Assisted Housing Programs
Overlapping Housing Assistance Payment Contracts (HAPC)
Effective November 1, 2010, the San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) has implemented a procedural revision regarding the overlap of HAPC.
The procedure will now allow for the HAPC to overlap for two different landlords contracted with the same program participant. If a program participant moves from an assisted unit with continued tenant-based assistance, the term of the assisted lease for the new assisted unit may begin during the month the program participant moves out of the first assisted unit. Overlap of the last housing assistance payment (HAP) (for the month when the program participant moves out of the old unit) and the first HAP for the new unit is not considered to constitute a duplicative housing subsidy.
It is the program participant’s choice to overlap housing assistance and they will inform SAHA via the Tenancy Addendum.
§ If a program participant’s lease expires on November 30th and they turn in paperwork for a new unit which subsequently passes inspection on or before November 30th, the participant has the option of beginning the new contract on the date the unit passed inspection or later.
o If the program participant chooses November 5th as the begin date but the inspection fails, the contract cannot be executed (begin) even though the date was specified by the program participant for that date.
o If the program participant requests to start the lease effective November 20th and the inspection passes November 15th, the HAPC will be effective November 20th.
§ The landlord for the expiring contract will keep the HAP they received for November, while the new landlord will receive a prorated HAP from when the participant chose to begin the contract with a passed inspection to November 30th.
§ Accordingly, the program participant will be required to pay a prorated amount to the new landlord if they choose the option of beginning the lease before the expiration of the previous lease.
For any questions on this procedural revision, contact Lawrence Fernandez, Manager of Assisted Housing, at 210-477-6136 or .
Any individual with a disability or other medical need who requires accommodation with respect to this form should contact the San Antonio Housing Authority at (210) 477-6205.
Esta nota es muy importante. Si usted no comprende esta nota porque es escrito en inglés, por favor llame al (210) 477-6205 inmediatamente para assistencia.
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