School Rules
- Show respect to others by keeping hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Refrain from chewing gum or eating sunflower seeds at school.
- Refrain from eating or drinking in class.
- Go to the restroom and get water during class change.
- Use acceptable language and tone/volume.
- Be prepared for and seated in classroom seated working on bell ringer when tardy bell rings.
- Follow directions of teacher, raise hand, and WAIT for permission to speak.
Class Rules
- No standing or getting out of seat. Once seated, stay seated.
- No cell phones, IPods, video games, or any other electronic devices (any electronic device retrieved by me will be immediately taken to the principal’s office and will have to be retrieved by a parent or guardian).
- No talking unless otherwise advised to do so.
- No cursing, screaming, smacking lips, rolling of eyes, loud yawning, loud burping, or expelling of intestinal gases. This is very disrespectful.
- No combing, brushing, putting on makeup etc.
- No drinking or eating gum, candy, sunflower seeds, etc.
- No sleeping, leaning in chair, or holding head down.
- No writing on or destroying of classroom, teacher, or classmate’s property.
- No bullying, name calling, or teasing.
Consequences for Breaking any Rules
- Verbal or Non-Verbal Warning
- Parents/Guardians contacted
- Office referral and Parents/Guardians contacted
Consequences for Following Rules
- Praise
- Bulldog Points
- Homework Passes
- Enter class quietly (no running, yelling, horse playing, etc.).
- Place all homework into appropriate tray before class begins.
- Sharpen pencil before bell rings.
- Take out class materials needed (pen, pencil, binder, etc.)
- Be seated in assigned seat and begin bell ringer immediately (Standing outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will constitute a tardy. You are tardy if you are not in your assigned seat and working on your bell ringer when the bell rings).
- Always read board for homework assignments, objectives, and daily agenda.
- Raise hand and wait to be called on to speak.
- Throw all trash away when the bell rings and you have been dismissed.
- Place all class assignments into appropriate tray when the bell rings and you have been dismissed.
- Leave class quietly (no running, yelling, horse playing, etc.).
No talking or disruption during announcements.
Assigned Seating/Number
You will be assigned to a seat and number in this classroom. You must be seated in that assigned seat everyday and write your assigned number on all class and homework assignments.
You are to go to the restroom and get water between classes unless you have an emergency. If you have a medical problem that conflicts with this rule, I will need a note from your doctor on business letterhead.It is important that you attend to all personal needs before coming to class as I have been instructed not to give passes to restrooms and to limit ALL hall passes.
All class work should be done on your own unless otherwise instructed.If you are caught cheating on a classroom assignment, homework assignment, project, test, or quiz you will receive a zero.
Class work
Keep all handouts and assignments in your binder. You will have a short assignment (BELL RINGER and WEEKLY ESSAY PROMPT) everyday that should be done immediately upon entering the classroom. You are responsible for turning in all of your assignments in the appropriate tray located in the back of the classroom. If your assignment is not in there, consider it not turned in.
Group Work
When working in small groups, only speak loud enough for your group to hear you. You may not interact with other groups, unless otherwise instructed.
Guests(principal, teachers, parents/guardians, speakers, janitor, etc.)
- Continue working on your assignment.
- Be respectful to all guests.
- Be prepared to tell the guest what we are learning that day.
- Think before you speak and represent yourself, family, and school well!
Independent Work
Work quietly during note taking and independent work. I will be working with others that need help and talking will not be tolerated.
Leaving the Classroom
Wait for permission to start packing up in preparation to leave at the end of the period.The bell does not dismiss you; I do.Please make sure that your area is clean and put your trash in the garbage as you walk out the door.Leave class quietly (no running, yelling, horse playing, etc.).
Make-Up Work
If you miss an assignment or test due to an absence, it is your responsibility to check the “While you were Out” folders that will be updated every day to make up this work. You have two days to make up your work. Late work will not be accepted later than two days for each excused day of absence.
There is a no pass rule in this classroom. The information being taught during this class period is very important; therefore, I do not give passes to the office, restroom, library, other classes, etc. unless during cases of emergency. I advise you to go to the office, restroom, library, other classes, etc. before or after attending this class. If you have a medical problem that conflicts with this rule, I will need a note from your doctor on business letterhead.
Paper Headings
Headings should be written on every assignment. If your name is not on an assignment it is impossible for you to receive a grade. The heading should begin on the first line on the right side of the paper inside the margin. The following is an example of the heading: (Students will receive penalties for incorrect heading, and students must spell out the month and date on all headings.)
Jane Doe #7
August 12, 2012
1st Assignment
Progress Reports
You will receive a progress report the 5th week of every 9 week term. These reports are to be signed by your parent or guardian and returned to me.
You must be physically sitting in your desk working on your bell ringerwhen the bell rings.You are tardy if you are not in your seat working on your bell ringerwhen the bell rings.If you are tardy UNEXCUSED, completely fill out a detention and sign your nameleaving the teacher’s signature section blank. I will sign it at the end of class.If you are tardy EXCUSED, place excuses in the basket.
Teasing, name calling, and making fun of other students will not be tolerated.Students caught conducting any such behavior will automatically receive a 30 minute detention and parents/guardians will be contacted. Bullying will result in an office referral and parents/guardians notified.
Work Area
When working in class, you should have your binders, backpacks, and purses under your chair.There should be no food or drinks on your desk. You should only have necessary material out so that I may move freely throughout the room. Please, keep your area clean.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
It's the second semester! I am very happy to have your child in my English I class. I believe that by all of us working together we can make this a very successful year. I consider it of prime importance that you be an active part of your child's education.
You are invited to phone me, e-mail me, or visit the school to schedule a conference time if you have a question concerning your child's progress. If you have expertise in a specific field, an unusual hobby, or have a different culture that you would like to share, please let me know. I would be happy to visit with you about the possibility of your sharing with our class. I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your child's teacher this semester, and look forward to meeting you.
Stephen R. Covey once said, “Begin with the end in mind.” English I will exposestudents to strategies and techniques that will lead to academic, professional, and social success in the 21st century; preparing students to compete globally. I truly believe that each child has the potential to reach all of their goals and lead others to success as they develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills within an effective classroom. It is necessary; however, that the class be a safe and orderly environment conducive for learning. The rules and procedures given in this class are there to ensure that your child is given ample time andopportunity to learn in a safe environment. My overall goal is to give your child the skills that he or she needs to compete in an ever-changing world. Thanks so much for allowing me to teach your child!
Ms. Miller
Please Sign and Return
I have read the rules and procedures for Ms. Miller’s class. I understand them and will honor them.
Student Name (Print) ______
Student Signature
I have read the rules and procedures for Ms. Miller’s class and will support them.
Parent/Guardian Name (Print)
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______