Republic of Ghana
Urban Poverty Reduction Project (Poverty II)The Republic of Ghana has received a loan of UA 25 million from the African Development Fund to finance the Urban Poverty Reduction Project (Poverty II). The overall sector goal of the project is to contribute to Ghana’s efforts to achieving the Millennium Development Goal that calls for a reduction by half of the proportion of poor living on less than a dollar a day through urban poverty reduction strategies.
The specific objectives of the project are threefold: (i) to improve socio-economic growth of poor urban settlements through better participatory management, job creation, public/private partnership and governance at local level; (ii)to improve livelihoods in urban and peri-urban zones through increased access to basic quality services and socioeconomic infrastructure; and (iii)to facilitate access to income generating activities through capacity building and strengthened urban small-scale enterprise sector.The project is in line with Ghana’s poverty reduction strategy framework and the Bank’s policy on poverty reduction. Its objectives will promote poverty reduction through enterprise development amongst the very poor, and strengthen public and private sector structures and institutional coherence that will lead to a more conducive environment for greater citizen participation and collaboration in urban planning. A demand driven and pro-poor approach will be used to ensure the use of appropriate and responsive mitigating measures to the growing needs of the targeted urban poor. The project consist of four (4) components: (i) capacity building for pro-poor urban development and management, (ii) social capital investment support, (iii) urban small-scale enterprise development, and (iv) project management and coordination.
Procurement of goods and works will be in accordance with the Bank's Rules of Procedure for the Procurement of Goods and Works. Acquisition of the services of Consultants will follow the Bank's Rules of Procedure for the Use of Consultants. International Competitive Bidding will be used for the procurement of computers and mapping related equipments, and revenue collection laptops valued in aggregate at UA 0.14 million. Other modes of procurement such as National Competitive Bidding (NCB) will be used for the procurement of motorcycles, office equipment/furniture (Desks, telephone, fax, photocopiers, etc) and revenue collection equipment (safes, cash registers) for Metropolitan, Municipal, District Assemblies (MMDAs), as well as, for the procurement of civil works for the rehabilitation/construction of revenue collection offices and MMDAs’ Planning Department, all estimated in aggregate at UA0.83 million. Furthermore, procurements of goods, works and services for the rehabilitation/construction of community-based socio-economic infrastructure estimated at UA18.65million will be in accordance with procedures set out in the Project Operations Manual, which complies with the applicable Bank’s rules of procedure for procurement and the Bank’s Guidelines for the Award of Contracts for community-based projects(September 2000 edition).
Short List (SHL) of qualified firms and/or individuals will be used for consultancy services andTechnical Assistance needed for the financial and procurement audit of the project, professional services for the design and supervision of civil works for the rehabilitation/construction of MMDAs’ Planning Department and revenue collection offices, all the project’s studies/assessments & surveys, the design and implementation of capacity building programs, and training related activities, and technical assistances including consultancy services provided by a specialized Urban Capacity Building Services Management Agent and a Monitoring and Evaluation consultancy services valued in aggregate at UA 4.10 million.
Bidding documents are expected to be available in December 2005.Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting:
Social Investment Fund (SIF): Flagstaff House, P.O. Box CT 3919, Accra -Ghana.
Telephone: 223 21 778921-3. Fax: 233 21 778404. E-mail:.