Minutes of the meeting of Starcross Parish Council held in
Starcross Pavilion, Starcross on Monday 12 December 2016 at 7.45pm


Cllr Hopper (Chairman), Burrows, Cadbury, Chadwick, Chase, Debenham, Gardner, Greenhough, Lovell,

Rastall and Stanley

Also present:

PC Harvey, PCSO Overieu and Suzanna Hughes (Clerk)


·  Cllr Connett

121216.02 OPEN FORUM

Members of the public were invited to voice matters of concern or opinion on subjects pertaining to Starcross.

There were no comments.



Members present received the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14 November 2016.

It was agreed unanimously by those members present and voting that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.


Members are reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a member would have been aware of such before the meeting.

Cllr Rastall declared an interest in item 8.3.



A copy of the report detailing outstanding resolutions requiring action was circulated to and noted by members. The Chairman asked that each Committee Chairman deals with items relevant to their Committee within their Chair’s Report.


121216.06 CRIME REPORT

PC Rob Harvey sent a written report as follows:

Reported crimes from 11/11/16 – 12/12/16

Starcross (4 crimes)

·  Assault (Domestic) - Adult on minor - no evidence of assault. No further action.

·  Common Assault (Domestic) - no further action. Victim not supporting police action.

·  Burglary - Theft of RNLI money box from Fishing and Cruising Club. Insufficient evidence for prosecution.

·  Sexual Abuse (Domestic) - Historic allegation. Victim not supporting police action. No further action.

Cockwood (1 crimes)

·  Criminal Damage to Vehicle – Drunk Male on Bus (Offender arrested and charged)

Cockwood (1 crimes)

·  Criminal Damage to Vehicle –Drunk Male on Bus (Offender arrested and charged)

Cofton (0 crimes)



Cllr Connett was unable to attend the meeting. He advised that the traffic order, previously discussed, is out for public consultation. He has also raised again with DCC the issue of large lorries using Mamhead Road.

The Chairman informed members that a parishioner had expressed concern about the height of the overgrown hedge on the path from Exleigh to The Strand and had asked if the Parish Council could do something. The Chairman informed members that he had empathised with the parishioner and whilst advising Powderham of the issue, he was reluctant for the Parish Council to get involved as it does not have the necessary expertise.



Committee Chair Report (Cllr Hopper)

8.1 Financial Report – members received and noted the financial report for December and were asked to approve the payments listed (copy attached)

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present that the payments listed are made. The report was signed by three signatories.

8.2 Proposal: To receive draft budget for 2017/18

The Chairman presented the recommendations of the Finance and Governance Committee highlighting the key changes. Comments were received which would be taken into consideration by the Committee prior to formally proposing it in January’s meeting. In particular, Cllr Cadbury asked the Committee to reconsider its proposal to reduce the Council’s contribution towards the Exe Estuary Management Partnership.

8.3 Proposal: To request Richard Graves to repair the door and frame at the Pavilion at a cost of £20

Proposer: Cllr Greenhough, Seconder Cllr Stanley

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting that the Council asks Richard Graves to repair the door and frame at the Pavilion at a cost of £20.

Action: Chairman to contact Richard Graves

8.4 Action List Report

No outstanding actions.

8.5 General Report/Questions & Answers

The Chairman reminded members that a decision would have to be made about the Elector Fund in January’s meeting and asked that any suggestions are submitted to the Recreation Committee before January’s meeting for its consideration.

Action: All members to submit project ideas eligible for funding through the Elector Fund to the Recreation Committee prior to January’s meeting.



Committee Chair Report (Cllr Cadbury)

9.1 New planning application:

9.1.1 16/03080/FUL – Staplake Mount Barn, Starcross – Extension to single garage to form a double garage

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting that no objections are raised.

9.1.2 16/03092/FUL – Mowlish Farm, Mowlish Lane, Starcross

Replacement agricultural building

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting that no objections are raised.

9.2 Decisions:

9.2.1 16/02646/COU – Brickhouse Farm, Mamhead – Change of use of roundhouse from agricultural to venue for wine tasting and food courses (sui generis) and increase size of existing parking area

Members NOTED that TDC has granted conditional planning permission.

9.2.2 16/02000/VAR – Starcross Fishing and Cruising Club, Brunel Tower, Starcross

Variation of Condition 4 on Planning Permission 12/01617/FUL relating to security gates to enable the gates to be unlocked between 17 March to 14 November inclusive

Members NOTED that TDC has granted permission to vary condition 4.

9.3 Update: 14/02613/FUL – The Old Bakery Starcross

Members were informed that a letter had been sent to TDC’s Enforcement Officer regarding concerns over the non-compliance of Condition 3 and that the Enforcement Officer was monitoring the situation.

9.4 Action List Report

With regard to the proposed affordable housing development on Brickyard Lane, concerns had been raised about the existing play area and how the development would impact on it. A response from TDC to questions raised was awaited.

9.5 General Report/Questions & Answers



121216.10 COMMUNITY

Committee Chair Report (Cllr Debenham)

10.1 Proposal: To approve the issuing of a notice to boat owners at Generals Lane Dinghy

Park under s41 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 regarding the removal of boats, trailers or other items abandoned at The Dinghy Park, Generals Lane, Starcross

Proposer: Cllr Debenham; Seconder: Cllr Cadbury

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present that the notice, as presented, is issued to boat owners at Generals Lane Dinghy Park.

Action: Cllr Debenham to fix the notices to the boats

10.2 To receive notice from Stagecoach that changes are being made to Service 2 [Exeter-

Exminster-Kenton- Starcross-Dawlish-Teignmouth-Bishopsteignton-Kingsteignton-Newton Abbot]

Members NOTED the changes.

10.3 Action List Report

Cllr Debenham gave the following update:

·  Planter – still awaiting to hear from DCC about when planter is being installed.

·  Weedkilling – it will be the Finance and Governance Committee’s proposal when it presents the budget in January that the Parish Council withdraws funding for weedkilling as this should be the responsibility of the District/County Council.

·  Boat racking, General Lane Dinghy Park – there is a wide range of possible funding and the plan can be amended to bring down the costs if necessary by reducing the racking and increasing it as and when needed.

·  Flytipping on Generals Lane – it is the intention of the Community Committee to establish what powers can be invoked before taking this forward.

10.4 General Report/Question & Answers

Cllr Debenham advised that Starcross in Bloom has pruned the buddleia. She also thanked Gillian and Joe for trimming back the ivy and brambles against the fence in the playing field.

The Chairman advised that the Highways Sub-Committee walked through the village with DCC officers and discussed the dangers caused by increased use of the A379 and also how traffic flow might be improved. Members were shown a plan drafted in 2001 by DCC showing how a system of traffic lights might be installed near the Westbank Charity Shop and how widening of the pavements could be addressed by the repositioning of the Starcross Fishing and Cruising Club’s boundary wall. The Chairman advised that he would prepare a report of the meeting for the Council’s approval in January.


121216.11 RECREATION

Committee Chair Report – Cllr Rastall

11.1 Proposal: To purchase two or three rigid plastic ‘Pick up after your dog’ signs (A4 or A5) for the sports field at a cost of £20-25

Proposer: Cllr Rastall

After a discussion, it was agreed that Cllrs Rastall and Greenhough would look into other options including asking a child to design a sign. The clerk also advised that she may have some spare posters which could be used.

11.2 Update: Cllr Chadwick advised that the privet hedge for the Pavilion path has been purchased and is currently being stored at the allotments. Due to the time of year, it is not urgent that these are planted immediately. He advised that he would put together a proposal for the purchase of some topsoil and coping stones and would report again in January.

11.3 Action List Report

·  Cllr Hopper advised that he had checked the fire extinguishers in the Pavilion and all are current and up to date.

·  The Chairman advised that he had written to TDC about the dog bins and was awaiting agreement about the proposed payment schedule.

·  Cllr Greenhough reported that she was in the process of transferring the telephone and broadband supplier for the Pavilion, as agreed last month, but had encountered some unexpected difficulties with regard to the allocation of a postcode for the Pavilion. It is hoped that the issues will be resolved by the end of the year.

·  Cllr Cadbury expressed concern about the potholes in the Pavilion car park. The Chairman advised that he had spoken to M&D hire about it who had explained why it happened and would speak again about trying to resolve it.

11.4 General Report/Questions & Answers



121216.12 YOUTH CLUB

Committee Chair Report

12.1 Cllr Chadwick reported that the average attendance for the Youth Club was 30 for the junior club and 8 for the senior club. The last meeting before Christmas would be on 15 December and the club would restart on 5 January.

12.2 Action List Report

There were no outstanding matters requiring action.

12.3 General Report/Questions & Answers

Cllr Hopper informed the meeting that the Finance and Governance Committee had expressed concerns about the costs and effectiveness of the Youth Club and the Youth Club Committee had been asked to carry out a review.



The Chairman informed members that the Parish Council has been offered a donation to

purchase a defibrillator. It was agreed that the offer should be accepted.

Action: Chairman to follow up.


There were no items of correspondence.



The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday 9 January 2017 commencing at 7.45pm in The Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross.



Chairman of the Parish Council DATE: 9 January 2017

Note: In cases where a document or paper is referred to on the Agenda or the Minutes, this document will be available EITHER on the Parish Council website www.starcrosspc.org.uk or on request from:- The Clerk to the Council, 16 Westwood Cleave, Ogwell, Newton Abbot TQ12 6YE. 01626 330311

Starcross Parish Council Finance Report – 12 December 2016

Summary of Bank Balances at 11 December 2016

Current Account

/ £18,487.14
Pavilion Trading Account / £1,985.24
Allocated Reserves / £36,173.76
Total / £56,646.14

Income: 15 November – 11 December 2016

Allocated Reserves – interest



VAT rebate (pavilion)



VAT rebate (general)



Pavilion/Sportsfield hire



Authority for cheques/online payments – Current account



Hedges Direct Ltd

-  Privet hedge

/ £237.60



M & D Hire

-  Pavilion ramp / £2,508


/ £886.59



HMRC (November)

/ £68.80
Authority for cheques/online payments – Pavilion trading account



T Greenslade

-  Pavilion security & cleaning for


/ £208



J Greenhough

-  Tuck shop / £43.74
Direct Debits

Opus Electricity (21/11/16)

/ £73.59

Opus Gas (28/11/16)

/ £50.93

BT (2/12/16)

/ £38.99