Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Meeting held at the Stanford Centre Cooper Lane Laceby on Tuesday 6 September 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
11546Present: - Councillor D. Marshall – Chairman.
Councillors: - Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman. Mrs. S. Turner. P. Schofield.
Mrs. S. Greenbeck. Mrs. J. Howells. Mrs. R. James.
Also Present: Ward Councillors: - Mrs. M. Dickerson & D. Hasthorpe.
Humberside Police Representative.
Six Members of the Public.
Debbie Weatherill – Clerk.
11547Apologies: - Councillor M. Greenbeck.
Chairman, Councillor Marshall, opened the meeting and welcomed all present.
11548Office of Acceptance Form
Elected Chairman signed his office of acceptance form.
11549Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Full Council & Planning Meeting held 5 July 2016 – proposed by Councillor Greenbeck seconded by Councillor Turner that these minutes should be signed by the Chairman.
11550Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Full Council & Planning Meeting held 2 August 2016 – proposed by Councillor Howells, seconded by Councillor Metcalf that these minutes too should be signed by the Chairman.
11551Declarations of Interest
Councillor Marshall declared an interest in Item 8 Accounts.
Councillor Metcalf declared an interest in Item 10 Cemetery Matters.
11552Dispensation Requests - None received.
The Chairman suspended the meeting for Public Forum inviting comments from members of the public present. No comments made – the meeting re- commenced…
11553Police Matters
Police street brief was handed to Councillors. Humberside Police Representative was informed of the vandalism at St Francis Grove Play Area and of parking problems at the new garage – parking on grass verges on Irby Hill. Clerk to write to planning and highways at NELC regarding the parking issues. Concerns expressed again regarding the parking issues at the end of Caistor Road (turning area too) with parking of vehicles on grass verge and the driving of vehicles off the grass verges straight onto A46. Clerk to write to planning and highways regarding this matter too.
11554 Vacancies
Noted one resident interested in Parish Councillor vacancy and would be attending meetings to observe first. Councillor Marshall stated it was good that there was someone interested.
11555Planning Matters
DM/0774/16/FUL – Demolish existing conservatory to rear and erect single storey rear extension with 2 no roof lanterns and wood burning stone flue, form rooms in roof space with first floor dormer projection to side elevation at 10 The Mead Laceby - Proposed by Councillor Schofield – no objections seconded by Councillor Turner and carried unanimously.
DM/0422/16/REM – Reserved Matters application as granted on DM/0335/14/OUT (Outline application for residential development to site up to 100 dwellings with means of access to be considered) ((in accordance with amended layout plan received by the Local Authority on 19 August 2016)) for Land at Blyth Way Laceby
Concerns raised regarding the plan for the removal of surface water from the site, noting that water in the area tended to flow towards the East. Concerns raised in regarding lack of knowledge by the Parish Council in respect of a Section 106 Agreement for the upgrading of Butt Lane between the new mini roundabout (near the pavilion and that leading to Blyth Way.
Resolved to request an extension of the time for comments by the Parish Council, and to object to the application until a meeting has taken place between officers of NELC, the Parish Council and Larkfleet representatives regarding surface water and highway issues. Clerk to arrange meeting for 20 September 2016.
Plan for log cabin to rear garden of Nelson Way Grimsby property to be sent back to planning.
DM/0694/16/FUL – Alterations and partial demolition to separate buildings at Granary Cottage, Little Laceby Farm, Grimsby Road, Laceby
Resolved no objections to this application.
11556Reports from Previous Minutes
Clerk informed all that there had not been a reply from NELC in respect of Pawson’s Corner parking and the Centenary Fields request.
11557Financial Matters
Noted Councillor Marshall had declared an interest in the Accounts and had completed a declaration form.
Proposed by Councillor Metcalf seconded by Councillor Turner that the following accounts should be paid:-
N Finch – Cutting of Church Hedge paid on 2nd August 2016 (but included on this a/cs page) / 70.00Wages total for the month of September 2016 includes 2 hrs overtime for the groundsman / 1,453.58
Bell Waste Control – cemetery waste collections from 1/10/16 to 31/12/16 / 128.30
D Marshall – Chairman’s Allowance for the month of August 2016 / 20.00
D Weatherill – re imbursed for BT telephone & broadband for Laceby PC / 48.75
Post Office Ltd – Income Tax and National Ins. payment / 119.86
D Weatherill – Clerk’s petty cash / 75.00
Button Plant and Construction – erection of village signs / 559.20
M F Strawson Ltd – rent to farmer for allotment field / 307.50
D Marshall – re-imbursed for purchase of weed killer for use at Cemetery/nature area / 21.00
Total payments for the month of September 2016 = £2,803.19
Councillor Marshall stated a new electric hedge trimmer would be required for use by the groundsman and it was resolved to obtain prices for a good machine.
Clerk stated Staples wanted to cancel their business card and start up a credit account – resolved that the Clerk apply locally to Office Friends for information and cancel Staples account.
Consideration was given to prices for telephone and broadband services for the Parish Council, since BT was getting expensive. After consideration of prices it was proposed by Councillor James that the Clerk move to the Post Office as the provider for the telephone and broadband services, seconded by Councillor Greenbeck and carried. Clerk to arrange for the transfer of services.
Clerk stated there was still one allotment holder who had not paid rent since he became a tenant, despite having telephoned to say he had sent a cheque which the Parish Council had definitely not received. Apart from this one tenant everyone else continued to pay their rent.
Councillor Marshall stated there were two people who wanted allotments but who were difficult to get hold of via the telephone.
11559Cemetery & Churchyard Matters
Noted that Councillor Metcalf declared an interest in respect of Cemetery matters and signed the form required.
Councillors met with resident at Older Garden of Remembrance and agreed to have tree stump ground down.
Meeting to take place with M. Hubbard regarding tree work at 4 p.m. on 7 September 2016.
Wesleyan Chapel Memorial – Councillor Greenbeck had produced some sketches for erecting the memorial within the Cemetery – Councillor Turner proposed that sketch D be accepted, seconded by Councillor Howells and resolved that Councillor Greenbeck obtain quotations.
Agreed a small plaque to state where memorial had come from should also be quoted for.
War Memorial name repairs – noted the present ones were cracking away from the memorial agreed to look at this again tomorrow at the Cemetery and consider possible copper replacements.
Cemetery Fees – proposed by Councillor Schofield there should be no additional costs for the erection of kerbs around a grave, other than the existing memorial fees; seconded by Councillor Tuner and carried.
Agreed to look at the existing ‘No Dogs’ sign and a possible replacement.
An email of thanks from the Caster family was noted.
Noted a faculty had not yet been received in respect of tree work within the Churchyard.
When tree was removed an English variety should be planted – suggestions were Silver Birch or Yew.
11560Butt Lane Field Site
Parish Councillors had considered the information sent through from Mr Fox of NELC and all thought it was difficult to understand. Councillor Metcalf commenting that she had read the information several times before it made any sense.
Councillor Marshall stated the pavilion roof had not been attended to despite NELC being informed months ago of th problems with it.
Bowlers had a successful year at Keelby.
Email from Kathryn Barratt of NELC was noted and the Clerk requested to invite her to the next full meeting of the Parish Council.
Councillor Marshall stated that the running of the Butt Lane Site would be done via volunteers.
11561St Francis Grove Play Area
Councillor Marshall informed all that two new slam plates had been fitted to the gates (both of which had been done free of charge), and one of which had now disappeared.
The Teddy Bear waste bin had now been moved by Mr Finch, and an email had been received from NELC stating that they could not afford to put up a new dog waste bin in Victoria Park, and did the Parish Council wish to purchase one. Clerk to check if they would empty this if purchased.
- Email from Zurich Insurance the premium tax had been increased to 10%
- Noted the ERNLLCA AGM Meeting was to be held 15 September 22016 in North Ferriby – 22 page agenda available if anyone wished to attend
- Email from NELC regarding charges for road closures for occasions such as Remembrance Parades – noted NO charges to Town, Parish or village Councils.
- Laceby Aylesby Public Right of Way footpath – email received from Aylesby Village Meeting stating car driving along footpath, horses also using the footpath now there is no barrier in place. Clerk apologised to Councillors Turner and Marshall being the footpath wardens, but stated she had just dealt with it. She had contacted NELC footpaths department and was informed this was a police matter, and would require make/model of car along with a registration number in order to deal with it. Clerk to contact Aylesby Village meeting Chairman and give them this information.
- Highways Winter Service Review was noted – request additional grit bins for the corner of Kenmar Road/Charles Avenue and opposite St Francis Grove.
- Noted next Town & Parish Council Liaison Meeting to take place on 29 September 2016 at Grimsby Town Hall at 7 p.m. – Councillor Marshall to attend.
- Letter received via Councillor Metcalf regarding the cut through from Cemetery Road up to The Mead, requesting the metal guards be either spaced further apart or removed. Clerk stated Humberside County Council had put the metal guards in place to stop cyclists and children running straight out onto Cemetery Road. Noted that the cut through was not the responsibility of the Laceby Parish Council.
- ERNLLCA Training for Grievance & Disciplinary matters to be held 8 November 2016 – Councillors Marshall and S. Greenbeck would like to attend the Clerk was requested to book two places on the course.
- Complaint regarding the recent Highway roadworks – resident queried why there were no dropped kerbs incorporated into the roadworks. Clerk requested to ask where the resident wanted the dropped kerbs exactly.
- Complaint received regarding the blocking of the footpath in Keith Crescent Laceby – email noted and Clerk requested to contact Highways regarding this matter.
11563Stanford Centre Group
Thank you email noted from Mrs.Spittlehouse.
Councillor Metcalf stated a meeting had taken place on 22 August 2016 for the Stanford Centre Group and reported the following:-
Now had computers with access to the internet.
The full book lending scheme was now computerised.
Ran the biggest coffee morning for The Wold for Macmillan.
Held Parish Council meetings in the Hall.
Hall used as an Emergency Control Centre for the gas leak.
Centre used for PCSO Surgeries.
Lifestyle Group helping out.
Elections have been able to continue at the Stanford Centre.
Craft groups held on Tuesday afternoons.
Puzzle afternoon.
Pumpkin carving event to be held.
Teddy Bears’ sleepover.
Big Friendly read with 50 children involved.
Book donations from members of the public.
Laceby in Bloom.
Art Club.
Lettings in function Hall for villagers.
School class visits.
Project books for School.
School Drumming afternoons.
School Staff Training.
Full Kitchen refurbishment.
260 members at the Library at the moment.
Councillor Marshall stated that it was successful and well done to everyone.
It was noted that the Library was run by approximately 12 volunteers, and that Sue Wink had been great.
11564Nature Area
Requires re-weed killing or strimming.
11565Information Exchange
Councillor Turner requested the bushes on the corner of Caistor Road required trimming back and Councillor Marshall was to look at this.
Councillor Greenbeck queried if the Parish Council were going to have their photograph taken with one of the village signs. Councillor Marshall stated he wished they were bigger, but that the signs were lovely. Resolved the Clerk contact the Telegraph to organise a photographer visit.
Noted in the Telegraph speeding fines had been issued but that there were none for Laceby bypass. The Clerk was to contact Road Safety to query if the bypass (A46) cameras were working or not.
The Parish Council were informed there had been a problem with the small plaque fixed to one of the benches in the Churchyard, and it had been requested that it be removed; the other family who had supplied a bench had been told they could not have a plaque fixed to their bench either. Members of the Parish Council had not been aware of this problem.
Clerk’s leave days – the Clerk had requested leave days for Friday 30 September 2016 and Monday 3 October 2016 – since she did not work on a Thursday she would be away from her desk from Thursday 29 September through to 3 October 2016 inclusive. Councillor Marshall agreed to have the burial books whilst she was away.
The Meeting was closed at 9.50 p.m.
SIGNED……………………………………………….. 4 October 2016
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