29TH January 2015

This survey is a joint venture between the Practice and the Patient Participation Group and is confidential. If you would like to be part of the group please contact Claire at the surgery to find out more.

Having spoken with patients and hearing their concerns and with discussions in the Patient Participation Group it was agreed that we would look into the problems we are having in 2 specific areas in the practice one with the telephone system and the other around patients with Long term conditions and attending reviews.

To enable the Practice to improve the service and health of our patients we should be grateful if you would complete the following survey.

The survey should take at most 15 minutes to complete. We want to note especially how we could consider rectifying any situation which you may have found unsatisfactory.

Please could you return your completed survey to our reception either by hand or post. If completing on-line this can be e-mailed to

Closing date 15th February 2015

Q1. What is your age, (please tick)?

18 – 24 25 - 34 35 - 44

45 – 54 55 – 64 65 - 74

75 – 84 85 +

Q2. Whatis the ethnic background with which you most closely identify?

White BritishWhite Irish

MixedWhite AsianWhite Black Caribbean White Black African

Asian or Asian BritishIndianPakistani Bangladeshi

Black or Black BritishCaribbeanAfrican

Chinese or OtherChineseother …………………………

Q 3. Are you MaleFemale

Telephone System

Q4. What time of the day do you normally contact the surgery?

before 9am9.00 – 11.00am11.00 –2.00pm

2.00 – 4.00pm4.00 – 5.00pmAfter 5.00pm

Q5. Once connected to the surgery, if you had a choice would you prefer?

Option choice for appointments etc

To be connected directly to a member of staff.

Currently when you are connected to another phone in the practice if the line is busy the patient waiting either gets quiet tone or it will sound that the phone is ringing and staff are not answering (instead of Engaged) this is the current queuing system.

Q6.When ringing the practice if the lines are busy would you prefer to hear:

Engaged toneQueue position status with waiting time.

Information on Practice

Q7. Do you find the 24 hour cancelation option useful?

YesNoNot used this.

Is there anything else you can think of that would help with the Telephone system.

The Practice is also conducting a survey for patients with long term conditions as listed:

Arterial ProblemsAsthmaStroke / TIA Blood Pressure COPD Diabetes

Rheumatoid Arthritis Epilepsy Heart Conditions Kidney Conditions Memory Problems Prostate Cancer

Q1a. What are the most important health issues for you right now? If so please tell us what they are?

Q2a. If you could spend 10 minutes with a doctor or nurse to discuss any health issues what would you like to discuss?

Q3a. Which of the following health issues do you feel are important to you, (Please tick all IMPORTANT to you)?

> Cholesterol> Cancer

> Smoking> Diet

> Risk of diabetes> Alcohol

> Sexual health> Exercise

> Prostate check> Weight

> Depression> Blood pressure

> Risk of heart attacks or strokes

Q4a. If you have a long term condition is there anything which puts you off coming to see the nurse or Dr for your annual review?

Q5a. What would be the most convenient time for you to come to the surgery if you needed to?

Q6a. If we were to change the recall system for annual review, would you remember to book with the nurse during the month of your birthday?


Q7a. What else would help in dealing with your long term condition?

Q8a. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about regarding health issues or the surgery?