Biology Honors
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Teacher: Mr. Chapdelaine
Room: 248
Phone: 510-618-4600 x2248
Webpage: Go to on Teacher Webpages click on Joseph Chapdelaine.
***Assignments and resources for students and parents will be posted daily.
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursdayat lunch, or by appointment
Text Books: “Biology”, Prentice Hall
Materials:1 inch binder with rings (To be used for Biology class only)
Loose-leaf college rule paper
A pencil and/or pen (black or blue ink only)
Colored Pencils
Description: Biology covers the units of Nature of Science, Chemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution, Ecology, and Physiology. It follows the recommended School District and State Standards for Science Education at this level. Successful completion of this course will result in 10 Credits. Serious classroom behavior is expected.
Attendance: Regular daily attendance is required to receive a passing grade based on achievement. Be sure to have permissible absences excused properly. Make-up work policy allows for work to be turned in one day late per absence. Punctuality is also very important. Each tardy will result in a .5% drop in your participation grade! Your 3rd tardy, and ever tardy thereafter, will result in a lunch detention.
Electronics: Electronic devices such as cell phones, MP3 players/iPods, PSPs, and other devices are to be turned off and stored during the ENTIRE class period. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in one or all of the following: confiscation of device returned only to parent or guardian, removal of student from class, a referral/Saturday school, a failing score on the assignment/test, and/or a 10% drop in overall grade. Neither the school nor the instructor is responsible for devices lost or stolen during class time or due to confiscation.
Grades: All individual assignments will be graded using the following grading scale.
Grading Scale:Final grade will consist of:
90-100%A25% Classwork, Homework, Labs,
80-89%BProjects, and other assignments
65 -79%C65% Quizzes, Tests, and Final Exam
64 - 50%D10% Participation
49.9 – 0%F
Assignments: Assignments are due when you enter the classroom on the due date. One day late is
allowed, but you will be docked 50% of the grade. After one day, the assignment will
not be accepted. Assignments will consist of Warm-Ups, Unit
vocabulary, Notes, Semester projects, Labs with reports, Questions or Worksheets,
Additional homework and Classwork.
Need Help?: Biology Honors builds on each unit, so if you don't understand something it will come back to haunt you. If you run into problems, ask for help. I am available at lunch, after classand via email. Remember that when one person is confused often many people are as well so ask questions in class because chances are you are not alone in your confusion. Also, let me know if there are any special circumstances outside the classroom that might affect your work. I am here to help you succeed.
Cheating:Cheating of any kind is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Violators may face
punishment including article confiscation, detention, referral, assignment failure, parent conference and/or suspension from school. Examples of cheating include copying work of another student, permitting another student to copy your work, doing someone else’s assignment, using unauthorized sources of information during quiz or test, copying ‘word for word’ information from a text/web page and turning the work in for credit without quoting the work and citing the source (this is called plagiarism).
Rules: Students are expected to follow classroom rules, which include school-wide rules.
- Follow directions the first time. If you do not understand, ASK!
- Be on time and bring required materials
- Respect the rights of others to learn and work
- Everyone is expected to participate in all lab work, class work, and discussions.
- Use all equipment safely, correctly, and as directed and clean your workspace and common areas.
Procedures: There are several procedures students must learn for the classroom to be a clean, orderly and safe environment. Here are a couple of them:
Start of classEnd of class
- Enter class respectfully1. Put away materialsat 5 min. to the bell
- Take off hood and 2. Make sure your area is clean put away electronic devices 3. Sit for any closing summary/questions
- Immediately go to your assigned seat4. Stay in your seats until the bell rings and
- Get out your notebooks wait for instructor’s dismissal
- Start working on the Warm-Up
*** Keep all electronic items and cell phones OFF at all times during class!!!
*** If electronic devices are out they may be taken at the instructor discretion, in alignment with school policy. The instructor, school and its staff are NOT responsible for lost or stolen items that have been confiscated due to school policy violation.
Consequences: Breaking the rules or not following procedures will result in the following actions.
Step 1: Warning
Step 2: Teacher/Student Conference and/or detention
Step 3: Parent phone call and additional detention
Step 4: Referral to administrator or counselor
Note 1: Detention is 15 – 45 minutes and will be served that same day or the day after assigned. If detention is missed, student will be referred to Assistant Principal.
Note 2: Consequences are a part of life; do not take them personally. They are designed to help you and your classmates succeed in the classroom and are part of the professional duties assigned to me as your teacher.
Biology Honors
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Students and Parents/Guardians:
We have read the expectations from Mr. Chapdelaine’s Biology Honors Course Syllabus for the Academic Year 2014-2015. We have discussed and agreed to them with each other. We have also noted the policies concerning academic evaluation, as well as behavior and conduct and understand the consequences of disregarding them.
Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (printed): ______
Signature: ______
Student Name (printed): ______
Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone and email: ______
Best Way to Contact: Phone or E-mailBest Time: ______
1. Where does your child learn best, when he/she sits in the front, middle, or back of the class?
2. Does your child do better with weekly grade reports brought home?
3. Does your child learn best by seeing, reading, writing, hearing, or doing?
4. Does your child need help organizing their schoolwork and homework?
5. What can I do to help your child be successful in my class?
6. Do you have any comments, questions or anything you would like me to know about your student?
Thank You!