Waccamaw High School
Mr. Brian White
World History Honors
Coach White’s Web Page : https://goo.gl/ZLE0m7
School Web Page: http://www.whs.gcsd.k12.sc.us/
Parents please sign up for the following:
· Remind ( Instructions and Codes will be provided for each class)
· Google Classroom (Provide an email I can invite you to our classroom)
Textbook: Spielvogel, David, PhD., World History. Columbus Ohio: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Course Description: World History from 1300: The Making of the Modern World is designed to assist students in
understanding how people and countries of the world have become increasingly interconnected.
In the last six hundred years, population growth, demand for resources, curiosity, and
technology have converged to draw the distant corners of the world closer together. Critical
thinking is focal to this course, which emphasizes why and how people, ideas, and technology
have made an impact on diverse groups of people.
Format: Class meetings will include lectures, discussions, group work, videos, projects, reading and computer work. As you read each chapter, seven topics will be used to help you understand the content: Question, Connect, Predict, Visualize, Compare and Contrast Sentences, Cause-and-Effect Sentences, and Chronological Sentences. Especially as we near chapters on major world wars these topics will help a great deal.
Discussions: Class discussions are designed to encourage students to reflect upon, analyze and apply information learned
Readings: Students are expected to do all readings in advance of lectures and discussions
Materials: One Notebook, 1 pack of colored pencils and pens or pencils, Homework will always be due as you enter the room unless otherwise stated by me.
Classroom Rules/Procedures
1. Come in quietly find your seat and get materials out
2. No talking while I am speaking
3. Be respectful of others
4. Classroom disruptions will not be tolerated
5. Come prepared everyday to class
6. Follow all school/district rules
Referral is automatic for severe disruptions (refusal to follow teacher’s instructions, defiance, and behavior that interrupts class functioning and student learning).
Homework: I check homework for completion as assigned. Homework is due at the beginning of each class. Points will be deducted accordingly.
Absences and Extra Assistance: I make every effort to be at school and I expect the same from my students. Please encourage them to be present at school every day. All work must be made up, whether absence is excused or unexcused. I expect students to make up their work in a timely manner.
Evaluation and Assessment:
Honors Grading Scale
45% Tests and Major Assessments
25 % Classwork and Quizzes
20 % Quizzes and Classwork
10 % Homework
Class attendance is critical to the learning process. Absence, whether excused or unexcused, will adversely affect the learning process. Please be at school and in class as much as possible.
Students will be expected to complete all assignments on time.
After returning to school, you have a total of 3 school days to complete all missed work any additional time will need to be approved by me.
Pacing Guide: This is a tentative schedule so prepare to be flexible and get used to checking my website often, checking Remind and using Edmodo!
Chapter 12 / Renaissance and Reformation 1350-1600Chapter 13 / The Age of Exploration
Chapter 14 / Crisis and Absolutism in Europe 1550-1715
Chapter 15 / The Muslim Empires
Chapter 16 / The East Asian World
Chapter 17 / Revolution and Enlightenment
Chapter 18 / The French Revolution/Napoleon
Chapter 19 / Industrialization/Nationalism 1800-1870
Chapter 20 / Mass Society and Democracy 1870-1914
Chapter 21 / Height of Imperialism
Chapter 22 / East Asia Under Challenge
Chapter 23 / War and Revolution 1914-1919
Chapter 24 / The West Between Wars
Chapter 25 / Nationalism Around the World
Chapter 26 / World War II
Chapter 27 / Cold War and Post War Changes 1945-1970
Chapter 28 / Contemporary Western World 1970-Present
Chapter 29 / Latin America 1945-Present
Chapter 30 / Africa and The Middle East 1945-Present
Chapter 31 / Asia and The Pacific 1945-Present
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I have received and reviewed the World History course syllabus with my child. Date: ___/___/___
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______
Parent email: ______
Student’s Signature: ______
Teacher: Mr. Brian White Academic Period: ______