Calling all MA and PhD students!

28thJune 2012


King’s Manor

The Undergraduate Archaeology Festival presents:

A Conference for Undergraduates by Postgraduates

As part of the exciting new End-of-Term Undergraduate Archaeology Festival (Summer term weeks 9-10 (18th-29th June in real life)) we will be hosting a fun morning conference geared toward an undergraduate audience.

We are inviting abstracts of up to 200 words for 15-minute papers on any subject related to archaeology. Deadline for submissions is 18th May 2012.

This will be a great opportunity for Postgraduates to present their research to a keen audience in a relatively informal conference setting.

MAs- This is the perfect chance to present on progress of your dissertation to a wider audience. It will look great on your CV, and will be brilliant for building on your public-speaking experience for all those conferences you’ll be presenting at in the future. Why not refresh your assessed lecture, or tell us about one of your case studies?

PhDs- Do you have a paper that you’d like some feedback on before presenting later in the summer? Have you made some progress on an area of your research that you’d like to present, or do you have a paper you might like to update and pare down? First years- tell us about your aims, where your research has taken you so far, and where you are going next.

PGWTs- This is your opportunity to show the undergradswhat you work on when you’re not marking or teaching.

About-to-Submits, Pre-Vivas and New Drs- The MAs and UGs (and new PhDs) might benefit from a more self-reflexive paper that follows the journey of a PhD student from research proposal to (near) submission. Any stories to regale us with or wisdom to impart?

If you have an idea for a paper that isn’t necessarily related to your research but would appeal to UGs, that’s fantastic. Subjects that will stimulate discussion are welcome. Similarly, if you have an idea for a ‘presentation’ that might not fit the average conference paper template, please get in touch and we can discuss. We will be encouraging audience participation and lively discussion sessions.

Please send abstracts to by 18th May, and feel free to contact Alison or Hannah () with any questions or comments. Please remember to gear the accessibility of papers toward an undergraduate audience.

Many thanks for helping us to make this a fun event for our undergraduates!

Alison Leonard and Hannah Simons

Undergraduate Archaeology Festival coordinators