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University of Michigan Business School

Community Consulting Club

2004-2005 Project Client Application

Name of Organization:

/ American Cancer Society


/ 2010 Hogback Rd. Suite 6
Address (cont’d):
City: Ann Arbor / State: MI / Zip Code: 48105
Phone: (734) 971-4300 / Fax: (734) 971-2818 / Email Address:
Organization Website Address:
Name of Primary Project Liaison: Tamara Rummel
Title/Position: Area Executive Director
Phone: (734) 971-4300 / Fax: (734) 971-2818 / E-mail Address:
Please describe your agency’s current stage of development (select one):
Start-up Undergoing transition
Growth Crisis
Please check the category that best describes your organization’s mission:
Arts/Culture/Humanities / Human/Social Services
Health / Social Justice
Environment / Other (please describe)
Please provide your organization’s mission statement below (or attach).
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy and service.
Please provide a brief history and/or overview of your organization’s work and goals.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) was founded in 1913 and has maintained as its mission to eliminate cancer. ACS has funded 32 Nobel Prize winners whose discoveries have helped triple the cancer survivor rate to over 60 percent today. Equally important is the volunteer network of people who raise funds for research, who communicate that newfound knowledge strategically, and who transform it into action at the community level. That has been the job of the ACS for nine decades.
Our 2015 goals are to: 1) Decrease cancer mortality rates by 50 percent, preventing almost five million deaths; 2) Reduce the cancer incidence rates by 25 percent, preventing almost six million new diagnoses; and 3) Measurably improve the quality of life for people with cancer.
Please describe the programs or services within your organization.
Our programs and services are numerous and diverse. All are available on our website or by calling 1.800.ACS.2345. To mention a few: 1) Relay For Life is our national signature fundraising event – it is the largest single day fundraising event in the world; 2) Reach to Recovery – a mentoring program for breast cancer survivors; 3) Road to Recovery – a volunteer transportation program to ensure all patients get to necessary treatment; and 4) ACS at Work – a mission delivery program established to reach people at worksites with life-saving information and opportunities to become involved with ACS.
Please check the category or categories that best describes the type of project:
Strategy / Finance
Business Development / Organizational Change
Marketing / Other ______
Please describe the project that a Community Consulting Club team of 4-6 students could complete for your organization in approximately 10-12 weeks.
Identify, Research and Document Top 50 Prospects for ACS at Work Programs and Five Star Recognition
Because – American employees believe that cancer is the single most important health problem they could face in the future (Gallup Poll 2000). They want to be involved in the fight against cancer – a disease they have personal knowledge of due to the devastation of a diagnosis of a family member, friend or co-worker. Also they appreciate the opportunity for involvement in the fight against cancer where they spend most of their time – the worksite.
Because – Employers must improve the health and productivity of employees to contain ever-escalating health care costs and remain competitive in a global economy. They can gain market/community exposure through collaboration with a “blue chip” non-profit with a big brand like ACS. Also they can improve the work environment through participation in ACS events and programs (i.e., increased productivity, lower absenteeism and greater sense of “team”).
Because – ACS recognizes that in order to accomplish our 2015 goals, staff must work within the largest systems possible to reach the most people with life-saving programs.
Please list the organization’s goals for the project.
Identify – a master list of the Top 50 priority worksites that are critical “give back relationships” those currently supporting ACS in a big way through events like Relay For Life or Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Also, need to focus on the largest worksites in the area.
Prioritize – area worksites using criteria established by ACS
Develop – a lit of Top 50 worksites for Huron Valley Area
Evaluate – the ACS relationships and history of these companies with ACS
Research – the Top 50 worksites to establish additional knowledge of worksite demographics,
national scope, community involvement guidelines, annual reports, etc.
Document – findings with staff and attach information to Siebel constituent record as attachments
Please provide any additional background information about the project that would be helpful to the consulting team. Attach additional documents as needed.
Phase II – Recruit a representative from each of the Top 50 worksites to attend an ACS at Work luncheon. Consulting team members would work closely with the Area Executive Director and Community Development Directors to establish the agenda, the program and the logistics of the luncheon. Goals would be established for attendance, follow-up and number of moves made on the ACS at Work mission menu. Phase II would hopefully be implemented in January 2005 with the luncheon occurring in early April. Would be ideal to have the same set of consulting team members commit to Phase I and II for their benefit, and learning experience, but this is not mandatory.

Thank you for your participation! Please feel free to attach any materials you think would be helpful.

Please submit this application via email to and . If you prefer to submit via U.S. Postal Service, please email or call either of us for postal mailing instructions.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Sid Sahni Jack Yu

Vice President – Business Development Vice President – Business Development

(574) 276-7440 (248) 935-1094