Fall 2006
Instructor:Dr. Tracey Magrann
Class Hours:Tuesday–Thursday: 12:00 PM to 1:20 PM
Tuesday: 6-9 PM
Office Hours:None
Required Text: Human Biology, 9th ed., by Sylvia Mader
Course Objective:This is a 3 unit introductory biology course for non-biology majors. If your major requires a science lab, you might consider enrolling Human Biology Lab. Prior knowledge of biology or chemistry is not required to successfully complete this class.
Read the paper, or watch TV, biology is in the news every day! Genetically modified foods are coming to a store near you, is it healthy? There is talk of designing children and choosing their gender, is it ethical? President Bush has recently authorized federal funding for stem cell research. What is it, and how might we benefit from it? What is the latest diet craze? Is it based on sound dietary principles? This course will present basic biological principles from a human perspective. Hopefully this course will help you make sound decisions for the health of you and your family, and the world in which we live.
Evaluation:There are four lecture exams valued at 100 points each. You need a scantron 882E for each exam. There will be no make-up exams. Two homework assignments (listed on the website) are given each unit (10 points each) for a total of eight assignments this semester. The due dates on listed on the class schedule. Late homework assignments will lose 3 points. You can miss two lectures this semester. If you do not miss more than two lectures, you will get twenty points for attendance. Sign in at the beginning of each lecture. This sign-in sheet will be removed ten minutes after class begins. Three points are deducted for each lecture that is missed beyond the two allowed. One point will be deducted for each class for which you are late (in which case, sign in at the end of class). Valid excuses will not result in deductions.
Grading:Your grade will be based on the following scale:
A 100-90%, B 89-80%, C 79-65%, D 64-50%, F 49-0
Attendance:The FullertonCollege policy on attendance is in print in the college catalog. It states that the instructor may drop you if you miss class as many times as it meets during one week (2 times). Please notify me if you cannot make it to class.
Classroom Behavior:The following are some of my expectations of student behavior.
- Arrive to class on time.
- Turn in homework at the beginning of class.
- Do not work on homework during class unless instructed to do so.
- If you have to leave early, let me know before class what time you will have to leave.
- Listen quietly and refrain from talking while the instructor is talking or while another student is talking to the class.
- Turn off the sound on all electronic devices before coming to class.
- Use the restroom before and after class. If you must leave, don’t ask for permission. Close the door behind you quietly as you leave and again as you return.
Participation:Come to class prepared. Read assignments before class. I encourage you to ask questions. Discussion of appropriate subject matter is beneficial and creates a good learning environment. Come to class with an open mind and a good attitude.
Academic Honesty:FullertonCollege’s policy on academic honesty is described in detail in the college catalog. Cheating on an assignment, including plagiarism, results in failure of that assignment. A second act of cheating including, plagiarism, results in failure of the course. Cheating includes but is not limited to the following.
- Using someone else’s work as your own.
- Using unauthorized materials during exams.
- Receiving or knowingly supplying unauthorized information during exams or quizzes. (Copying)
- Changing an answer after work has been graded and presenting it as improperly graded.
ADA Statement:Pursuant to the American Disabilities Act, any student with an identified disability is eligible to be registered with the Disabled Students/Learning Resource Services Program. If you are a disabled student and you have need of special services, it is your responsibility to alert your instructor.
Student WaitIf your instructor does not arrive at the scheduled start time for class,
Policy students are to remain in class for fifteen minutes (unless otherwise notified by the division). If the students do not receive notification to wait for their instructor to arrive, students may leave after fifteen minutes with no penalty for absence or assigned work due for that class meeting.
Class Withdrawal:You are ultimately responsible for withdrawing from the course. Just because you stop attending class doesn’t mean that your instructor will automatically drop you from the class. The last day to withdraw from a class this semester is in November (check exact date with administration).
Tuesday/Thursday Lecture Class Schedule:
1Aug.22Chapter 25Evolution, Taxonomy
Aug 24Chapter 2, 3Molecules, Cell Structure and Function
Aug. 29Chapter 4Tissues
Aug. 31Integument System HOMEWORK 1A DUE
Sept.5Chapter 7Digestion
Sept. 7 Nutrition HOMEWORK 1B DUE
Sept. 12Microbiology Sept. 14 Exam #1 chap. 2-4, 7, 25
Sept 19Chapter 6Blood
Sept.21Chapter 5, 21Cardiovascular System, Immunity HOMEWORK 2A DUE
Sept 26Chapter 8Respiratory System
Sept. 28Chapter 9Urinary System HOMEWORK 2B DUE
Oct 3Chapter 12Nervous System
Oct. 5Chapter 13The Senses
Oct. 10 Chapter 14Endocrine System
Oct 12Chapter 15Reproductive System
Oct 17Exam #2 chap. 5 – 14 Take-Home Exam Due
Oct. 19Chapter 23Birth Control, STDs
Oct 24Chapter 16Development, Birth Defects
Oct 26Chapter 17Mitosis HOMEWORK 3A DUE
Oct 31Chapter 18Hereditary Physical Characteristics
Nov 2Chapter 20Genetic Disorders HOMEWORK 3B DUE
Nov. 7Chapter 24Cancer
Nov. 9Chapter 19Biotechnology
Nov 14Exam #3 chap. 15 -24
Nov. 16Chapter 26Ecology
Nov. 21Chapter 27Population and Pollution
Nov. 23Holiday: Thanksgiving
Nov 28See WebsiteInjury Prevention Extra Credit Due
Nov. 30Stress Management HOMEWORK 4A DUE
Dec. 5See WebsiteFirst Aid Basics
Dec. 7 No Class HOMEWORK 4B DUE
Dec. 12Exam #4 (Final) Chap. 19, 26, 27 12:00-2:00 PM (T-TH class)
6-8 PM (Tues class)