Derby Rugby Football Club – Minifest 2013.

Sunday 13th October 2013

Registration by no later than 10.00amFirst Kick Off 11.00am

DIRECTIONSPlease find a map attached.

Do not travel to the venue via Darley Abbey and the ‘toll bridge’. GPS systems may direct you this way, so please check and select the alternative route via Alfreton Road and Haslams Lane.

CAR PARKINGALL CARS – Marshals will be on duty to direct you to Car Parking which will be available at the Club and the ‘overflow’ car parks nearby – (See Signs). Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time as access roads can get very busy.

Please respect the wishes of local residents and DO NOT TRY TO PARK ON THE ROAD NEAR THE CLUB – THE POLICE ARE AWARE AND WILL ISSUE TICKETS TO ANYONE TRYING TO PARK ON THE RESIDENTIAL AREAS AROUND THE CLUB! People have previously returned to their cars at the end of the festival to find an expensive message from Derbyshire Constabulary on their windscreen!

There will be a charge of £5.00 per car, which includes one programme per car. Additional programmes will be available.

COACH PARKINGCoach Parking will be provided in a designated coach park close to the Clubhouse. Coaches will be directed by marshals to the coach park. Please call the contact number to advise of your imminent arrival. There will be a charge of £30 per coach, which will include 10 programmes.


Vehicles and their contents are parked entirely at the owners risk and Derby Rugby Football Club accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or theft, however it may occur.

REGISTRATIONAll teams must register at the control point ( in marquee at far side of main pitch) by 10.00am

NOTE – Registration will close at 10.30am. If you are delayed for any reason, please phone Sue Drummond on 07984429079 or the rugby club on 01332 344341 in order not to jeopardise your registration.

All Coaches must have a copy of each player’s registration. We require a list of registered players attending for each Squad / Age group participating. Please use the attached form, which should be handed in to the Registration Clerk at Registration. As part of the registration process, all coaches will be asked to bring RFU membership cards for their squad players or a computer printout. In the event that RFU cards are not available, then alternative forms of ID confirming date of birth will be acceptable.

There will be a Coaches and Referees meeting at the control point at 10.30am. Please ensure this is attended by one representative from each age group.

PHOTOGRAPHERSAnyone wishing to take photographs of the matches must register during the above Registration period and collect and display a ‘Registered Photographer’ badge.

An official photographer will be in attendance and will be taking team and action photographs that will be available for purchase.

FIXTURESThese will be emailed once all teams have confirmed to the fixtures secretary.

KICK OFF TIMEThe first fixtures for each age group will kick off at 11.00am. Please ensure that your referee is available and your team is ready to play 5 minutes before each scheduled kick off time. This will help ensure that the festival runs to time.

CHANGING FACILITIESPlease see the boards posted outside the Changing Rooms for advice on the provision of changing for your Club by age group. Please advise by Monday 30 September if your squad will include female players and / or coaches so that we can ensure adequate changing facilities are available.

Note : Please ensure that players / coaches / referees bring a change of clothing with them and they get washed and changed before going upstairs as no-one is allowed in the Clubhouse in playing kit.

Derby Rugby Football Club accepts no responsibility for damage or loss of personal belongings.

PITCHESPlease see the boards posted outside the changing rooms for advice on which pitch your Club squads have been allocated.

TOURNAMENT RULESThe festival has been organised to conform to the guidelines set down within the Rugby Continuum unless otherwise specifically stated. Specifically referees will be instructed to apply the continuum rigorously in relation to high tackles and hand offs / fend offs.

The RFU have ruled that play for Under 7s and Under 8s should be non-competitive. We are following this ruling and have arranged these age groups so that all the teams play each other, giving a maximum amount of playing time for everyone.

Under 9s to Under 12s will follow a competitive format. This will be two pools leading to semi finals and finals for Cup and Plate competitions.


Age / Squad size / Match Length / Continuum exceptions
Under 7 / Team Size 7, squad size 12 / 5 minutes each way
Under 8 / Team Size 7, squad size 12 / 5 minutes each way
Under 9 / Team Size 9, squad size 15 / 6 minutes each way
Under 10 / Team Size 9, squad size 15 / 6 minutes each way
Under 11 / Team Size 12, squad size 17 / 7 minutes each way / No conversions
Under 12 / Team Size 13, squad size 18 / 7 minutes each way / No conversions

In all cases half time will be no more than 2 minutes.

Scoring system – Under 9s to Under 12s - During the pool stages, the scoring system will be as follows: Win 4 points

Draw2 points

Lose1 point

Qualification for semi final- The order in the groups will be decided on the following system:

  1. Total points
  2. If equal on points then tries scored
  3. then tries conceded
  4. then result of game between the two teams
  5. If still equal then toss of coin ( first team alphabetically to call)

No extra time will be played. In the final, if the game is drawn, the trophy will be shared.


All teams will be required to provide a person competent to referee. Allocation of referees to fixtures will be contained in the programme. Teams will be required to provide a touch judge for each of their matches.

In all cases the referees decision will be final.


For safety reasons the approved kit MUST be worn, including gum shields and kite marked studs. Derby RFC has a policy of not allowing our players to wear blades for safety reasons. We would appreciate it if other clubs would do likewise.

PRESENTATIONSAll players in all age groups will receive a medal. In order to avoid too much waiting around, each age group will have their presentations at the end of their group matches. Please make your way to the front of the Clubhouse for the presentations.


Fair play is a fundamental ethos of Rugby Football.

Referees will be asked to provide feedback on any team, players, coaches or supporters who do not uphold this ethos.

REFRESHMENTSRefreshments are available in the Clubhouse and from the outside facilities for spectators throughout the day.

HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONSPlease note the following:-

  • The use of barbecues is not permitted in the Club grounds
  • Only alcohol purchased from the Club Bar may be consumed in the Club grounds
  • Discarded bottles and bottle tops are DANGEROUS

FIRST AIDIn the event of an accident, please approach any DRFC coach or official who will be able to organise First Aid

SIDE STALLS AND RAFFLEThere will be a range of side stalls and some free children’s entertainment available during the day. We will also be running a raffle which will be drawn alongside the presentations.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Club and to a great day of rugby for all involved.


Please don’t be a ‘raving touchline parent’


-Remember that your children play for their enjoyment, not yours

-Encourage them to play by the rules

-Teach children that winning isn’t the be all and end all!

-Set a good example – applaud good play from both teams

-Encourage your child to improve his or her skills through coaching sessions


-Force your child to play Rugby – they play because THEY WANT TO

-Yell at a player for making a mistake – they are ALL trying their hardest

-Go onto the pitch – if you want to get involved, talk with the coach after the game.

-Abuse the referee – they are volunteers and children cannot play the game without them

Please forward on to parents and other supporters