“My Life” Project
Worth 50 points
Due Wednesday 8/28/13
You will create a project using one of the options below that will illustrate who you are as an individual and how you got that way! You will present your project to the class Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, August 28-30; you will draw to find out what day you will present. I am looking for creativity, effort, communication skills and quality of work. Your presentation will only take three to four minutes and will be informal. Here are your options:
MY LIFEMap- Take me on a journey through the years of your life. For this project you will need to create a map of your life from birth to present day. Include major events, hobbies, friends and important lessons you’ve learned along the way. You must use a minimum of 10 pictures with captions. You can use photographs, drawings, magazine pictures, artwork or stickers. Your map should also include roads, street names, bridges, lakes/oceans, parks, mountains, etc. Try to think of the above items metaphorically: “Victory Road” might describe your success in a tournament, you may name a mountain to describe a major life hurdle you had to overcome (divorce, move, braces), or you might name a lake after a particularly difficult task you were able to wade through. Or, your map may be designed like a soccer or football field if you play sports, and you can use the goals as beginning and end. Be creative and let us all learn a little more about you.
My Life Song- You may write a rap or song lyrics that tell your life story or that tell us about what you like and who you are. You must have a minimal of 30 lines in your lyrics, a chorus, and verses. You do not have to set the lyrics to music, though that would definitely boost your grade.
My Life Story- you may write an essay or narrative story about your life and interests. Note: Anyone can write a list of historical events – I want to hear your story in a unique and creative way. You could tell your story from a different point of view (as if you were someone else writing about you), you could create a character that is you, you could write it in a dramatic form (like a play), or you could create your own obituary . . . think about how to make it unique and all about you. Reveal your personality in your work. Remember that if you are writing, you are depending on your words to “paint a picture” like the life map poster would do for us, so your writing must be very clear and creative.
MY Life in a . . . box, bag, basket, any container that represents you.
You will need to place 10 items in some type of container that best represents you (a football bag, a GAP bag, a pillow case, a spaghetti jar—whatever you choose). You may use pictures, but you must have at least five items that are not pictures. You will present your life container to the class and explain why the container is significant as well as the items inside.You must write a paragraph explanation for each item. You may write your paragraphs on index cards that you can attach to each object or hold in your hand. Even though you are not writing a formal paper, I still expect good quality writing in each paragraph.
*****Note: Please remember that any photos or objects that you use for your project will have to be left in my room for a few days. Do not use originals of photographs that cannot be replaced or valuable objects that might get broken or lost. We will do our best to protect your belongings, but I can’t promise that something won’t happen to them. Please plan accordingly.
Some tips to help you get started(Brainstorming) :
Make a list of at least ten important events in your life so far; think of a way to depict your life story that fits your personality and talents; Make a list of people who have had an influence on your life; find a good quote that shares your beliefs or dreams; talk to your family about important events and memories that have helped to shape who you are.