1. Which of the following is not a normal component of the blood?

A. neurons B. water C. proteins D. vitamins E. glucose

2. The blood has all of the following properties except _____.

A. pH 7.35-7.45 B. 280-295 mOsm C. 38 °C D. less viscose than water

3. About what percent of body weight is the blood?

A. 20% B. 40% C. 8% D. 3% E. 15%

4. What percent of total blood can a healthy adult donate each time without adverse effects?

A. 10% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40% E. 50%

5. Which two of the following are functions of the blood?

1) transport of nutrients, 2) production of hormones , 3) protection, 4) respiration, 5) reproduction of sperm

A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 4 E. 4 and 5

6. What percent of the blood is plasma?

A. ~10% B. ~30% C. ~50% D. ~70% E. ~90%

7. Plasma contains the following proteins except ___.

A. albumin B. a globulin C. fibrinogen D. g globulin

E. hemoglobin

8. The functions of plasma proteins do not include ___.

A. transport of some hydrophobic hormones B. transport of oxygen C. coagulation

9. Which of the following cells is not present in the blood?

A. erythrocytes B. macrophages C. neutrophils D. monocytes

E. lymphocytes

10. Which of the following cell type is the most abundant among all blood cells ?

A. neutrophils B. erythrocytes C. lymphocytes D. eosinophils

E. basophils

11. ABO blood type is determined by specific glycoproteins (agglutinogens) which are located on ___.

A. cytoplasm of erythrocytes B. plasma membrane of erythrocytes

C. cytoplasm of leukocytes D. plasma membrane of leukocytes

E. membrane of platelets

12 Type AB blood contains ___.

A) A agglutinogens plus B agglutinins B) both A and B agglutinogens plus both A and B agglutinins

C) A agglutinogens D) O agglutinogens plus A and B agglutinins E) B agglutinogens and A agglutinins

13. What happens when a type AB blood is transfused into the blood stream of a type B person?

A. agglutination of the donor’s erythrocytes B. agglutination of the recipient’s erythrocytes

C. aggregation of the donor’s erythrocytes with the recipient’s erythrocytes

D. aggregation of the donor’s leukocytes with the recipient’s leukocytes

E. agglutination of the donor’s leukocytes

14. In adults, the blood cells are generated primarily in ____.

A. the yolk sac. B. red bone marrow. C. the kidney D. yellow bone marrow

E. the heart

15. Erythrocytes normally circulate in blood stream for an average of ___.

A. 4 days B. 4 weeks C. 4 months D. 4 years E. 40 years

16. Which organ is especially involved in breaking up old erythrocytes?

A. spleen B. bone marrow C. lung D. heart E. kidney

17. The primary function of leukocytes is to ___.

A. transport oxygen B. stop bleeding C. regulate erythropoiesis

D. transport nutrients E. kill pathogens such as bacteria

18. Which of the following is a normal hematocrit value?

A. 25% B. 45% C. 65% D. 85% E. 100%

19. The most abundant leukocytes in normal circulating blood are ____.

A. eosinophils. B. basophils. C. neutrophils. D. monocytes. E. platelets.

20. Which of the hormones stimulates production of red blood cells?

A. erythropoietin B. norepinephrine C. angiotensin D. estrogen E. aldosterone

21. A patient, who lost two kidneys and survive on dialysis, most likely has a ___.

A. low leukocyte count B. low erythrocyte count C. low platelet count

D. high platelet count E. high erythrocyte count

22. Under which condition more erythrocytes are produced?

A. hypoxemia B. lack of sleep C. hunger D. malnutrition E. loss of body weight

23. In response to inflammation, leukocyte count can increase to 3-4 folds of its normal value of ___.

A. 100-1,000/ml B. 1,000-4,000/ml C. 4,000-10,000/ml D. 10,000-100,000/ml

E. 100,00-1,000,000/ml

24. Leukocytes usually stay only in the blood stream.

A.  The above statement is true.

B.  The above statement is false.

25. Which of the following steps is not involved in the attack of bacteria which invade in a tissue outside blood vessels?

A. margination B. diapedesis C. chemotaxis D. phagocytosis E. agglutination

26. The majority of leukocytes can live ____.

A. longer than erythrocytes B. for several hours to several days C. for four months

D. for 4 years E. forever

27. Which of the following is not a property of erythrocytes?

A. absence of nuclei B. smaller than leukocytes C. containing hemoglobin

D. carrying oxygen E. spherical shape

28. Which of the following nutrients except ____ are especially needed for production of hemoglobin?

A. folic acid B. iron C. vitamine D D. vitamine B12

29. Which of the following is not involved in hemostatsis (stoppage of bleeding) ?

A. platelet plug formation B. agglutination C. clot formation

D. constriction of the blood vessel E. conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin polymers

30. Blood clot is not formed in unbroken blood vessels due to two of the following factors.

1) fast blood flow 2) smooth inner surface of blood vessels 3) high leukocyte count 4) high platelet count 5) high erythrocyte count

A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 2 and 5 D. 3 and 4 E. 1 and 5

31. Platelets have all of the following properties except that ____.

A. platelets are fragments of megakaryocytes. B. platelets aggregate at broken blood vessels

C. platelets help repair broken blood vessels. D. platelets kill bacteria.

E. platelets facilitate coagulation


1A 2D 3C 4A 5C 6C 7E 8B 9B 10B

11B 12C 13A 14B 15C 16A 17E 18B 19C 20A

21B 22A 23C 24B 25E 26B 27E 28C 29B 30A
