Terms of Reference for the Administrator in the Secretariat of the Regional Cooperation Council

Task Force on Culture and Society

The Secretariat of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Task Force on Culture and Society (TFCS) will commence its operation early 2011 in Cetinje, Montenegro. Regional Cooperation Council has been charged with supporting the recruitment of the initial TFCS Secretariat staff.


During the European Ministerial Conference organized in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on “Rehabilitating our Common Heritage” (6-7 November 2009), Ministers of Cultureunderlined the importance and the success of the activities carried in the Regional Programme for Cultural and Natural Heritage in South-East Europe, carried out jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Commission. They declared in their “Ministerial Statement” their will to continue the Integrated Rehabilitation Projects Plan / Survey of the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage(IRPP/SAAH – Ljubljana Process, 2003-2010) on cultural heritage in South East Europe after the completion of the joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Commission in 2010.

At their meeting on 24th April 2010 in Cetinje the Council of Ministers for Culture from South East Europe (CoMoCoSEE) :

Expressed its strong commitment to i pursuing the cultural heritage rehabilitation processe in South East Europe through a transitional phase of three years under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council;

Endorsed the proposal recommending the creation of a Regional Task Force for Culture and Society by the RCC benefiting from the support of an international secretariat.

Against this background, the Decision on the Establishment of the RCC Task Force on Culture and Society was adopted by the Board of the RCC on 16 September 2010.

The general aim of Task Force on Culture and Society will be to promote regional cooperation in the sphere of culture by creating a platform for dialogue of relevant stakeholders. The subsequent goal is to maximize the benefits of investment in culture through its contribution to sustainable economic and social development and help ensure that this investment is consistent with other actions promoted at regional and national level. The Task Force on Culture and Society will be responsible for ensuring the political support necessary to realise the specific development projects, which include promotion of the projects, strengthening of co-operation between the beneficiaries, development of partnerships, both for securing funding and sustainability for the projects.

The main objective of the Task Force for the three years period 2011-2013 will be to coordinate activities at regional level and monitor progress of the implementation of the “Ljubljana Process II”, supported technically and financially by the European Commission and the Council of Europe, in order to ensure the continuation of the cultural rehabilitation process in compliance with the IRPP/SAAH principles.

The Secretariat of the Task Force, will comprise a Head of Secretariat supported by, a Project Manager and an Assistant. The Secretariat will have responsibility for the technical management of the Task Force’s activities as well as monitoring progress and facilitating the daily follow-up of activities. The Secretariat will undertake the work to achieve the objectives of the Ljubljana Process II and to foster successful consolidation of the IRPP/SAAH methodology.

2.Outline of the Position

During the initial phase, the Administrator will assist inand implement the design of the TF Secretariat financial management,reporting and monitoring system and administrative policies and regulations and assist the technical implementation of the national action plans.

3.Duties and Responsibilities

The Administrator will be working as part of the TF Secretariat in daily cooperation with the Project Manager and under the direct supervision of the Head of the TF Secretariat.

His/her duties and responsibilities are as follows:

  • Support the development of a financial management and reporting system and ensure its fullimplementation afterwards;
  • Support the development of a document management system and ensure theimplementation of the portion concerning the utilization of the administrative procedures afterwards;
  • Ensure the correct and timely financial management of the TF Secretariat and conduct the financial and accountingcontrol of the TF Secretariat;
  • Preparation and presentation of the budgets, monthly reporting of accounts and financial forecasts of theSCSP;
  • Manage Finance agreements between the TF Secretariat and the RCC, and all entities which will eventually fund the TF Secretariat operation;
  • Control the correct application of the RCC financial and management procedures, especially regardingsalary payments, procurement (e.g. tender procedures), and internal approval procedures;
  • In charge of controlling travel requests and travelclaims, per diem rates paid petty cash, equipment and service purchase, equipment inventory and cash flowmanagement;
  • Supervise and support the daily bookkeeping entries;
  • Advise the Head of the TF Secretariat in finance related decisions and prepareperiodic financial reporting;
  • Prepare and be responsible for conducting periodic audits conducted by the RCC Administration Unit;
  • Draft administrative correspondence related to financial donor reports;
  • In charge of supporting the application of RCC's administrative policies and regulations.
  • Procurement and service;
  • Support the correct application of RCC procurement procedures;
  • Make sure that contracts with suppliers and service providers are regularly updated and renegotiated according to 'best price' policy;
  • Supervise the contract related after-sales serviceconditions;
  • In charge of the reception of materials and goods. Make sure that the related invoices are handledand inventoried according to internal procedures;
  • Make sure that administrative and financial documents are correctly filed and archived according tothe RCC registration/archiving policy;
  • Staff related duties (under the guidance of the Head of the TF Secretariat);
  • Manage and update individual staff related equipment inventories;
  • Assist in launching public tenders and support the practicalpreparation of interviews;
  • Office and Travel management;
  • Support the good and reliable functioning of the office infrastructure, material and IT equipment;
  • Make sure that office related security proceduresare always fully respected by staff and visitors;
  • Organize travel bookings;
  • Provide logistical and back-up support during larger delegation visits, meetings and conferences;
  • Dispatch and track the incoming and outgoing mail, faxes and documentation within the TF Secretariat in cooperation with the Project Manager. Ensure the swift handling of the TF Secretariat related correspondence;
  • Assume other tasks as directed by the Head of TF Secretariat and assist the Project Manager in implementing the activities, especially in assisting the Project Coordinators in their technical management tasks.

4.Key Requirements

  • University degree in a subject of relevance for the position or equivalent;
  • A minimum of 3 years of professional experience in a related area, preferably in an international environment and with knowledge and experience in SEE;
  • Well-developed skills in setting priorities, co-ordinating tasks and a pro-active approach to work;
  • Clear communication skills in a multicultural team;
  • Excellent organisational and management skills. Very well organised and structured work style;
  • Fluency in oral and written English. Knowledge of SEE languages and other EU languages will be an asset;
  • Able to work both independently and as part of a team in a multicultural environment;
  • Fully computer literate;
  • Be able to handle the own administrative tasks according to RCC internal rules and regulations.

5. Location / Contract

The holder of the position is based at the Secretariat of the Culture and Society Secretariat in Cetinje. An initial 15 months contract according to the international public sector standards (probation period of six months), with the possibility of further extension, will be concluded with the RCC Secretariat.


Salary of the Administrator of the TF Secretariat will be in accordance with the RCC Secretariat’s salary policy for the appropriate position.

7.Application Rules

Qualified candidates are invited to send their cover letter and CV (both in English) by30 November 2010 (noon) by e-mail to . Only short listed candidates will be contacted by 20 December 2010.

Preference will be given to the candidates from SEE.

The RCC is an equal opportunities employer.