Printed on 10/20/06

Tips for using Pearson SuccessNet

1.  There is a link to the SuccessNet website ( on our District Home Page under Teacher Resources. I also suggest you add it to your Favorites.

2.  Always use Safari as your web browser in Mac OS X. Use Internet Explorer on Windows.

3.  When adding products to your account, enter the Access Code, but do NOT press Return/Enter as you normally would think you should. Click the Check Code button with the mouse instead.

4.  Avoid using the Back button in your browser. It sometimes dumps you out of the web site. Look for navigation buttons for Back or Cancel, or click on Home or drop down menus under Home, Classes, Tests, Reports, etc. Many of the SuccessNet screens do not have an embedded Back button, which makes it harder to navigate because you have to go “Home” and start over on a task, but at least you don’t get dumped out of the web site and have to log in again.

5.  When creating your own username and password:

·  Teacher Username: Use you district network user name (4x4)

·  Teacher Password: Use something you will remember

6.  When creating your class, use the following guidelines for naming any classes that you create:

·  School 2 Letter Abbreviation… School Year…. Teacher Last Name

·  Example: EB 06-07 Jones

·  If more than one teacher in your school with same last name, add first intial. Example: EB 06-07 Jones, D. and EB 06-07 Jones, L.

7.  When you add a class, you will see some underlined text that says to click here to send registration information home to your students’ parents. DO NOT USE THIS. This would give students information to “self-register.” After you add the students to your class, you will see a Print Parent Letter button above the class roster. Use this to send letters home to parents. However, this letter is missing the information that as they log on the first time using the username and password in the letter, they are also asked to select their zip code. This is the school’s zip code, not their personal zip code. When they do login, they can click the box marked “Save this information on my computer” so that they are not asked for the zip code each time.

8.  To add students to your class(es) refer to the Quick Start Guide (pages 7,8) section “Adding Students One by One.” Use the following guidelines:

·  Student ID: use the student’s ID number (same number used for AR password, library checkout, cafeteria, etc.)

·  User Name: use the student’s ID number with enough leading zeros to make it 6 characters in length

·  Example:, if a student ID is 359, the user name would need tobe 000359 (a six digit number)

·  Password: same as the User Name (Example: 000359)

9.  A student may be added to different classes with different teachers. However, the “home room” teacher should add the student first, under his/her own login account and his/her own class. Then other teachers, such as Title 1, Resource Room, a job-sharing teacher, or the actual reading teacher for that reading level for those who differentiate, can add the student to their roster by Select from School Roster, rather than Add a Student. When you Select from School Roster you are taken to a search page. If you enter no criteria and just click search you will see a list of all students already registered in that school. If you select a grade before you search, you will see only that grade level to choose from. If you enter only the student’s last name, you will see a list of those students in the school with that last name. It is logical that you could find the student, specifically, by entering their grade level, last name and first name before you do the search. However, this also gives more opportunity for errors as it has to match all the fields before it finds a hit. I suggest you enter just the grade level or just the student’s last name. If you still can’t find the student to add to your list, remove all the search criteria and let it list all of the students in the school for you to choose from. If the student is still not listed, contact the student’s home room teacher to get them added to the database.

10.  At this point in time, once you assign a Leveled Reader to a student, there is no way to remove it from the student’s assignment. There is also no way to view what Leveled Readers you have assigned to a student, unless you login using the student’s account. In Success Tracker, the View Assignments only lists tests and activities. This is completely separate from the Leveled Reader database.

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