Analyse Narrative in one of your Coursework Productions
“I will be analysing my thriller opening sequence which I filmed and edited as my main task which formed part of my Foundation Portfolio in Media. In class, we studied narrative in existing Thriller films such as Psycho, Seven, Man with the Golden Arm, Taken 3, Skyfall and Escape Plan. This enabled us to fully understand how narrative can be applied to our own productions”.
Plan/Structure– Discuss Narrative Structure, Narrative (in relation to genre), Narrative Themes, Narrative Enigma, Narrative Theory but limit yourself, these can be all significantly in depth areas of study.
Narrative Structure:
· Is your sequence linear (conventions of an opening sequence) or more obviously non-linear as in Run Lola Run?
· Does your sequence suggest a single stranded structure (it’s OK if it is not) e.g. “it explores the aspirations of one central protagonist and his struggles against adversity in his fight to hunt down the men who kidnapped his daughter”? The Taken thrillers are single stranded but Seven is more multi stranded.
· Does your opening sequence imply a classic 3-act structure (beginning, middle, end) in terms of characters, setting and problem introduced? If realised into a full production would the narrative be open ended or closed.
· DevelopTodorov’sfour act structure early on – does your opening sequence suggest equilibrium and does it go as far as narrative disruption?
Narrative Themes:
· Is your thriller British? Are there any social issues explored in the sequence e.g. crime, social class, alienation, neglect, notions of ‘the outsider’ (this could link with genre hybdridisation) e.g. “my opening sequence explores narrative themes of isolation, neglect, notions of the outsider which reflects deliberate hybridisation with the genre of social realism – a genre where narrative themes are commonly found”.
· How are narrative themes anchored e.g. by use of mise-en-scene - costume, objects and props, setting, encoding cultural stereotyping (costume and dress code) or more /equally by dialogue or technical aspects?
Narrative Enigmas:
· Narrative enigmas are common and include asking the audience questions like “who what, why, when and how”? Camera angle, framing and type of shot help to reinforce narrative enigmas and can be understood using Roland Barthes’ five narrative codes – proairetic (action), hermeneutic (enigma), connotative, cultural and symbolic.
Additional Narrative Theory:
· Levi-Strauss’theory of binary oppositions often applies – thrillers frequently deliberately place things in binary opposition to construct meaning. Link Levi-Strauss with the suggestion that characters could be marginalised by this binary opposition and to these ends reveal a mainstream, dominant culture/ideology.
Students sometimes struggle a little with narrative but the reality of this study area is that there is often too much to analyse e.g. narrative structure is an in-depth area in itself and by the time you have explored 2 or 3 key segments of your opening sequence (applying theory) 30 minutes may be up. Be careful.