GEOLOGY 301 - Hydrogeology

LECTURE: MWF 11 am - 12 pm (ESMNH Building Room 201) LAB: Tu 1 - 4 pm (ESMNH Building Room 201)

FACULTY:Associate Professor Anna M. Martini

202 Earth Sciences and Museum of Natural History Building, x2067

Office Hours:Open door and via email scheduling

TEXTBOOK:Hydrogeology Lecture Notes, edition 2.1TA:Leah Fineoffice hour Thursday evenings

Matthew M. Uliana, 2005

Supplemental Readings: When your text, or Professor, just doesn’t make sense… (available in classroom)

Applied Hydrogeology, 3rd Edition

C.W Fetter, 2001


R.A. Freeze and J.A. Cherry, 1979

Fundamentals of Ground Water

F.W. Schwartz and H. Zhang, 2003

WEBSITE:CourseSite will be used throughout the term for assignments, datasets, internet sites of interest, etc.


LABS:Lab write-ups are due by the following lab period.(25% of final grade)

EXAMS:There will be 2 one-hour exams.(30% of final grade)

FINAL PROJECT: Environmental Assessment of a Cranberry Bog (DUE May 9th)(20% of final grade)

ASSIGNMENTS: Problem sets will be assigned every Friday and are due the following Friday in class.(20% of final grade)

PARTICIPATION:Attendance and attentiveness are expected and will be rewarded.(5% of final grade)

Labs and problem sets not handed in on time will be considered late unless prior arrangements have been made. The late penalty is 5 points (out of 100) per day for one week after which a grade of zero will be given. If you need to miss class or an exam, contact me beforehand to make alternate arrangements.

DATELECTURETOPICREADING (chapter:pages in text)

M-Jan 231 Overview; Sources and Usage; Water Wars1:1-2; website

W-Jan 252Water and the Hydrologic Cycle1:3-6

F-Jan 273Catchment Hydrology I: Precipitation and Evaporation15:95-99

M-Jan 304Catchment Hydrology II: Runoff and Rivers15:100-104

Tu-Jan 31Lab 1Mono Lake

W-Feb 15Catchment Hydrology III: Floods and Predictionsereading

F-Feb 36Porosity, Specific Yield and Retention3:12-15; 2:7-11

M-Feb 67Darcy’s Law I & Hydraulic Head3:16-20

Tu-Feb 7Lab 2Stream Gauging at Amethyst Brook

W-Feb 88Darcy’s Law II & Equations of Flow4:21-26

F-Feb 109Storagein Confined and Unconfined Aquifers5:27-33

M-Feb 1310Mapping Flow in Confined and Unconfined Aquifers6:34-43

Tu-Feb 14Lab 3Mapping Flow Directions (GIS Intro)

W-Feb 1511Regional Groundwater Flow & Areas of Conflict10:64-70; 11:70-72

F-Feb 1712Aquifer Testing I7:44-51

M-Feb 2013Aquifer Testing II8:52-57

Tu-Feb 21Lab 4Pump Test Exercise I

W-Feb 2214Aquifer Testing III9:58-63

F-Feb 2415Aquifer Testing: Geophysical Methodsereading

M-Feb 2716Groundwater Modeling12:72-79

Tu-Feb 28Lab 5Pump Test Exercise II

W-Feb 29EXAM I


F-Mar 217Introduction to Hydrogeochemistry14:86-94

M-Mar 518Water Sampling; Basic Geochemical Indicatorsereading

Tu-Mar 6Lab 6Amherst Water Supply

W-Mar 719Chemical Equilibriumereading

F-Mar 920Carbonate Geochemistry Iereading

M-Mar 1221Carbonate Geochemistry IIereading

Tu-Mar 13Lab 7Laboratory Techniques

W-Mar 1422Redox Geochemistryereading

F-Mar 1623Acid Mine Drainageereading


M-Mar 2624Contaminant Hydrology I: Overview 13:80-85

Tu-Mar 27Lab 8Seymour Hazardous Waste Exercise I

W-Mar 2825Contaminant Hydrology II: Transportereading

F-Mar 3026Contaminant Hydrology III: Case Studiesereading

M-Apr 227Ion Exchange

Tu-Apr 3Lab 9Seymour Hazardous Waste Exercise II

W-Apr 428Isotope Hydrology: O and D

F-Apr 629Isotope Hydrology: Dating Methods

M-Apr 930Groundwater in Various Geologic Settings19:126-131

Tu-Apr 10Lab 10Davis Mine Field Trip

W-Apr 1131Remediation (Cape Cod Aquifer Example)handout


M-Apr 1632Special Topics

Tu-Apr 17Lab 11Mapping and Alkalinity

W-Apr 1833Special Topics

F-Apr 2034Special Topics

M-Apr 2335Water and the Law Iereading

Tu-Apr 24Lab 12Laboratory Analysis

W-Apr 2536Water and the Law IIereading

F-Apr 2737Final Project Overview

F Night-Sat NightField Trip to Cranberry Bog-Final Week Hydrogeologic Assessment of Manomet, MA