Eclipse Board Meeting Minutes Draft

Sept 19, 2017 6:30pm

IBEW Building-2000 Airport Way

1) Call to Order-call to order 6:30pm by Pat Lovely.

2) Approval of agenda items-motion to approve minutes from last meeting by Mike Emers, 2nd Tim Armbruster. None opposed-All approved.

3) Review/approval of minutes from last meeting.-motion to approve agenda by Kathie Stacy, 2ndErnesta Moore. None opposed-All approved.

4) Coaching:

-Coaching candidate(s)-proposed for coaching changes. No new coaches, just returning coaches that have coached for us in the past. Coaches slated for teams

09B- Danny Dominic

09G- Charlie Parr

08B- David Powers

08G-Peter Shurr

07B- Steve Shaner-assistant for now and need an interim –possible Damon Crutcher, (who will run practice and take over Saturday games) help from Peter Shurr or Rob Martinez. Hopefully Steve will be back mid November and can will be voted in as head coach then.

07G- Shannon Steiger

06B-Fabio Mariutto

06G-*Logan Lyle

05B-Kenny Hoop

05G– *Lexus Jaramillo

04B- Rob Martinez

04G- David Powers

03B – Patrick Evans

03G- Kenny Hoop from interim to head coach

-U19B (00-02)-Head Coach Damon Crutcher, assisted David Powers, Charlie Parr, Danny Dominic

-U19G (00-02)-Head Coach Howard Maxwell

*Motion to approve Lexus Jaramillo as05G head coach by Pat Lovely, 2ndChris Willis. None opposed-All approved

-Lexus is from New Mexico, She got here and took over a pool of players, been coaching since she was 14—10 years coaching and referee experience and has had lots of the players on teams before. She has a F License and will continue training when available. Commitment? She will commit to stay and coach for as long as she has a job here! For sure thru next years try outs.

-14 rostered right now, so still recruiting

*Motion to approve Logan Lyle as 06G head coach by Pat Lovely, 2nd Wendy Raygor—None opposed—All approved.

-Logan has been coaching high school soccer and has assisted with the 04 girls among other teams. He has NSCAA and the E license.

-14 rostered right now but trying to reach out for a few more.

*Motion to approve slate of coaches as stated above by Timothy Armbruster, 2nd by Chris Willis-None opposed-all approved.

*Motion to approve David Powers as Technical Director by Wendy Raygor, 2nd Kathie Stacy. None opposed-Approved

-David Powers loves to work with the younger kids because of how easy it is to teach them! He is excited to work with all the teams this year.

-DOC Report-

-Try outs were successful! More players than ever! Teams at every age group for both genders- 16 teams total by adding the younger age category-09 and 10s-

-New website changeover is putting us a little behind but just be patient.

-No special programs yet- academy for 09, 10, 11 will start in about a month. Other special programs, Mastery Monday, keeper training, etc, will be coming when we get gym time situated.

-As a side note: Howard mentioned that all teams need updated with Coach, manager, board representatives, treasurer-make sure we get the info on the website updated

5) Treasurer’s Report

- Club Financials-Monica Olson reviewing P&L for Oct 2016 thru today-net income of -12,000 (approx.) gross profit 163000 and 176000 in expenses… big expenses coaching payments, professional fees, field and gym rentals, tournament expenses….

Balance sheet shows we are still in good standing with savings and total assets at 24,000.

There was discussion on expenses and what they include and explanations. All questions answered

6) Old Business:

-Board Vacancies for next year-President, registrar, treasurer, and secretary –we need volunteers! We have had some interest but we need more

-Gaming Update-almost ready! CrystalStordahls team will be using it soon and we can make sure the details are streamlined. How much time for board approval?

Gaming permit is available for all teams. Protocols will be posted before the next board meeting.

-AGM October 15 at Randy Smith 4-7 pm (4-5 potluck and meeting to follow!) Teams need to bring trophies so we can get a picture! Door prizes, pizza party and Winter fees giveaway.

7) New Business

- Website platform-Todd Denny has been in charge of the changeover. (this is a hack that will take you to the new one) was changed over on Sunday. Sometimes you have to clear the browser and cookies to help the new website populate.

-Please be patient.

-Anything that goes on the website needs to be approved by the board.

-Appropriate level approval will still need to be installed so managers can do some admin. There is a sportsengine help if you want to know how to do things.

-To get the sibling discount all kids need to be done at one time.

-All people signing on to new eclipse website will need to start from scratch. Updated profiles will be nice to make sure that all information is current.

-Next 10 days everyone needs to register! That way communication and rosters will be able to be set up!

-All teams will have apage and once there is a team up and running they will be able to have their own team page to communicate and scheduling etc! trainings from sports engine on teams pages can replace teamsnap, shutterflyetc…

-More to come with lots of useful things that should be great!

-Contest! 1st team to get all players membered up will win a prize!

-Can load birth certificate!

-trying to progress to no paper!

-PR Coordinator-new volunteer position-newspaper advertising for tryouts, clinics, additional programs, school district approval, focus on recruiting for low number teams, check club emails. This position could volunteer from Jan thru end of tryouts. Possibly make it a stipend position? Recommendation?

*Motion for the eboard to look into it and have a proposal ready for the next board meeting by Todd Denny, 2nd RhiannonKeirns.

-Square for fundraising-Pat has set up a square account for the club. Teams can use it for fundraisers to take credit card payments. If your team wants to use it for an event, then the club will charge a $ 25 flat fee and the cc percentage.

-Winter tournaments (3v3 and JT)

-3v3 january and JT in April.

-Usually 2 teams for fundraiser. Teams can submit interest to Kathie.

-Takes the whole team to do it!

-FYSA has helped 3v3 the last two years. IF we don’t have enough interest,we will let FYSA know.

-5v5 from FYSA in September was a success as well and will most likely happen again next year.

-Coach per deim- Coach per diem hasn’t been increased for 6 or 7 years. Current is 35 per day and 200 transportation per tournament.

-Increase will be to $ 50 per day and 250 for transportation per tournament. This is a procedural change. Fees will not increase immediately since we have large sponsorship.

Motion to approve an increase in Per diem as stated above by Kathie Stacy, 2nd by Ernesta Moore. Discussion and voted- none opposed! Motion Approved!

-State Cup in Fairbanks again! This was decided at the last AYSA meeting. Kenai was on the schedule for hosting state cup. Last time Kenai hosted it there was only 36 teams, with 2017 count at 51 teams, Kenai really doesn’t have enough housing for all the teams. There is talk with presidents cup in Fairbanks in 2021 and by then FYSA will have all kinks worked out to make it a great location!

--Uniforms managers need to email Karen Denny! -uniform spares are available –Karen Denny is the contact.

-We had given out some gift card thru that were not working. If you are one of those people just contact Ernesta Moore.

-Next board meeting is the AGM Oct 15thand after that there will be a board meeting November 7th 6:30pm

8) For the good of the order.-check in with todd for website.

Motion to adjourn by Pat Lovely at 8:28pm

In Attendance: Pat Lovely (President), Rhiannon Keirns (EB09), Timothy Armbruster (E08B), Todd Denny (Web Admin, E07B, E02B), Monica Olson (Club Treas.), Brannon Mills (E06B, E09G), Joseph Ross (E07G), Mike Emers (E03G, E06B), Chris Willis (E06G), Lexus Jaramillo (E05G), Logan Lyle (E05G, E04G, E06G), Michael Bryant (E08G), Howard Maxwell (DOC), Kathie Stacy (E02G, E08G, E09B, VP), Katrina LeMienx (E09B), Wendy Raygor (E04B), Colt Chase (FYSA), Nancy Milles (E02B, Secretary)