of Paul Cotton this was
Agreed7 votes for (Cllrs Bowell, Lloyd, Muggridge, Hanson, Toomey, Trundle and Willett) and 3
Abstentions(CllrsPicking, Goldsmith and G Sullivan)Agreed.
4.3.6Cllr Bowellproposed, seconded by Cllr Muggridge to accept the recommendation of Murry Vandepol this
was Agreed8 votes for(Cllrs Northam,Bowell, Lloyd, Muggridge, Hanson, Toomey, Trundle and Willett) and
3 abstentions (CllrsPicking, Goldsmith and G Sullivan) Agreed.
4.3.7Cllr Bowellproposed, seconded by Cllr Northam to accept the recommendation of Russel Barns this
was Agreed 9 votes for (Cllrs Picking,Northam,Bowell, Lloyd, Muggridge, Hanson, Toomey, Trundle and
Willett) and 2 abstentions (CllrsGoldsmith and G Sullivan) Agreed
4.3.8Cllr Bowellproposed, seconded by Cllr Lloyd to accept the recommendation of Sally Johnson this
was Agreed 7votes for (Cllrs Picking, Bowell, Lloyd, Hanson, Toomey, Trundle and Willett) and 2 Abstentions(CllrsGoldsmith and G Sullivan) Agreed
Cllrs Northam and Muggridge did not vote due to their personal interest
4.3.9Cllr Bowell proposed, seconded by Cllr Lloyd not to accept the recommendation for Paul Campbell this was
Agreed 8 vote for (Cllrs Northam, Bowell, Lloyd, Hanson, Muggridge, Toomey, Trundle and Willett) 2 votes
against (Cllrs Goldsmith and G Sullivan) 1 abstention (Cllr Picking).
Cllr Northam proposed, seconded by Cllr Lloyd that the Clerk writes to all the candidates to inform them of
the decisions made.Agreed
Cllr Muncey and S Sullivan returned to the room and were informed of the outcome of the above
4.4Cllr Muncey announced that she is resigning fromthe post of representative to the Neighbourhood Plan with
Immediate effect.
Toinvite Cllr Goldsmith to present an explanation of the circumstancessurrounding his email of 17thJuly 2017 and to resolve a course ofaction :
5.1Following a round the table discussion, Cllr Northam proposed, seconded by Cllr Bowell in view of security concerns to suspend private and confidential email correspondence from the office staff and all Councillors to Cllr Goldsmith until the issue is resolved and to ask for IT expert advice on the email trail. 10 votes for (Cllrs Northam, Picking, Bowell, Lloyd, Muggridge, Hanson, Toomey, Trundle, Willett and Muncey) 3 votes against (Cllr G Sullivan, S Sullivan and Goldsmith). Agreed
6.1Toconsider whether a complaint needs to be sent to the monitoring officer withregards to the poorbehaviour of a Councillor
6.2Toconsider how Steyning Parish Council wishes to deal with Councillors ignoringdirections from theChair and poor behaviour, in the future.
Cllr Toomey stated that all councillors should take note of the Standing Orders for councillor’s behaviour
These items {6.1 & 6.2} were discussed together, councillors made the following comments
- Cllrs should take note of the Standing Orders and behave accordingly
- Differences of opinion should be tolerated in a civil manner
- Meetings are often a pleasure to attend and some are ruined by rudeness and disgusting behaviour, all meetings should be in accordance with Standing Orders
- If there are constant interruptions a point of order needs to be raised
- Code of Conduct complaints should be avoided
- Cllrs should be able to manage their own behaviour, respect each other as well as each other’s differences of opinions and abide by the Standing Orders
- Speaking at meetings should be done by show of hands to prevent meetings getting out of order
- Cllrs need to take collective responsibility for their behaviour in meetings
- The layout which is used in the committee room for meetings would be an ideal layout for full council meetings too
- Sitting too near the public can be very distracting when they are muttering and having their own conversations during a meeting
- Cllrs shouldn’t have their backs to the audience
- The committee room layout could be used with audience seats on both sides of the room
- Suggestions should be made to the Clerk and trailed at his digression
- A round or oval table might be a better solution
- Use a coloured piece of paper for voting as just putting a hand up is not always seen
7.0DATEOF NEXT FULL COUNCIL MEETING- 19thMARCH2018 at 7.30pm (NB: This will be the Annual Parish Meeting)
Meeting closed at 9:11pm
SIGNED ………………………………………………………………………. Date 29th March 2018
Steve Northam
Chairman of Steyning Parish Council
/ Parish Clerk: Carol StephensonDeputy Clerk: Hazel Roxby / Email: