ANSC 433: Reproduction in Farm Animals
Literature Review and Experimental Design
Lab Assignment
Research in reproductive physiology encompasses a vast range of specific topics. Recently, there has been a strong drive for research on the effects of air pollutants, water contaminants, phytoestrogens, pharmacological agents, and alcohol on both pregnancy and postnatal health of the offspring. The goals of this assignment are:
- To introduce you to the research aspect of reproductive physiology and novel research topics within the field
- To provide you with the opportunity to apply basic knowledge learned in ANSC 433 to research
- To provide the opportunity to critically evaluate various studies as to their validity, efficiency of use and relevance to the topic at hand
The Assignment
You will need to first find research articles on your assigned topic and write a brief (2-4 pages) literature review. The review should explain the problem being faced and describe the scientific research already performed on the topic. Following the literature review, you will design an experiment ( about ½ to 1 page) to further research the implications one compound has on pregnancy or postnatal health in an animal model.
One of the following topics will be assigned to you by your TA:
- Impact of air pollution on pregnancy
- Impact of air pollution on postnatal health
- Impact of water pollution on pregnancy
- Impact of water pollution on postnatal health
- Impact of phytoestrogens on pregnancy
- Impact of phytoestrogens on postnatal health
- Impact of pharmacological agents on pregnancy
- Impact of pharmacological agents on postnatal health
- Impact of alcohol on pregnancy
- Impact of alcohol on postnatal health
What is due with each assignment?
-Title and Paragraph:
- Brief description of the toxin/pollutant and its implications
- Citations of at least 3 peer-reviewed articles that you plan on using in your review
-Rough Draft:
- Introduction section
- Experimental design for you TA to edit for your benefit
-Final Draft:
- All of the literature review and experimental design with proper citations
Guidelines for Literature Review and Experimental Design Papers
This research project is intended to culminate in a professional review of the topic. This review may be in portfolio format and must include a literature review of the topic, an original experimental design, and a properly formatted list of references.
Your job is to teach us about your topic. Make sure that you address the research that has already been completed on the topic in a 2-4 page paper. Your overall project should reflect theeffort you placed in completing the assignment. Spelling, grammar, and quality of references (i.e. supporting documents, interviews, depth of research) will all beincorporated into your project grade.
Formatting Guidelines
The literature review portion of your project must be 2-4 typewritten pages in length followed by a ½ to 1 page experimental design, using 12 pointfont, and double spacing. Your references must follow a consistent format and do not countas part of your length requirement.
You should choose a format from one of the articles being referenced from a peer-reviewed journal.
(Articles may be found at
a. Published literature may be referenced in the text in different ways, depending onsentence structure:
1) Turner (1998) demonstrated the phenomenon in mountain goats,as did Mies and Harms
(1996a,b) and Sanders et al. (1995) in cattle;
2)…has beendemonstrated in the mountain goat (Turner, 1998) and in cattle (Sanders et al.,
1995;Mies and Harms, 1996a,b).
b. When two or more citations are included in a grouping within a sentence, the citationswithin grouping are arranged in chronological order. Multiple citations for a given yearare further arranged alphabetically.
You may include several of one type and none of others, or you may use one or morereferences of each type shown in these examples. (Do not include “Book” or other suchdesignations in your citations.)
Book Savell, J.W. and G.D. Potter, 1996. Statistical Methods. (75th Ed) Texas
A&M University Press, College Station, Texas.
Technical Article Johnson, B.H. 1996. Genetic and biological aspects of Zebuadaptability.
J. Anim. Sci. 53:1201 – 1210.
Dissertation Ramsey, W.S., 1996. Characterization of Body Components fromSerially
Slaughtered Rams Produced in a Five Breed Diallel. Ph.D. Dissertation.
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Copy Corner, College Station, TX.
Website FDA. 1995. Food and Drug Administration home page. Availableat:
AccessedJan. 5, 2009.