Chairman of the program committee
Political Science Department
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida 32816-1356, U.S.A.
Phone: (407) 823-6023
Fax: (407) 823-0051
Post-Doctorate Stanford University, The Hoover Institution, Palo Alto (CA), 1997.
Ph.D. University of Virginia, Charlottesville (VA), 1993.
M.A. University of Arizona, Tucson (AZ), 1983.
Associate Professor, University of Central Florida, Orlando (FL), 2001-Present.
Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida, Orlando (FL), 1995-2001.
Visiting Lecturer, University of Richmond, Richmond (VA), 2003-1995.
Geopolitics of Caspian Sea Region, co-authored with Gregg Hall, Saqi Books (UK), Spring 2011.
Intercultural Communication & International Relations, co-authored with Madelyn Flammia, Continuum International Publishing Group, New York (USA), August 2010.
Global Security Watch: The Caucasus States, Greenwood Press (USA), April 2010.
Trends, Prospects, & Challenges of Globalization [in English], co-authored with Dmitri Katsy, St. Petersburg (Russia): St. Petersburg State University Press, December 2008 (Reviewed in JTWS, Fall 2009; and RSPI, Italy, Spring 2010).
Revolutionary States, Leaders, and Foreign Relations, New York: Praeger Publishers (USA), 1997 (Reviewed in APSR, Sept 1999; JTWS, Spring 1998; & Choice, Oct 1997).
“The Russian-Iranian Partnership: Technology, Trade, & a Marriage of Convenience,” Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali (RSPI) [Review of International Political Studies, Rome, Italy], in English, no.1, forthcoming summer 2010 Issue. Refereed; International.
“The Georgia Crisis: A New Cold War on the Horizon?,” co-authored with Nathan Burns, Caucasian Review of International Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 1, forthcoming Spring 2010. Refereed; International
“Iranian-Azeri Dynamic Relations: Conflict & Cooperation in Southern Caucasus,” co-authored with Nader Entessar, Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali (RSPI) [Review of International Political Studies, Rome, Italy], in English, no. 1, spring 2009 Issue. Refereed; International
“Russian-Iranian Technical Cooperation: Pragmatism from Both Sides,” co-authored with Ekaterina Piskunova, RISA 2008 Selected Papers Series, in Andrei Melville, ed., Russian International Studies Association, December 2008. Refereed; International
“The Political Role of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps,” Armed Forces & Society Selected Papers Series, Ricardo Israel, ed., International Political Science Association, November 2008. Refereed; International
“Surrounded: Seeing the World from Iran’s Point of View,” US Military Review (The Professional Journal of the U.S. Army), July-August 2007. Refereed; National
“The Enlarged E.C.O. at 15: A Plus or a Minus,” Journal of Central Asian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, Spring/Summer 2007. Refereed; International
“PR, PSA, and Modern Realities,” co-Authored with Katya Falaleeva Selected Papers Series Social Communication Institute, Udmurt State University (Izhevsk, Russian Federation) 2006. Refereed; International
“The Russian Pipeline System: Between Globalization & Localization” (in English), co-authored with Alex Volkov, East European Quarterly, Vol.38, No.2, June 2004. Refereed; National
“Iranian Foreign Relations: A Survival Strategy in the 21st Century”, Journal of Iranian Research & Analysis, Vol. 20, No.1, April 2004. Refereed; National
“The Sources of Uzbek Foreign Policy” (in Russian), co-authored with Ildar Latypov, Selected Papers Series: Current Problems of Modern Russia (Russia), Vol. 2, 2003. Refereed; International
“Trends in Foreign Relations of Azerbaijan,” Journal of Third World Studies, Vol 19, No.2, 2002. Refereed; National
“The Dynamic Tribe-State Relations in Saudi Arabia,” co-authored with Ali Al-Tarrah, The Arab World Geographer (Canada), Vol. 4, No.3, Spring 2001. Refereed; International
“Trends in the Foreign Relations of Turkmenistan,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 24, No. 4, Summer 2001. Refereed; National
“An Islamic Perspective of Non-Alignment,” Journal of Third World Studies, No. 2, Vol. 16, 1999. Refereed; National
“Non-Alignment as a Foreign Policy Strategy: Dead or Alive,” Mediterranean Quarterly, Sp1999. Refereed; National
“Integration in the Caspian Sea & the Russian Role and Policy,” Problems of the Regional Economy (Russia), No.1-4, Spring 1999. Refereed; International
“Trends in Foreign Relations of Kazakstan,” Journal of Central Asian Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring/Summer 1998. Refereed; National
“Central Asia: Perspectives on Regional Integration,” Political Chronicle, No 1-2, Vol. 10, 1998. Refereed; National
“Trends in the Foreign Policy of Revolutionary Iran,” Journal of Third World Studies, No. 1, Vol. 15, 1998. Refereed; National
"Integration in Central Asia: From Theory to Policy," Central Asian Survey, No 4, Vol. 16, Fall 1997. Refereed; International
“Geopolitics of Oil & Energy in Central Asia,” co-authored with Nathan Burns, in Reuel Hanks ed, Handbook of Central Asian Politics, Oxon (UK): Rout ledge, forthcoming 2010.
“The Caspian Sea Region & the Clash of Civilizations,” co-authored with Nathan Burns, in Dmitri Katsy, ed., International Relations & Politics, St. Petersburg (Russia): St. Petersburg State University Press, 2008.
“Regional Cooperation Among Caspian Post-Communist States”, co-authored with Victoria Glenn, International Relations: From Local Change to Global Shift (St. Petersburg, Russia: St. Petersburg State University Press, edited by Konstatin Khudoley, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2006.
“Regional Integration Among Post-Communist States: Integration Theories & ECO,” co-authored with Alinne Maze, in Post-Cold War Challenges to International Relations, ed. by Konstatin Khudoley, St. Petersburg, Russia: St. Petersburg State University Press, 2005.
“September 11th & the Changing Nature of the Caspian States Relations,” in Post-Communist Countries in search for Security & Stability, ed. by Konstatin Khudoley, St. Petersburg, Russia: St. Petersburg State University Press, 2004.
“An Islamic Perspective on Non-Alignment” in Drs. Peter Mandaville and Stephen Chan (eds.) The Zen of International Relations. Hampshire, U.K.: Macmillan Press, 2001.
"The Political Role of the Iranian Military," in Constantine Danopoulos and Cynthia Watson (eds.), Political Role of the Military: An International Handbook, Westpoint (CT): Greenwood Publishers, 1996.
"The National Security of Iran," co-authored with Joseph Kechichian, in Helen Metz (ed.), Iran: A Country Study. Washington (DC): US Government Printing Office, 1989.
Published 43 encyclopedia articles for the new Encyclopedia of Asia, consisting of 22 article headings for Iran (a total of 22,000 words, about 1000 words per article) and 21 article headings for Afghanistan and Pakistan (a total of 7000 words, about 300 words per article) in David Levinson (ed.) Encyclopedia of Asia, Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishers, 2002.
The 22 Iran article headings were alphabetically: Ali Shariati; Ayatollah Khomeini; Fars; Hamadan; Iran-Economic System; Iran-History; Iran-Political System; Iran-Profile; Iran/U.S. Hostage Crisis; Isfahan; Islamic Constitution-Iran; Republic of Iran; Islamic Revolution; Mahdi Bazargan; No-ruz; Pahlavi Dynasty; Persian New Year; Persians; Qajar; Shiite Muslims; Tehran and Veleyet-e-Faqih.
The 21 Afghanistan and Pakistan article headings were alphabetically: Afghani, Jamal ad-din; Afridi; Amanullah. King; Ayub Khan, General; Baluchi; Bhutto, Benazir; Brahui; Dari; Islamabad; Jinnah, Mohammed Ali; Karachi; Karakorum Highway; Lahore; Mahmud of Ghazna; Mujahideen; Pashto; Peshawar; Sheikh-Mujeeb Urrehman; Sindhi; Treaty of Gandomak (1879); Zahir Shah.
“Post-Election Iran & Its Implication for South America,” Houman Sadri (PI), Research & Travel Grant, CADAL Institute (Buenos Aires, Argentina), July-August 2009.
“International Dialogue vs. Clash of Civilizations,” Houman Sadri (PI), “Research Grant,” The Nile Foundation (Istanbul, Turkey), April-June 2009.
“Project: Russian-Iranian Technical Cooperation,” Houman Sadri (PI), “Research & Travel Grant,” Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO, Russia), September 2008.
“Travel Grant,” Houman Sadri (PI), World International Studies Conference (WISC), July 2008.
“The Caspian Sea Region & Clash of Civilizations,” Houman Sadri (PI), ISA Travel Grant, March 2007.
“Survey & Analysis of Kuwait Participation in International Environmental Conventions: From a Policy Perspective,” Houman Sadri & Fahad Al-Mekrad (co-PI), Environmental Protection Authority (Kuwait), 2004–2006.
“PR, Public Service Announcement & Modern Realities,” Houman Sadri & Ekaterina Falaleeva (co-PI) Social Communication Institute, Udmurt State University (Russia), 2006.
“Non-State Actors & Int’l Security in Eurasia,” Greg Gleason, Reuel Hanks, & Houman Sadri (co-PI) International Studies Association, Jan – March 2006.
“International & Inter-cultural Relations,” Houman Sadri & Madelyn Flammia (co-PI), Thompson & Wadsworth Publishing Group, 2005.
“Development of Kurdish Identity: A Comparative Perspective 1945-1979,” Houman Sadri (PI), Ahmed Foundation for Kurdish Studies (USA), Summer-Fall 2005.
“The Persian Gulf & Caspian Sea in the 21st Century," Houman Sadri (PI), US State Department & US Fulbright Program, May-June 2005.
“Clash of Globalization & Localization in Kuwait: From Theory to Development Policy,” Houman Sadri (PI), Kuwait University Foundation, 2004–2005.
“Clash of Globalization & Localization in Kuwait,” Houman Sadri (PI), College of Social Sciences, Kuwait University, 2003-2004.
“The Russian Pipeline System: Between Globalization & Localization,” Houman Sadri (PI), The Oil Faculty, Udmurt State University (Russia), 2002–2003.
“Globalization & Persian Gulf (Kuwait),” Houman Sadri (PI), US Fulbright Grant for Kuwait & Persian Gulf Region, 2002–2003.
“The Nature & Role of Russian Pipeline,” Houman Sadri & Alex Volkov (co-PI), Udmurt Oil Corporation, Udmurt Republic (Russia), 2001-2002.
“Encyclopedia of Asia,” Houman Sadri (PI), Berkshire Publishers USA), January - December 2002.
“Sources of Uzbek Foreign Policy: American & Russian Views,” Houman Sadri & Ildar Latypov (co-PI), Social Communication Faculty, Udmurt State Univerity (Russia), 2000-2001.
“Iran & Gulf Cooperation Council,” Houman Sadri (PI), Arab Research Center, 2001
“Regional Cooperation among the Gulf States at the Start of the New Millennium,” Houman Sadri (PI), US Fulbright Summer Research Grant for Kuwait, Summer 2001.
“A Study of Gulf Cooperation Council,” Houman Sadri (PI), Arab Research Center, May 1999.
“Regional Energy Integration in the Caspian Region,” Houman Sadri (PI), OPEC Library Short-Term Research & Travel Grant, at OPEC Library in Vienna, Austria, July-September 1998.
“Integration in the Caspian Sea & the Russian Role and Policy,” Houman Sadri (PI), Udmurt State University (Izhevsk, Russia) & Udmurt Oil Corporation (Izhevsk, Russia), April-June 1998.
“Integration in Central Asia: from Theory to Policy: A Russian Perspective,” Houman Sadri (PI), International Research & Exchange Board (IREX), Fall 1997.
“Integration in Central Asia,” Houman Sadri (PI), American Political Science Association (APSA), Short-Term Research Grant, Summer 1997.
“Integration in Central Asia,” Houman Sadri (PI), Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Summer Research Fellowship,1997.
“Regional Cooperation in Central Asia,” Houman Sadri (PI), Central Asian Foundation for Development (Almaty, Kazakhstan) for research in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, May-June 1994.
“A Comparative Study of Non-Alignment Strategies,” Houman Sadri (PI), Dupont Research Fellow, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Virginia), dissertation research, 1988 - 1992.
"Non-Alignment Strategies in a Comparative Perspective," Houman Sadri (PI), Thomas Jefferson Foundation Fellow (Monticello, Virginia), pre-dissertation research, 1987-1988.
UCF Undergraduate Studies, “The Caspian Sea Region & the Clash of Civilizations,” March 2007.
Florida Eastern Europe Linkage Institute, “Integration in the Caspian Sea & the Russian Role and Policy,” Travel Grant for Russia, May 1999.
The Division of Sponsored Research Grant, “Integration in Central Asia,” 1997-1998.
College of Arts and Sciences, “Integration in Central Asia: from Theory to Policy,” October 1997.
Junior Faculty Research Award, “Integration in Central Asia: from Theory to Policy,” for Russia, 1997.
“India, Iran, and the Caspian Sea Region,” with Vidya Nadkarni, ABRI-ISA Joint International Conference, Rio (Brazil), 22-24 July 2009, International Refereed.
“Pragmatism & Symbiosis: A Look at Pillars of the Russian-Iranian Technology Trade,” with Ari Litwin, FPSA Conference, Orlando (FL), 18 April 2009, State-Wide Refereed.
“Geopolitics of Oil & Energy in Central Asia,” with Nathan Burns, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference, New York (NY), 15-18 July 2009, National Refereed.
“From Conflict to Cooperation: A Study of International & Intercultural Relations,” with Cherie Parker, ISA-South Regional Conference, Ashland (VA), 17-18 October 2008, Regional refereed.
“Russian-Iranian Technical Cooperation: Pragmatism from Both Sides,” with Ekaterina Piskunova, Russian International Studies Association Conference, 26-27 September 2008, Moscow (Russia), International Refereed.
“The Geopolitics and Uzbek-U.S. Relations,” with Reuel Hanks, World International Studies Conference (WISC), July 23-26, 2008, Ljubljana (Slovenia), International Refereed.
“The Political Role of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps,” Armed Forces & Society 2008 Conference, The International Political Science Association, June 26-28, 2008, Santiago (Chile), International Refereed.
“Comparative Space Policy of the Great Space Powers,” with Ari Litwin, FPSA State Conference, Tampa (FL), April 2008, State-Wide Refereed.
“Russia, Iran, & Strategic Cooperation in the Caspian Region,” with Nathan Burns, ISA National Conference, San Francisco (CA) March 26-29, 2008, National Refereed.
“Financing Terrorism: Examining State Sponsors, Narcoterrorism, & Charities,” with Ericha Loch, FPSA Regional Conference, Orlando (FL), March 2007.
“The Caspian Sea Region & the Clash of Civilizations,” with Nathan Burns, ISA National Conference, Chicago (IL), March 2007.
“Are Iran & the US on a Collision Course in the Caspian Region?,” ATWS International Conference, Lima (Peru), Nov 2007.
“Iran & Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)”, Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Boston (MA), 18-21 November 2006.
“The Russian-Iranian Connection: Strategic or Tactical Cooperation”, Russian International Studies Association (RISA, 4th Conference), Moscow (Russia), September 22-24, 2006.
“Iran & the Caspian States: Regional Integration”, International Society of Iranian Studies (ISIS), London School of Econ, SOAS (UK), 3-5 August 2006.
“Regional Integration: The Case of Caricom”, with Luis Caraballo, Florida Political Science Association (FPSA), Pembroke Pines (FL), April 8 2006.
“Regional Cooperation among Caspian Post-Communist States,” with Victoria Glenn, ISA Conference, San Diego (CA), 22-25 March 2006.
“Iran, Regional Integration & the Caspian States”, Middle East Studies Association, Washington (DC), 19-22 November 2005.
“Development of Kurdish Identity: A Comparative Perspective, 1945-1979”, Ahmad Foundation Kurdish Studies 2005 Conference, Boston (MA), 3-4 September 2005.
“Regional Integration Among Post-Communist States: Integration Theories & ECO,” with Alinne Maze, ISA Annual Conference, Honolulu (Hawaii), 1-5 March 2005.
“Regional Integration: The Case of Mercosur”, co-authored with Alinne Maze, Florida Political Science Association (FPSA) annual Conference, Gainesville (FL), 12-13 March 2004.
“September 11th & the Changing Nature of the Caspian States Relations”, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference, Montreal (Canada), 17-20 March 2004.
“Turkish and Iranian Foreign Polices in the Caspian Region: Conflict or Cooperation?” Middle East
Studies Association annual Conference, Anchorage (Alaska), 6-9 November 2003.