Hedon Town Council

Minutes of the Proceedings of a Meeting of

Finance & General Purposes Committee


10 DECEMBER 2015

Present: Cllr G F Thurston in the Chair

Councillors: C Billany, N Black, M D Bryan, J Dennis, S Gallant,

Mrs B Goldspink, A Marshall, Miss S Rommell, Miss D Storr,

B Stockdale and T West

1.  Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies.

2. Confirmation of the Minutes

The Minutes of meetings of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 26 November 2015 were agreed as being a correct record of the proceedings thereat.

Resolved: That the minutes were confirmed as a true record

3. Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

4. Declaration of Interests

4.1 It was agreed that any declaration of interest be dealt with at the time the relevant item was discussed.

4.2 There were no dispensations to be noted.

5. Accounts Payable - December

Schedule A

Cllr West declared a pecuniary interest as he was in receipt of a payment and left the room.

Resolved: That the accounts for payment for the month of December (Schedule A) in the sum of £15,880.96 be accepted for payment.

Schedule B

Cllr Bryan declared a pecuniary interest as he was in receipt of a payment and left the room.

Resolved: That accounts for payment for the month of December (Schedule B) in the sum of £126.54 be accepted for payment.

6.  Budget 2016/2017

Members were reminded that budget discussions would take place in January and should contact the Town Clerk if they have any suggestions for future projects.

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7. Financial Information – April-Sept 2015

The Town Clerk informed members that six month’s accounts were now on the accounting system and it was intended that the accounts would be up to date by the end of December. A budget monitoring sheet was tabled giving members information up to the end of September.

Cllr Storr joined the meeting.

Resolved: that the report was noted

8. Report re Public Transport Event

Cllr Gallant updated members on the project. Members had been previously circulated with a copy of the draft survey and were asked to contact Cllr Gallant direct if they had any comments/amendments. ERYC had informed the Town Council that they would not be able to print 5000 copies of the survey and the Town Council would need to bear this cost. Quotes had been sought for printing the survey to go out with the Holderness Heartbeat. 1000 copies would be distributed by the Council to schools, Drs surgeries, Pop in Centres etc. The next meeting of the group would take place on 19 January.

Resolved: that the Council fund the printing of the surveys in accordance with the most appropriate quote.

9.  Events Working Group

9.1  Calendars – Mr Thompson thanked all those that had worked on stalls selling the calendars and reported that 138 had been sold so far.

9.2  Christmas Lights Switch-on – to agree date for 2016. Cllrs agreed that the date for the Switch-on in 2016 would be Friday 25 November.

Resolved: that the Christmas Light Switch-on take place on Friday 25 November 2016

9.3  Bikers Event – the Group had met at the Haven Arms to discuss arrangements for the event. ‘Hedon Bike Meet’ would take place on 16-18 April 2016 with up to 100 attendees and would be a wristbanded event. They would camp near the Haven Arms on Friday and Saturday night with a run through the town centre on Saturday (twice around the normal route – a rolling road closure would be required). .

Resolved: that the Town Council would arrange a rolling road closure for the Hedon Bike Meet

Resolved: that the Town Council would cover the cost of cleaning

9.4 Hedfest 2016

Cllrs noted the letter and presentation pack that would be sent to all potential sponsors along with the list of sponsors reported by Mr Thompson. Mr Duffill was thanked for putting together the presentation pack. It was agreed that the letters should be sent out before Christmas.

Resolved: that the date of Hedfest 2016 would be 12/13 August.

Resolved: that an approach for a donation be made to Yorkshire Water Community Fund

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10. Vehicle Parking and Movement

10.1 To consider speed limiting proposal for junction of Fletchergate/St Augustine’s Gate. Concerns were raised at cars speeding into the junction causing problems for pedestrians. Cllr West declared a personal interest as he owned property on the junction.

Resolved: that a letter be sent to ERYC Highways asking for the problem to be looked into

10.2  Traffic safety measures for Souttergate/Magdalen Gate corner - update

Cllr Black updated members on his meeting with ERYC Highways Officer along with Cllr Stockdale. No action can be taken in this location.

Resolved: The report was noted; no further action to be taken

Cllr Stockdale further reported that the Highways Officer had agreed to install a bollard on the pavement of the junction of Baxtergate/Fletchergate to stop vehicles mounting the kerb.

10.3 General

Members were reminded that there will be an item on the agenda in the new year to look at general parking and traffic movement.

11. Flood Protection Measures

The Chairman referred to concerns about ongoing issues with respect to flooding and flood prevention in the area. In April 2105 Hedon Town Council responded to the ERYC Local Flood Risk Management Strategy which set out what the ERYC intended to do, working with organisations, businesses and communities, to manage the risk of flooding in the East Riding of Yorkshire over the next decade and beyond.

Hedon Town Council agreed that the Parish and Town Councils have an important role in monitoring and reporting problems with flood risk assets and providing the ‘first tier’ local government link between community and RMAs.

Members agreed that specific queries should be made to the responsible organisations as follows:

East Riding of Yorkshire Council

- Hedon Town Council requests that the ERYC, following improved flood risk measures, provides an up to date map of flood risk areas in the Hedon and surrounding areas and submits it to the Environment Agency.

-  Hedon Town Council requests that the ERYC, as the lead authority for flood protection, give assurances that the Authority is satisfied with the efforts of the stakeholders, and if not, what they intend to do about it.

-  Hedon Town Council seeks assurances that the Authority will carry out regular and adequate clearing of gullies etc.

Environment Agency

-  Hedon Town Council appreciates the work done (dredging) by the Environment Agency on the Burstwick Drain in the Hedon area but requests that consideration be given to the area further upstream.

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-  Hedon Town Council requests assurances that adequate pumping arrangements are in force at the Clough.

-  Hedon Town Council requests that the EA look at ‘main river’ in the Hedon area.

Yorkshire Water

-  Westlands Lagoon – Hedon Town Council notes that there is a lot of vegetation within the centre of the lagoon and requests that this is cleared.

-  Greville Lagoon – Hedon Town Council notes that it appears some work has been undertaken but would like assurances that this lagoon is ‘fit for purpose’.

-  Drainage infrastructure – Hedon Town Council requests assurances that the water/sewerage is adequate to deal with severe surface water, including the Clough Garth area following the development of a Care Home on Magdalen Gate.

Holderness Drainage Board

- Hedon Town Council seeks assurances that adequate maintenance of the drains etc under the control of the Drainage Board have, or as a matter of urgency will, be carried out.

Resolved: that Hedon Town Council wishes to be assured that adequate flood protection measures have been and are being undertaken by the responsible organisations, including the Flood Lead, East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Resolved: that Hedon Town Council request, as a matter of urgency, the ERYC, Environment Agency, Holderness IDB and Yorkshire Water to review flood prevention measures and to confirm that regular and relevant maintenance of rivers, drains, water courses, sewerage systems etc are undertaken and an assurance that their responsibilities are taken into account.

Resolved: that specific enquires as outlined above be made to the responsible organisations.

12. Crime Prevention Meetings with Emergency Services - update

Nothing to report.

13. ERYC Overview and Scrutiny Committees - Topics

Members had been circulated with the Committee’s discussions and recommendations on Controlled Parking Zones.

Resolved: that the subject of inappropriate parking on verges and pavements be put forward for discussion at an Overview and Scrutiny Committee

14. To approve Policy as follows

The Chairman referred to the draft Retentions Policy which had been previously circulated to all Cllrs.

Resolved: that Council adopt the policy with immediate effect

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15. To consider extending Christmas Tree Sales to Churchgate for 2016

After discussion members agreed to extend Christmas tree sales to Churchgate.

Resolved: that Christmas tree sales be extended to Churchgate from 2016

16. To approve renewal of Regular Events Licence on ERYC Owned Land

The Chairman noted that the above Licence had expired on 24 August 2015. The Town Clerk was asked to conduct negotiations to renew the licence and to include Souttergate, Station Lane and Ivy Lane on the plans.

Resolved: that the Town Clerk be authorised to conduct negotiations for the renewal of a five year Regular Events Licence on ERYC Owned Land

17. Defibrillator – Operation and Training

The Chairman noted that training had never been received on the defibrillator which was mounted on the side wall of the Town Hall. The Town Clerk was looking into obtaining training; it was requested that traders be invited to any session organised.

18. Correspondence

18.1 Letter from ERYC re Transfer of Dog Control Orders, Designated Public Place Orders (No Drinking Zones) and Gating Orders to Public Spaces Protection Orders which had been previously circulated to all Cllrs. The deadline for consultation replies was 18 December 2105.

Resolved: that the Town Council wishes the skate park, Watsons Park and the football pitch on Greville Road to be included in the ‘No Drinking Zones’ for Hedon.

18.2 E-mail from ERYC re new Connect to Support website which had been previously circulated to all Cllrs.

Resolved: that the information was noted

18.3 Hedon Mace – return. The Clerk confirmed that the Hedon Mace had been returned.

19. Members’ Points of information and items for the next agenda

There were no items to note.


Chairman of Finance & General Purposes Committee

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