Year 7 Long Term Plan
Autumn Term 1Drama: Study a Modern Play / Done? / Autumn Term 2
Non-Fiction Writing / Done? / Spring Term 1
/ Done?
Baseline / W / Assessment: Write to entertain and imagine- Paper 1 Question 5 (AO5/6)
Skills to include: Evaluate (Paper 1 Question 4) (AO4)
P2E:Find and read a Terry Pratchett novel- review. / R / Assessment: Compare two non-fiction texts (e.g. travel, autobiography, news- 1 must be 20th Century) (AO3). Paper 2 Question 4
Skills to include: Compare (AO3), summarise (AO1), infer (AO1)(Paper 2 Question 2)
P2E:Write a journalistic piece of travel writing. / W / Assessment: Write to Explain/Persuade/Argue: teacher’s choice(AO5/6) (Paper 2 Question 5)
Skills to include: Comment on social/historical background (AO4) Analyse language (Paper 1 Question 2)
P2E:Research the writer and create a dossier.
S&L / Talk to Discuss - discuss alternative staging / S&L / Literacy Assessment:
Talk in Role - holiday complaint, ‘home or away’ TV show or news programme / S&L / Talk to Present- present on the topic needed for main writing assessment as preparation
Spring Term 2
Novel- continued / Done? / Summer Term 1
Exam Preparation / Done? / Summer Term 2
The Gothic Genre- Dracula 19th Century / Done?
R / Assessment: Analyse an extract from the beginning of a chapter (AO2/AO4) (Paper 1 Question 3)
Skills to include: Structure (AO2) and Compare writer’s perspectives (Paper 2 Question 3) (AO3)
P2E:Pick a theme from the novel and write an argumentative piece / W
R / Prepare for writing questions (Assess for Writing Paper 1 Question 5)
Prepare for reading questions / R / Assessment: Analyse Language (Paper 2 Question 3)
Skills to include: Comment on social/historical- religion (AO4), (Paper 1 Question 1 and Paper 2 Question 1)(AO1)
P2E: choose another 19th century novel and compare to Dracula
S & L / Talk to Discuss- Social/historical issues
S&L / Literacy Assessment:
Talk with Others- discussion on themes/issues of novel / S&L / Literacy Assessment:
Talk to Others- presentation on exam sources e.g. writer’s perspective
Year 8 Long Term Plan
Autumn Term 1Shakespeare (Much Ado and Taming…) / Done? / Autumn Term 2
Novel / Done? / Spring Term 1
Poetry: Different Cultures / Done?
R / Assessment: Compare two extracts e.g. representation of gender or villains in two texts (AO2/3/4) (Question 2 Paper 2)
Skills to include: Compare language (AO2), writer’s perspectives (AO3), evaluate (AO4)
P2E:research project on Shakespeare / W / Assessment : Writing to narrate/describe (AO5/6) (Paper1 Question 5)
Skills to include:
Identify Information and Inference (AO1) (Paper 1 Question 1 & Paper 2 Question 1), Language and Structure (AO2) Paper 1 Question 3), Perspective and Evaluation (AO4)
P2E:compare the openings of 3 novels of your choice / R / Assessment: Compare 2 poems (AO1) (Paper 2 Question 2)
Skills to include:
Language (Paper 1 Question 2) and Structure (AO2), Compare Perspective (AO3) and Evaluation (AO4)
P2E:write a poem or short story based on your own culture/society.
S&L / Talk in Role- e.g. role play or improvise an ‘extra scene’ / S&L / Talk with Others- discussion on themes/issues of novel / S&L / Talk with Others- Discuss Unseen Poem
Spring Term 2
Media/Advertising / Done? / Summer Term 1
Exam Preparation / Done? / Summer Term 2
Superheroes / Done?
W / Assessment: Writing to explain/persuade/argue (AO5/6) Paper 2 Question 5
Skills to include:
Write a persuasive speech /pitch for a new product (competition) (AO5,6), P2E: Create a fact file on a brand of your choice. / R
W / Prepare for reading questions (Assess for Writing Paper 1 Question 5)
Prepare for writing questions / R / Assessment: Evaluate the writer’s front cover (AO4) Paper 1 Question 4
Skills to include:
Perspective and Language (AO2/4)
P2E:write a monologue for your villain. Evaluate (AO4)
S&L / Talk to Present- a pitch for a new product / S&L / Talk in role- Villain and Hero dialogue
Year 9 Long Term Plan
Autumn Term 1Modern Text – An Inspector (sets 1 & 2). Blood Bros (3,4,5) / Done? / Autumn Term 2
(19th Century e.g. Parents and Children (Oliver Twist and Jane Eyre OR Dombey) / Done? / Spring Term 1
Shakespeare: Macbeth / Done?
R / Assessment: Comment on Language and Social Historical e.g. Science v Religion. (Paper 2 Lit Section A Choice of Questions 1/2 3/4)
Skills to include: Language (AO2) and Social/Historical (AO4), Identify info and Inference (AO1), Evaluate Paper 1 Question 4 (AO4)
P2E:compare to a contemporary text / W / Assessment: Write to Explain/Persuade/Argue- article based on a statement Paper 2 Question 5 e.g. Victorian workhouses, slavery, racism, Holocaust, modern-day discrimination e.g. sexism/ immigration/disability.
Skills to include: Summarise (AO1) Paper 2 Question 2 & Language (AO2)
P2E:write a short story based on an area of injustice you find interesting. / R / Assessment: How far does Shakespeare present Macbeth as a villain? (A04) Paper 1 Lit Section A Question 1)
Skills to include: Language (AO2) and Social/Historical (AO4), Identify info, Inference (AO1), Evaluate (AO4)
P2E:Choice: Research religion and power OR Research wealth and status.
S&L / Talk to Present: Presentation on historical context / S&L / Talk to Discuss: Debate / S&L / Talk in Role- e.g. the trial/Jeremy Kyle
Spring Term 2
Macbeth / Done? / Summer Term 1
Exam Preparation / Done? / Summer Term 2
Poetry Unit / Done?
W / Assessment: Write a narrative/description having explored Macbeth A05/6 (Paper 1 Question 5)
Skills to include: Comment on structure (AO2), language (AO2) and social/historical (AO4) P2E:Find 3 texts with effective use of description- present. / R
W / Prep for reading questions.
Prep for writing questions.
(Assess for Writing Paper 2 Question 5) / R / Assessment: Compare the way poets present ideas about war in War Photo. and…- Power and Conflict (Lit Paper 2 Section B)
Skills to include: Poet’s Perspective (AO3), Language (AO2), Structure (AO2), Social/Historical (AO4)
P2E:Compose a piece of poetry and analyse it.
S& L / Talk to Present: Paired Presentation including evaluation of unseen poem. Statement - how far do you agree?
S&L / Talk to Discuss- Evaluate effectiveness of own or other’s short stories / S
Year 10 Long Term Plan
Autumn Term 1Modern Text – An Inspector (sets 1 & 2). Blood Bros (3,4,5) / Done? / Autumn Term 2
Macbeth (10 key scenes) / Done? / Spring Term 1
Exam Prep Language / Done?
R / Assessment: Comment on Language and Social Historical e.g. Science v Religion. (Paper 2 Lit Section A Choice of Questions 1/2 3/4)
Skills to include: Language (AO2) and Social/Historical (AO4), Identify info and Inference (AO1), Evaluate Paper 1 Question 4 (AO4)
P2E:compare to a contemporary text / R / Assessment: How far does Shakespeare present Macbeth as a villain? (A04) Paper 1 Lit Section A Question 1)
Skills to include: Language (AO2) and Social/Historical (AO4), Identify info, Inference (AO1), Evaluate (AO4)
P2E:Choice: Research religion and power OR Research wealth and status. / R
W / Prep for reading questions
Prep for writing questions
Assessment: Mock Exam Paper 1
S&L / Talk to Present: Presentation on historical context / S&L / Talk in Role- e.g. the trial/Jeremy Kyle / S&L / Talk in Role- e.g. the trial/Jeremy Kyle
Spring Term 2
Frankenstein / Done? / Summer Term 1
Exam Prep Language / Done? / Summer Term 2
Poetry Unit / Done?
R / Assessment: Write about how Shelley presents the importance of love and acceptance within society. (Lit Paper 1 Section B)
Skills to include: Inference, Writer’s Purpose, Language AO1/2/3) / R
W / Prep for reading questions
Prep for writing questions
Assessment: Mock Exam Paper 2 / R / Assessment: Compare the way poets present ideas about power in Ozymandias. and…- Power and Conflict (Lit Paper 2 Section B)
Skills to include: Poet’s Perspective (AO3), Language (AO2), Structure (AO2), Social/Historical (AO4)
P2E:Compose a piece of poetry and analyse it.
S & L / Talk to Present: Paired Presentation including evaluation of unseen poem. Statement - how far do you agree?
S&L / Talk to Discuss- Evaluate effectiveness of own or other’s short stories