Safe Sanctuaries Policy
Hiss United MethodistChurch
8700 Harford Road
Parkville, MD21234
April 10, 2008
The Baltimore-Washington Conference is committed to ensuring that all children and youth involved in local church or annual conference ministries may participate in an environment of safety and security. In that light, the following policies and procedures were developed andare being implemented to protect children and youth in our care.
Background checks will be performed on each paid staff and any volunteer who works with children or youth. In that regard, Hiss UMC will require each paid staff and any volunteer who works with children or youth to complete the following:
- Volunteer Application
- Background Check Permission Form
- Conference Sexual Misconduct Questionnaire
- Three Reference Check Forms
Hiss UMC will use a reputable company to do any or all of the following checks:
- National Criminal History Database Search, including a check of Sexual Offenders Registries
- Social Security Verification
- CountyCriminal Records Search
In addition, any paid staff or volunteer who may be driving children for a Hiss program and all paid staff and volunteers who will be working with youth shall also submit proof of car insurance and their driver’s license number and a Motor Vehicle Report will be obtained.
The background check will be conducted every five years if the individual serves consecutive years. If the individual does not serve consecutive years, the background check will be conducted after each “break” in service. Motor Vehicle Reports for those driving children or youth will be obtained at least once every two years.
The Baltimore Washington Conference Sexual Misconduct Questionnaire must be completed annually.
Safe Sanctuaries Policy (Continued)
If any “flags” appear through the background check, then all references will be contacted and interviewed with more detailed questions by the appropriate staff person. After all references are interviewed, a determination will be made as to the appropriate course of action. If any violations appear on the Motor Vehicle Report, a determination will be made as to whether that person will be allowed to drive children or youth for a Hiss program.
All forms must be returned to the Background Check Coordinator and checks completed prior to becoming involved with our children or youth.
- Any counseling of children or youth will be done with the door open unless there are windows in the door.
- Windows into classrooms shall not be covered for any reason.
- There should be at least two adults in any room where there are children or youth. If two adults are not present, the door shall remain open.
- On Sunday mornings someone designated by Hiss UMC staff will make random classroom checks.
- Volunteers must have regularly attended Hiss UMC for at least sixmonths prior to becoming involved with children or youth.
- There must be at least a 5-year age difference between the oldest child/youth and the person responsible for the class or program.
The Safe Sanctuaries Committee will continue to meet to develop guidelines and procedures for Incident Reporting and Volunteer Education as well as make any necessary changes to the above policies. The above policies were approved by the Church Council of Hiss UMC onApril 10, 2008.