Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Madison – In-Person/Phone Meeting
Members Present:Lynn Krause (01);Anita Gorham (03); Debbie Kelly (05); Jane Spencer (06); Joleen Prentice (07); Richard Price (08); Amy Scarborough (09); Victoria Harmon (10); Katie Gerhards (11)
Other Local Staff / Guests Present:Rebecca Freund (01); Renee Kemp(03); DJ Blum (03); Cheryl Wrobleski (03); Rhonda Suda (11); Sue Gleason (WWDA)
DWD Staff Present: David Arb; Scott Fromader; Theresa Loerke;Karen Pfeil; CathySill
Recommended AUG Highlights for WWDA
Anita Gorham elected Vice-Chair of AUG.
WebI reports are being worked on.
2015 Credential Attainment.
Errors in Literacy/Numeracy are becoming less.
Call to Order
- The meeting was called to order at 9:43 a.m. by Debbie Kelly
Review & Approve AUG Minutes from March 26, 2014
- Correction regarding misspelling of Joleen’s name.
- Jane Spencer made a motion to accept the minutes with the changes; Joleen Prentice seconded that motion.
- Motion passed unanimously.
ASSET Updates
- Reminder that ASSET Contract ID Conversion will take place on July 1, 2014. Services that should not be converted need to be closed no later than June 30, 2014.
- Reviewed required fields in ASSET.
- Discussion about adding another option when closing ITA services. The group commented that each area has their own interpretation of what it means to choose ITA withdrawn. It was suggested to add an “other” field. This is not a field that is subject to data validation so would be for local purpose use. Cathy Sill will check on the possibilities of adding that field.
- New measure will be added in 2015: Credential Attainment. It is new because of the definition which can be found in TEGL-4-13. More information will be forthcoming so keep it on the radar screen.
- Discussion was held on work-readiness trainings not being a credential. (i.e., OSHA training)
- Review necessity of all required fields:
- Status of Literacy/Numeracy performance:
- If you find the report is incorrect; connect with your LPL and CC: Scott Fromader.
- The State is due to negotiate performance measures with DOL. The State will receive final numbers and then release information to the WDAs. TEGL 2513 has all the information on what factors are looked at when negotiating.
- What to check in ASSET for OSY that is not BSD:
- ASSET Users guide will be checked and Scott Fromader said he will email a one-page document that explains determination of OSY. Also commented to refer to TEGL-17-05 Change 2.
WWDA Report – (Sue Gleason)
- Brian Vigue is no longer with WWDA; currently recruiting for that position but in the mean time, Sue Gleason and Angie Cummings keep WWDA going.
- The 11 Boards within the State have signed a joint MOU; there will be a signing ceremony where Secretary Newson will sign the document as well.
- WWDA is redoing the Strategic Action Plan; Mike from the Bay Area is assisting in that process.
- Industry Partnership Grants have all been approved; Manufacturing, IT & Logistics, Healthcare, and Transportation.
- Skills Wisconsin grant is being evaluated for one year. Comparing common measures with ASSET. Surveys are being done to see the impact.
Other Business:
- Update on new WebI Reports:
- Completion date is set for August.
- Cathy Sill will discuss with Jackie the possibility of having a webinar per Victoria Harmon’s request.
- Election of Vice Chair:
- Votes were turned into Debbie Kelly; Anita has been voted in as Vice Chair.
- If a participant is in training and needs licensing test it would be documented in Manage Services, Occupational Classroom. If the participant is not in training and needs something, it would be documented as a Supportive Service under Manage Services.
- The possibility of meeting more often in-person was brought up. Everyone agreed that would be nice, 3 times per year. May meeting would be kept in Madison and the others could rotate. Joleen Prentice volunteered to host the September meeting in WDA 7 (Ashland). September agenda – Best Practices for discussion.
- Motion made by Rebecca to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Anita.
- Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
The next ASSET User Group meeting will be Wednesday, June 25thvia webinar.
Next minute taker: Toni White (WDA 2)
Minutes submitted by Rebecca Freund (01)
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