M.A. Indian Philosophy & Religion
I Semester
Core (1) Classical Indian Philosophy (A)
Book Prescribed : SÂØkhya Tattva KaumudÍ
Suggested Readings :
1. Misra, A.P. : SÂØkhya Tattva KaumudÍ.
2. Bhattacharya, R. S. : SÂØkhya Tattva KaumudÍ.
(2) Contemporary Indian Philosophy (A)
Book Prescribed :
1. Sri Aurobindo – Human Cycle (Chapters XI, XII and XIII)
2. M. K. Gandhi : Truth is God.
Suggested Readings :
1. Misra, R. S. : The Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo.
2. Datta, D. M. : The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi.
3. Narvane, V. S. : Modern Indian Thought.
4. Lal, B. K. : Contemporary Indian Philosophy
5. Sinha, R. C. : Concepts of Reason and Intuition.
Major Elective
(3) Indian Religions : (A)
Book Prescribed :
Sutta-NipÂta (Sutras, 1, 7, II, 7, 14, III, 9, IV. 3-5, 14 only)
Book Prescribed :
Samana-suttam-cayanik (Edited by K. C. Sogani)
Suggested Readings :
1. The Sacred book of the East. Vol X (Part I : The Dhammapada and Part II : The SuttanipÂta).
2. SuttanipÂta Edited and translated in Hindi by Dr. Bhiksu Dharmarakîita.
3. Jaina, Bauddha aur GÍt ke ÀcÂra-Darïano k TulanÂtmaka Adhyayana (Hindi) Vols. I & II by Dr. Sagarmal Jain.
1. Àrya SamÂja
Book Prescribed :
Swami Dayananda Saraswati : SatyÂrtha PrakÂïa
Book Prescribed :
Japuji : Sri Guru Grantha Sahib Vol. 2, 1-38,
Translated and annotated by Dr. Gopal Singh.
Suggested Readings :
1. Upadhyaya, G. P. : Light of Truth (English translation of SatyÂrtha PrakÂïa)
2. Shastri, S. N. : Dayananda – Darïana (Hindi).
3. Jodh Singh : Religious Philosophy of Guru Nanaka.
Minor Elective :
(4) Problems of Philosophy
(1) Nature of Philosophy in the West and its Distinction from Science and Religion.
(2) Methods of Philosophy: Speculative versus Critical Method, the Method of Doubt, the Method of Phenomenological Description, the Method of Analysis, Dialectical Method.
(3) Epistemological Problems:
a. Necessary and Empirical Knowledge.
b. Sources of Knowledge.
c. Validity of Knowledge (Theories of Truths) (a) Correspondence, (b) Coherence, (c) Pragmatic Theory.
d. Limits of Knowledge: Scepticism, Agnosticism.
(4) Ontological problems:
(i) Mind, Matter, God.
(ii) Mind body Problems.
(iii) Idealism, Realism, Materialism.
Suggested Readings :
(1) Korner, S : Fundamental questions in Philosophy.
(2) John Hospers : An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis.
(3) Titus ; H H : Living issues in Philosophy.
(4) Eving, A C ; Fundamental questions of Philosophy.
(5) Russel, B : Problems of Philosophy.
(6) Rajendra Prasad : DarïanïÂstra kÍ Ruprekha.
(7) Misra, H N : PÂïcatya Darïana kÍ SamasyÂyen (Hindi).
(8) Dubey, S P : Idealism : East and West.
Suggested Readings :
1. Swami Sarvananda : Muàdakopaniîad.
2. Muàdakopaniîad : Gita Press, Gorakhpur.
3. Muàdaka Upaniîad with the commentary of ìankarÂcÂrya, Translated by Swami GambhirÂnanda.
4. Chinmayananda : Muàdakopaniîad.
II Semester
Core (I) Classical Indian Philosophy (B)
Book Prescribed :
Tarka Sangraha with DÍpik by Annam Bhatta.
Suggested Readings:
1. Annam Bhatta’s Tarka-Sangraha with DÍpik : Edited with Notes by Y. N. Athalye and Translated into English By M R Bodas.
2. Tarka-Sangraha Translated into Hindi By D. N. Bhargava.
(2) Contemporary Indian Philosophy (B)
Book Prescribed :
S. Radhakrishnan : Hindu view of Life.
Suggested Readings :
Gangadhar, D A : Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan ka Dharma evam Darshan.
Narvane, V S : Modern Indian Thought.
Major Elective :
(3) The Philosophy of BhagavadgÍt (Chapters - 3,5,6,15 & 18)
Suggested Readings :
1. The BhagavadgÍt (English Translation by S. Radhakrishnan)
2. The BhagavadgÍt (English Translation by Swami Cidbhavananda)
3. Tilak, B G : GÍt Rahasya.
4. Bhave, Vinoba : GÍt Pravacana.
Suggested Readings :
1. Kaòhopaniîad with ìamkara’s commentary, GÍt Press, Gorakhpur.
2. Sri Aurobindo : The Upaniîads.
3. S. Radhakrishnan : The Principal Upaniîads.
Minor Elective :
(4) Problems of Ethics and Religion
(1) Axiological Problems :
(i) Values of Life : Ends-values and Means-values, Individual Values and Social Values, Moral, Material and Spiritual Values.
(ii) Conflict between the Good and the Pleasant.
(iii) The Summum Bonum of Life, Liberation and Self realisation.
(2) Problems of the Philosophy of Religion.
(i) Religion, Morality and Spirituality.
(ii) Conflict between Science and Religion.
(iii) God and the Problem of Evil.
(iv) Validity of Religious Experience.
Suggested Readings :
1. Korner, S. : Fundamental Questions in Philosophy.
2. John Hospers : An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis.
3. Titus ; H. H. : Living issues in Philosophy.
4. Eving, A. C. ; Fundamental questions of Philosophy.
5. Russel, B. : Problems of Philosophy.
6. Rajendra Prasad : Darsansastra kÍ Ruprekha.
7. Misra, H N : Pascatya Darsana kÍ Samasyayen (Hindi).
The BhagavadgÍt (Chapters 2, 4, 12 & 16)
Suggested Readings :
1. The BhagavadgÍt (English Translation by S. Radhakrishnan)
2. The BhagavadgÍt (English Translation by Swami Cidambaramada)
3. Tilaka B. G. : GÍt Rahasya.
4. Bhave, Vinoba : GÍt Pravachana.
III Semester
Core - (I) Religions of Non Indian origin (A)
Zoroastrianism : Origin and Development of Zoroastrianism. Literature, concept of Ahura Mazda as the Supreme Reality -Ahura Mazda and His six Holy Immortals or Amesha Spenta-Angra Mainyu; Is Zoroastrianism Dualistic? The Problem of Evil, Nature of Religious life and the Concept of Salvation.
Taoism : The Background of Taoism, Tao : Its Nature and Function. Knowledge of Tao, Social life.
Confucianism : The Background of Confucianism. Life of Confucius, Literature, Ethical Values, Human Relationship. Social and Political Ideas. The Superior Man, Nature of Religious Life, Distinctive Features of Confucianism.
Suggested Readings :
1. Smith, Huston : The Religion and Man
2. Jurji, Edward J. : The Great Religions of Modern World.
3. Zaehner, R. C. : Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism.
4. Clemens : The Religions of the World.
5. Spiegelberg : Living Religions of the World.
6. Haydon, A. E. : Modern Trends in World Religions.
7. Champion, S. G. & Short, Dorothey (Comp) : Readings from World Religions.
8. Masih, Y.: TulanÂtmaka Dharma-Darïana (Hindi).
(2) Problems of Comparative Religion (A)
1. Introduction : The meaning of Religion, Hindu Concept of Dharma; Buddhist and Taoist View of way, Modern studies of Religion.
2. Comparative Religion : The Development of Comparative study of Religion; Its Nature, Method and Utility.
3. Classification of Religions ; Natural and Revealed Religions, Spiritual and Ethical Religions.
4. Primitive Forms of Religion : Animism, Ghost Theory, Totemism, Magic and Religion.
5. Myth and Ritual : The meaning and Role of Myth and Ritual.
6. Theism : Monism and Polytheism, Pantheism, Monotheism.
Suggested Readings :
1. Smith, W. C. : The Meaning and End of Religion.
2. Lewis, H. D. and Slater, R L : World Religion.
3. Lesser, W. A. : Reader in Comparative Religion.
4. Leeuw, V. : Religion: Its Essence and Manifestation.
5. Ashley, P. A. : The Conflict of Religion.
6. Chatterjee, P. B. : Comparative Religion.
7. Srivastava, R. S. : Comparative Religion.
8. Tiwari, K. N. : Comparative Religion.
9. Devaraja, N. K. : Hinduism and Christianity.
10. Mishra, K. P. : Studies in Problems of Comparative Religion.
11. Dubey, S. P. : On Religion.
Major Elective :
(3) Advaita VedÂnta (A)
Book Prescribed :
1. Māndukyakārikā of GauÅpÂda (Advaita-Prakaraàam only)
2. Brahmasötra ìānkarabhÂîya ( I.1.1 to I.1.4 and II.2.1 to II.2.45 only)
Suggested Readings :
1. Bhattacharya, V. S. : The Àgama ìÂstra of GaudpÂdÂ.
2. Pandey, S. L. : Pre-Sankara Advaita Philosophy.
3. Nakamura, Hajime : A History of Early VedÂnta Philosophy.
4. Deusson, Paul : The system of the VedÂnta.
5. Naulakha, R. S. : ìaßkara’s Brahmavada.
6. Rao, K. B. R. : Ontology of Advaita.
7. Dasgupta, S. N. : A History of Indian Philosophy Vol II.
8. Coward, H. G. (ed) : Studies in Indian Thought.
9. Thibaut, George : The VedÂnta Sötra with ìaßkarÂcÂrya’s Commentary ( S B E Vols 34 & 38).
10. Tripathi, R. K. : Brahma Sutra ìÂnkara - BhÂîya Catuïsutçi (Hindi).
11. Saraswati, Satyananda : Brahma Sutra ìÂnkar - BhÂîya (Hindi).
12. Sharma, C. D. : Bauddha Darsana aura VedÂnta (Hindi).
13. Das, R. : Introduction to VedÂnta.
MahÂyÂna Buddhism (A) MÂdhyamika
Book Prescribed :
Madhyamaka ìÂstra of NÂgÂrjuna (together with Candrakirti’s Prasannapada) chapters 1, 24 & 25 only. The following problems : MÂdhyamika System: its role and significance, M. dialectic, M. as a critique of causality, conception of ìunyat as Absolute, NirvÂnÂ, Theory of four conditions, two truths and degrees of reality, M. interpretation of the doctrine PratityasamutpÂda, four noble truths, PrajáÂpÂramitÂ, Absolute and Phenomena.
Suggested Readings :
1. Stcherbatsky, Theodore : The conception of Buddhist Nirvana.
2. Murti, T. R. V. : The Central Philosophy of Buddhism.
3. Misra, R. K. : Levels of Madhyamika Thought.
4. Streng, F. I. : Emptiness : A study in Religious Meaning.
5. Misra, H. N. : MÂdhyamika Darïana (Hindi).
KashmÍr ìaivism (A)
Book Prescribed :
ÊsvarapratyabhijáÂvimarïini (JáÂnadhikÂra Only) of Abhinavagupta, Paramarthasara, and PratyabhijáÂhçdayam of KshemarÂja with special reference to the following problems :
General characteristics of Àgamic tradition, History and literature of Kashmir ìaivism, Epistemology of Kashmir ìaivism : nature and validity of knowledge, Citi as the sole pramÂàa, theory of error, nature and Validity of Àgama, Concept of Absolute (ìiva-ìakti), Concept of Spanda, Vimarïa.
Suggested Readings :
1. Pandey, K. C. : BhÂîkari Vol III
2. Singh, Jaidev : PratyabhijáÂhçdayam.
3. Chatterjee, J. C. : PratyabhijáÂhçdayam.
4. Mishra, K. P. : Sattrmsattattvasamdoh (Ek Darsanika Addhyayana).
5. Pandey, K. C. : Abhinavgupta and His Times.
6. Pandit, B. N. : Kashmir ìaiva Darïana.
7. Sharma, L. N. : Kashmir ìaivism.
8. Mishra, Kamalakar : Significance of TÂntric Tradition.
9. Mishra, Kamalakar : Kashmir ìaivism : The Central Philosophy of TÂntrism.
10. Mishra, K. P. : Kashmir ìaiva Darïana : Mula SiddhÂnta.
11. Sastri, Suryanarayan : ìivÂdaita of Sçkanòha.
12. Murphy, Paul R : Triadic Mysticism.
ViïiîòÂdvaita VedÂnta - (A)
Book Prescribed :
SrÍbhÂîyam (JijáÂsÂdhikaraàa only)
Suggested Readings :
1. Thibaut, G : The VedÂnta Sutras with Ramanuja’s Sç-bhÂîya ( S B E Vol 48).
2. Dasgupta, S. N. : A History of Indian Philosophy. Vol II
3. Srinivasacarya, P. N. : Philosophy of ViïiîtÂdvaita.
4. Varadacari, K. C. : Ramanuja’s Theory of Knowledge.
5. Sengupta, A. : A Critical study of the Philosophy of Ramanuja.
6. Bharadvaja, K. D. : The Philosophy of Ramanuja.
7. Sinha, J. N. : Philosophy of Ramanuja.
8. Chari, S. M. S. : Advaita and ViïiîtÂdvaita.
9. Vidyarthi, P. B. : Divine Personality and Human Life in Ramanuja.
10. Vidyarthi, P. B. : Knowledge, Self and God in Ramanuja.
Minor Elective :
(4) 1. SÂØkhya Philosophy
(1) Concept of Suffering.
(2) PramÂàa.
(3) Theory of Causation.
(4) TriguàavÂda.
(5) Puruîa.
(6) Prakrti.
(7) Evolution.
(8) Kaivalya.
Suggested Readings :
1. Chakravorti, P. B. : Origin and development of the SÂØkhya System of thought.
2. Pandey, D. N. : SÂØkhya tatvamÂnoramÂ.
3. Kripa Shanker : YuktidÍpik K eka SamikîÂtamaka Adhyayana.
4. Urmila Chaturvedi : VijáÂnabhikîu Aur SÂmkhya Darïana.
5. Larson, G. J. : The Classical SÂmkhya.
2. ìaiva-SiddhÂnta
Àgamic tradition, Proofs for existence of God, Nature of ìiva and ìakti, Nature of Soul, Creation, Bondage, Liberation.
Suggested Readings :
1. Dr. K. P. Mishra : ìaiva-SiddhÂnta Darïana.
2. Dr. K. P. Mishra : SivajáÂnabodham (DÂrïanika Adhyayana)
3. Dr. K. Sivaraman : Saivism in Philosophical Perspective.
3. Jainism :
Metaphysics & Epistemology, Karma and Punarjanma, SyÂdvÂda, AnekÂntavÂda, Aàuvrata and MahÂvrata, Bondage and Liberation.
Suggested Readings :
1. Mahendra Kumar : Jain Darïana.
2. Mohan Lal Mehta : Jain Darïana.
3. Nathmal Tatiya : Studies in Jain Philosophy
4. Neo VedÂntism :
Vivekananda : Reality, MÂyÂ, Means of Liberation.
Sri Aurobindo : Absolute, Supermind, Human Destiny, Theory of Evolution.
Radhakrishnan : Absolute, Intellect and Intuition, Spirit and Human Destiny.
Suggested Readings :
1. Radhakrishnan, S. : An Idealist View of Life.
2. D. A. Gangadhar : Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan k dharma evam Darsana.
3. B. K. Lal : Contemporary Indian Philosophy (Hindi & English).
4. Misra, R. S. : The Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo.
IV Semester
Core - (1) Religions of Non-Indian origin (B)
Judaism : The Background of Judaism. The Concept of God. The Concept of Man and His Relation to God, Creation, Sin, Nature of Religious Life, Salvation.
Christianity : The Background of Christianity, The Concept of Trinity, Incarnation, Man and His relation to God, Creation, Sin, Nature of Religious Life, Doctrine of Salvation, Meaning of Revelation in Prophetic Religions.
Islam : The Background of Islam, Concept of God, The Prophet, Man and His Relation to God, Nature of Religious Life, Doctrine of Salvation.
Suggested Readings :
1. Smith, Huston : The Religion and Man.
2. Jurji, Edward J. : The Great Religions of Modern World.
3. Zaehner, R. C. : Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism.
4. Clemens : The Religions of the World.
5. Spegelberg : Living Religions of the World.
6. Haydon, A. E. : Modern Trends in World Religions.
7. Champion, S. G. & Short, Dorothey (Comp) : Readings from World Religions.
8. Masih, Y. : Tulanatmaka Dharma-Darsana (Hindi).
9. Mishra, K. P. : ìaiva-siddhÂnta aura Isai Dharma.
(2) Problems of Comparative Religion (B)
1. Worship and Prayer : Meaning and significance of Worship and Prayer; Hindu view of Devotion (Bhakti); Christian and Muslim Prayer.
2. Sin and Suffering : Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism.
3. Immortality : Primitive View of Immortality; Life After Death; Karma, Rebirth and Resurrection.
4. Salvation : Hindu, Buddhist and Jaina concepts of Liberation, Salvation in Judaism and Christianity; Grace in Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity.
5. Unity of Religions : Religious Dialogue, Religion and Human Unity; Possibility of Universal Religion; Fellowship of Spirit.
Suggested Readings :
1. Smith, W. C. : The Meaning and End of Religion.
2. Lewis, H. D. and Slater, R L : World Religion.
3. Lesser, W. A. : Reader in Comparative Religion.
4. Leeuw, V. : Religion : Its Essence and Manifestation.
5. Ashley, P. A. : The Conflict of Religion.