Programs of Excellence
2006-2007 Edition
Sally Ianiro
CALPRO Research Analyst
American Institutes for Research
Contributors (2002-2006)Nicole A. Amador, AIR Research Scientist
Mary Ann Corley, CALPRO Director
Sue Gilmore,Principal, A. WarrenMcClaskey Adult Center
Erik Jacobson, CALPRO Research Analyst
Margaret Kirkpatrick,Principal, BerkeleyAdultSchool
Marilyn Knight-Mendelson,Assistant Principal, NapaValleyAdultSchool
Jacques LaCour,Principal, NeighborhoodCentersAdultSchool
Wendi Maxwell, CDE Consultant/Project Monitor
Ellen Oka, CALPRO Executive Assistant
Carole Roberds, Principal, MercedAdultSchool
Contributors to the Development of
Programs of Excellence (1996)
Karen Angarano / Jacques LaCourNancy Arnold / LaRanda Marr
Alan Bernstein / Judith Moon
Caroline Casida / Judith Perlite
Gayle Forgey / Joan Dailey Polster
Maritza Giberga / Lynn Porter
Kathryn Gorman / Husein Toubat
Autumn Keltner / Fe Woods
Margaret Kirkpatrick / Susanne Wong
Foreword ...... v
The Programs of Excellence Process…………………………………………………………….1
Completing the Initial Certification Application ...... 5
Completing the Recertification Application...... 7
Writing and Formatting Instructions ...... 9
Application Checklist...... 11
Programs of Excellence Letter of Intent ...... 13
Programs of Excellence Application Coversheet ...... 15
Programs of Excellence Summary Form…………………………………………………………17
Frequently Asked Questions ...... 19
Glossary ...... 25
Appendix—Program Components and Quality Indicators Chart…...... 27
Identifying quality adult education programs is one of the most important functions of the California Department of Education (CDE). Programs of quality provide examples of ways in which practitioners provide excellent service to adult learners. By reviewing proven practices, processes, and structures, other agencies may find ideas for establishing or refining their own programs. The task of identifying exemplary programs is not the sole purpose of Programs of Excellence, however. Perhaps an even more important purpose is to provide a tool for agencies to use to reflect on their service to adult learners and to engage in continuous program improvement.
The CDE, in collaboration with a committee of field practitioners across the state, established the quality indicators for programs of excellence in 1996. The 18 indicators cover five program components: curriculum and instruction; learner outcomes; learner support services; leadership and planning; and community involvement and collaboration. Theyencompass the range of authorized instructional program areas, differing conditions under which local programs operate, and the variety of organizational structures of classes and programs (see Appendix).
Using this application form, any adult education agency receiving state apportionment or Workforce Investment Act Title II, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act funds (225/231 or EL Civics) may apply for recognition as a Program of Excellence. This includes programs in correctional facilities and other institutions. Programs may apply for initial recognition as a Program of Excellence, or, if applicable, for recertification. The following types of programs are eligible to apply:
- Adult Basic Education
- High School Diploma or General Educational Development (GED)
- Adults with Disabilities
- Older Adults
- Health and Safety
- Home Economics
- English as a Second Language/English Literacy (EL) Civics
- Citizenship
- Vocational Education (Career Technical Education)
- Parent Education/Family Literacy
Program administrators and stakeholders involved in the application or recertification process will need to refer to the 2006-2007 edition of the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence document, which is a tool for programs to use for self-review and continuousimprovement. Program administrators can download the 2006-2007 version of the document from the CALPRO Web site at Applicants who would like technical assistance in completing the self-review or application process should contact the CALPRO office at 800-427-1422 or .
The Programs of Excellence Process
The process for achieving Programs of Excellence takes a year. It begins when a program prepares to write the application and culminates with the California Department of Education’s recognition of award-winning programs at the annual Association of California School Administrators’ (ACSA) Adult Education Conference. Each step of this process and relevant deadlines are described below.
September 2006Applications
Applications are available from CALPRO (800-427-1422; ), on the CALPRO Web site (), and at the annual Adult Education meeting of the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA).
Fall 2006Program Self-review
Agencies begin the process of applying for Programs of Excellence by forming a representative committee of all the program’s stakeholders (e.g., adult learners, instructors, counselors, administrators, volunteers, and community and business members).
The stakeholder committee conducts a program self-review using the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence document (available online at The committee examines the five program components and eighteen quality indicators, compares the program’s practices to the quality indicators, and gives its program a score of 1 (low) to 4 (high).
If the stakeholder committee finds during the self-review process that the program rates low on some quality indicators, the committee may decide the program is not prepared to apply forPrograms of Excellence for the current year. However, committees thatscore their programsin the range of 3 to4should consider moving forward with the application process.
Programof Excellenceawards are awarded annually. Therefore, the California Department of Education (CDE) encourages agencies that may not be ready to apply, to wait, to work on building their programs, and to apply when they are confident they will be strong candidates.
CALPRO offers technical assistance to programs that are completing the self-review process and seeking guidance on strengthening their program components to meet Programs of Excellencecriteria. For more information on this service, contact CALPRO at 800-427-1422 or .
November 2006Submission of Letter of Intent
Agencies thatintend to apply for the 2006-2007 Programs of Excellence award must complete and submit a letter of intent by November 1, 2006.Applicants will find the letter of intent on page 13 of this application. By submitting this letter, applicants provide CALPRO with the essential information it needs to plan application review sessions and site visits.
Mailor fax the letter of intent to:
CALPRO – Programs of Excellence
2880 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 220
Sacramento, CA95833-4305
Fax: CALPRO – Programs of Excellence
December 2006Submission of Applications
CALPRO must receive completed applications at the CALPRO office no later than 4:00 PM on December 1, 2006. Faxes will not be accepted. Applicants must mail or deliver five (5) copies of the application to:
CALPRO – Programs of Excellence
2880 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 220
Sacramento, CA95833-4305
Refer to page 11 for an application checklist and page 15 for the application cover sheet.
December 2006Review of Applications
In mid-December, CALPRO convenes a committee of CDE adult education consultants and adult education field practitioners to review applications using a double-blind review process. Reviewers score applications on the basis of the narrative and supporting documentation.
January 2006Site Visits Scheduled
If an application passes the reading review committee, CALPRO contacts the program administrator to arrange the next phase of the process—the site visit. The purpose of the visit is to verify the exemplary services described in the written application. Site visits, which take place in February and March, typically last one-and-a-half days.
February -Site Visits Conducted
March 2007
Site visits are conducted by adult education consultants from the CDE and field practitionerswho are selected for their specific program expertise. CALPRO makes every effort to send appropriate content experts to each site being reviewed.
March - Recommendations and Final Decisions
Each site review team forwards its results and recommendations to the CDE Adult Education Office. Final decisions are made by the State Director of Adult Education.
May 2007Notification
In May, the CDE notifies candidateson the success of their applications. Those programs that do not pass the site review process receive feedback from the CDE concerning areas for improvement.
September 2007Presentation of Awards
New recipients of the Programs of Excellence award receive recognition and certificates each September at the ACSA Adult Education Conference.
Completing the Initial Certification Application
If, after conducting a program self-review using the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence document (available online at the program’s self-review committee determines that the program should apply for the designation of Programs of Excellence, then the self-review committee should complete the application.The initial certification application should demonstrate that the program fits the definition of Programs of Excellence. It should provide evidence that the program exceeds that which is normally expected of a quality program. The application should demonstrate that the program
- exhibits exemplary and replicable qualities;
- meets the needs of the local community;
- integrates the four adult roles of worker, family member, community member, and lifelong learner into a relevant, coherent curriculum;
- links learner goals to program accountability;
- includes all stakeholders in leadership and planning;
- reflects model program standards and SCANS competencies;
- uses data and research effectively for continuous program improvement; and
- incorporates curriculum and instruction that best meet the needs of the learners.
To apply for initial certification, submit the Letter of Intent (p.13) no later than November 1, 2006.
The completed narrative section of the application consists of responses to each of the program components and quality indicators. Do not include the Scoring Criteria and Sample Measures pages found in the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence document. Those pages are for reference purposes only, to be used in developing the narrative. Notes and comments from the Sample Measures pages may be included in the narrative if they support the program’s exemplary practices.
Programs may submit applications for Adult Basic Education, High School Diploma or General Education Development (GED) test preparation, English as a Second Language/English Literacy (EL) Civics, Citizenship, Adults with Disabilities, Vocational Education (Career Technical Education), Parent Education/Family Literacy, Older Adults, Health and Safety, or Home Economics.
Submit five copies of the application and accompanying materials to the CALPRO Office no later than 4:00 p.m., December 1, 2006.Include the following items in the application packet:
- The Programs of Excellence Application Coversheet (p. 15)
- The Programs of Excellence Summary Form (p. 17)
- A program overview (2-page maximum, double-spaced)
- The Exemplary Practices Narrative (15-page maximum, double-spaced)
- A list of the program’s stakeholder committee members
- An appendix (5-page maximum) focusing on documenting learner outcomes
- ABE, ESL, GED, and High School Diploma programs must attach the 2005-06 Federal Table 4 for either the agency or the applicant program.
Completing the Recertification Application
The designation of Programs of Excellence is awarded for a four-year period. Recipient programs may apply for recertification of the award, extending the designation for an additional four years. The application for recertification must be submitted during the fourth year of a program’s certification period. Programs awarded Programs of Excellence status prior to 2005must submit for recertification during the third year of their certification period. There are no limits to the number of times a program can apply for recertification.To apply for recertification of a 2003-2004 Programs of Excellence, submit the Letter of Intent (p. 13) no later than November 1, 2006.
If, after conducting a program self-review using the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence document (available online at the self-review committee determines that the program will re-apply for the designation of Programs of Excellence, then the self-review committee develops the application.
The recertification application must demonstrate that the program continues to meet the criteria of Programs of Excellence. It must provide evidence that the program operates at a level that exceeds the expectations of a quality program. It is NOT necessary to submit a full application. Instead, the Exemplary Practices Narrative should highlight program improvements, changes, and growth related to each of the five program components described in the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence document and build on the initial certification application.Applications should describe how the program has incorporated research-based practice into its operations. Agencies should cite data that the program collects and describe how the program uses data and research effectively for continuous program improvement. Also, programs must describe how goal setting has been added to the Learner Outcomes program component. There is a five-page limit for this narrative.
In addition, programs must submit a separate two-page summary that specifically addresses the Leadership and Planning component. Leadership and planning are critical for maintaining excellence in each of the other component areas and essential for creating program continuity and stability. The two-page summary should address recent challenges to the program or community and how leadership has responded to them.
Submit five copies of the recertification application to the CALPRO Office no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 1, 2006.The following items should be included in the recertification application packet:
- The Programs of Excellence Application Coversheet (p. 15)
- The Programs of Excellence Summary Form (p. 17)
- A program overview (2-page maximum, double-spaced)
- The Exemplary Practices Narrative (5-page maximum, double-spaced)
- The Leadership and Planning Summary (2-page maximum, double-spaced)
- A list of the program’s stakeholder committee members
- An appendix (2-page maximum) focusing on documenting learner outcomes
- ABE, ESL, GED, and High School Diploma programs must attach the 2005-06 Federal Table 4 for either the agency or the applicant program.
Writing and Formatting Instructions
Using the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence 2006-2007 document (available online at respond to how the program meets and exceeds the criteria for each quality indicator and program component. Provide clear, concrete, relevant evidence that demonstrates that the program operates at an exemplary level. Be sure to fully address all program components and quality indicators. Include relevant data and be explicit about how the data are used.
The stakeholder list must include the names of the members, the agencies they represent, and their titles within their respective agencies. Stakeholders should reflect the local community and include business, community, learner, and faculty representation.
The narrative must reflect the program’s methods of addressing the quality indicators of a program of excellence. Documentation of learner accomplishments might include examples of the data collected, how the data were used in program improvement, indicators of learner success, and the standards used as success benchmarks.
The application must be typed, single-sided, double-spaced, using 12-point font and one-inch margins. Rather than duplicating text, you may refer the reader to a previous section in the narrative.
Do not submit the Sample Measures pages from the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence document with the application. These pages are provided for program self-review only. Include notes and comments from the Sample Measures in the Quality Indicators for Programs of Excellence document if they support exemplary practices.
Program areas to be addressed in the application include Adult Basic Education, High School Diploma or General Educational Development (GED) test preparation, English as a Second Language/English Literacy (EL) Civics, Citizenship, Adults with Disabilities, Vocational Education (Career Technical Education), Parent Education/Family Literacy, Older Adults, Health and Safety, and Home Economics.
The appendix (5-page maximum for initial applications, 2-page maximum for recertification applications) should focus on documenting learner outcomes. This might include relevant benchmark or outcome data, newspaper articles, program evaluation(s), and/or samples or flowcharts of innovative practices and procedures. Do not include lesson plans or course outlines.Submitted items will not be returned.
Application Checklist
Initial Application
Programs of Excellence Application Coversheet (p. 15)
Programs of Excellence Summary Form (p. 17)
Program Overview (2-page maximum, double-spaced), including description of thepopulation to be served, number of classes, types of programs within nominated program area, number of teachers and sites
Exemplary Practices Narrative (15-page maximum, double-spaced)
Stakeholder List
Appendix (5-page maximum), focusing on documenting learner outcomes (e.g., relevantbenchmark or outcome data, newspaper articles, program evaluation, or samples or flowcharts of innovative practices and procedures)
ABE, ESL, GED, and High School Diploma programs must attach either the agency or the applicant program’s Federal Table 4 for 2005-06
Five (5) copies of the application materials received at CALPRO Office no later than 4 p.m.,December 1, 2006
Recertification Application
(For 2003-2004 Programs of Excellence recipients only)
Programs of Excellence Application Coversheet (p. 15)
Programs of Excellence Summary Form (p. 17)
Program Overview (2-page maximum, double-spaced), including description of population to be served, number of classes, types of programs within nominated program area, number of teachers and sites
Exemplary Practices Narrative (5-page maximum, double-spaced)
Leadership and Planning Summary (2-page maximum, double-spaced)
Stakeholder List
Appendix (2-page maximum), focusing on documenting learner outcomes (e.g., relevant benchmark or outcome data, newspaper articles, program evaluation, or samples or flowcharts of innovative practices and procedures)
ABE, ESL, GED, and High School Diploma programs must attach either the agency or the applicant program’s Federal Table 4 for 2005-06