SHS PTA Membership Luncheon Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 5, 2016
Scarsdale High School, Room 170-172, 11:30 AM
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm. Twenty-fourmembers were present surpassing the number needed for a quorum. (Attendance list filed in the Secretary’s binder.)
PTA President Margaret Smith welcomed everyone.
Motion: The minutes from the last membership meeting on March 14, 2016 were distributed. A motion was made by Karen Ceske and seconded by Eileen Donovan and approved by all to accept the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Jennifer Constantinpresented the Treasurer’s Report noting the year-to-date amounts and that some committees are still in progress. Jennifer also outlined the proposed 2016-17 PTA Budget noting new line items for IT and the SHS Centennial Committee as well as small increases in hospitality, safety, school gift and programming. Any ideas for celebrating the centennial should be sent to Amy Song.
Motion: A motion was made by Karen Ceske and seconded by Nan Berkeand approved by all to accept the 2016-17 PTA Budget as presented.
President’s Report: Margaret Smith reminded everyone about the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund that awards need-based grants to graduating SHS students toward their freshman year of college. Last year $86,000 was awarded to 18 students. “In honor of” and “Graduate” cards are being sold to benefit the fund. Margaret noted that this year’s gift to the school utilizes last year’s allocation as well and contributes (along with the other PTAs and PTC) towards the purchase of s rocket composter for the district. Students begin learning about composting in elementary school. They will be able to continue through middle and high school and the district will get the benefit of what is produced. The SHS IT committee has elected to go with SchoolBee for our online membership. Because all of the other PTAs use it, it will be easier for our members and the system already has a significant portion of our high school membership data.
Report of VP for Volunteers and Committees:Lauren Mintzer presented information on the work of several committees including the College and Career Center which helps to host visiting college representatives, assists with using Naviance and maintains binders with information on colleges, alumni scholarships and applications, and hosts a college night and dinner for college reps. The Safety Committee ran a very successful Driver Safety Assemble and the Parent Teacher Conference Committee organized more than 220 volunteers so conferences could run smoothly. That committee will work to sign up volunteers earlier next year.
Principal’s Report on Student Wellness: Principal Ken Bonamo discussed the student wellness initiative. Last school year committees were formed to look at the issue from student, teacher and institutional perspectives. This year these aspects were combined into one committee who engaged Challenge Success from Stanford to work with them. High School students were surveyed and the results analyzed to look at where stresses are higher than their peer schools as well as identify triggers. Dr. Stuart Slavin spoke to faculty about how he has worked to reduce unnecessary stress at his medical school and create a balance of preparing students and maintaining standards but also promoting student wellness. SHS is looking at what Dr. Slavin called “toxic courses” which can lead to students “doing school” rather than true academic engagement. All aspects of the school experience are being looked at from homework, course placements, organization and timing of the school day and semesters. Principal Bonamo noted that as changes are tested it will be important to reassess to see the impact on students.
Visitors: Chris Morin outlined the proposed 2016-17 School Budget and reminded everyone that the vote will be on Tuesday, May 17th for the budget as well as for three vacancies on the Board of Ed. Nan Berke discussed the work of the STEP program where a promising, disadvantaged, student of color comes to Scarsdale for his or her junior and senior years of high school. She outlined some of the achievements of past students as well as the support from the community and high school.
New Business: Margaret Smith presented the slate of officers for the 2016-17 SHS PTA:
President: Amy Song
President Elect: Beth Zadek
VP of Events and Membership: Eileen Donovan
VP of Volunteers and Programming: Lauren Mintzer
Recording Secretary: Suzanne Glaser
Corresponding Secretary: Aileen Burke
Treasurer: Nancy Brady
Motion:After Margaret asked for nominations from the floor, of which there were none,a motion was made by Tracey McCarthy and seconded by Christine Benscheand approved by all to accept the 2016-17 slate of SHS PTA officers as presented.
The Compact Committee has two members who are ending their terms: Penny Bauersfeld and MaryLouD’Silva. As only two candidates came forward to serve on the committee a formal vote was not conducted. The new members are Jeanine Palermo and Julie Zhu.
Upcoming Events: Margaret Smith mentioned upcoming events:
PTA/Counseling Department College Panel Night for Juniors and Parents – 5/12 7:00 PM in Auditorium
Risky Business: Campus Sexual Misconduct – 5/19 7:30 PM Little Theater
Student-to-Student College Night for Juniors – 5/25 Cafeteria
Pre-Prom Reception – 6/2 4:00 PM BOE Parking Lot
Senior Transition Day and Lunch – 6/6
The meeting portion was adjourned at 12:30pm. Assistant Principal Sue Peppers presented information on SHS’s Extra-Mural Learning Opportunities along with several students and science teacher Richard Clark.
Respectfully Submitted,
Suzanne Glaser
Secretary, SHS PTA