If I’m Dreaming, Please Don’t Wake Me
One day, an ambitious person entered a successful retail store with a reputation for exquisite, fine-quality merchandise. He walked right up to the store owner and said,
“I am very impressed with your establishment. I’d like to come on board and build a career here. I can promise you I’ll work hard and I’ll do a great job. In return, all I ask for is the following:
· First, I’d like to earn a profit on everything I sell.
· If I bring in more people to help me with my job, I’d like a bonus on everything they order.
· I’d like the opportunity to earn gifts, trips and a Mercedes Benz based on my performance.
· I’d like recognition when I excel at my work.
· I’d want you to provide monthly training meetings to enrich my skills.
· By the way, I’m not into 9-5 work hours, so I want to set my own schedule
· And, of course, my family ALWAYS comes first! So . . . when can I start?”
After the store owner recovered from shock, he roared with laughter. “You can’t be serious! You’re living in a dream world! You’ll never find an opportunity like that… anywhere!”
This story may be fictional, but this kind of opportunity is not!
The dream job exists with Arbonne!
Do You Have What It Takes?
This may or may not be right for you. Your answers to the questions below will give you insight into your own potential for success:
þ Would you enjoy being your own boss?
þ Are you self-motivated?
þ Are you interested in financial independence?
þ Would your family be happier of you had flexible hours?
þ Could your family use an extra $500 to $5,000 (or more) every month?
þ Would you like to travel for pleasure and fun in the U.S. and abroad?
þ Would you like to own a Mercedes-Benz paid for by Arbonne?
þ Do you enjoy feeling and looking good, and seeing others look & feel the same?
þ Are you willing to learn new skills to make you more successful?
I am looking for people who have a dream, a vision of a better life and the desire to make it a reality. What’s your dream? We’re helping to make a difference… one person at a time.