(Name of school)


Student’s Name: ______Roll Class: ______

Q1. Intended destination: Where are you going when you leave this school?(Please tick one box only.)

To another school?

1NSW government schoolName of school: ______

2NSW non-government schoolName of school: ______

3Interstate schoolState: ____ Name of school: ______

4Overseas schoolCountry: ______

5Senior campus of this college

6Distance educationName of school: ______

OR somewhere else?

7Home schooling

8University enrolment

9University entrance deferred



12Other TAFE or RTO course

13Post-school disability program

14Full-time employment (working 25 hours per week or more)

15Part-time or casual employment (working less than 25 hours per week)

16Employment plus part-time study (total 25 hours per week or more)

17Employment plus part-time study (total less than 25 hours per week)

18Seeking employment (for students who are 17 years old or more)

19Other destination: ______

20Not in education, training or employment

21Unknown or not provided

Q2. If you ticked one of Destinations 1–6, please tell us why you are leaving.

(You may tick more than one reason.)

1Student/family relocation

2Parent or family reasons, excluding student/family relocation

3Personal reasons, including peer group problems

4Broader curriculum options available elsewhere

5Welfare or attendance fresh startat another school

6Moving to the senior campus of this college

7Private school placement or scholarship

8Selective or specialist high school placement

9SSP or other special needs placement

10Other reason: ______

11Unknown or not provided

Q3. If you ticked one of Destinations 7–21, please tell us why you are leaving.

(You may tick more than one reason.)

1Completed Year 12

2Not completed Year 12 but completed recognised vocational equivalent (Cert II)

3Not completed Year 12 but reached minimum leaving age

4Continuing in further education and/or training

5Immediate employment opportunity

6Course work too difficult

7Behaviour or attendance issues

8No motivation to continue at school

9Lack of relevant courses

10Prefer TAFE or other adult learning environment

11Physical health issues

12Mental health issues

13Student/family relocation

14Parent or family reasons, excluding student/family relocation

15Personal reasons, including peer group problems

16Other reason: ______


17Unknown or not provided

Q4. Are there any other comments you would like to make?______



Student’s name: ______Roll Class: ______

Support Programs – Curriculum Options

1SVET and / or TVET

2Non-ATAR pattern of study

3Flexible senior student pathways

4Enrolment in Distance Education

5Study Days (internal / external)

6School Based Traineeship or Apprenticeship

7Extension / Acceleration / Gifted and Talented programs

8Life Skills program

9Course delivery across several schools

10Enhanced curriculum options through technology

Support Programs – Individual Learning Support

1Targeted literacy / numeracy support

2STL support

3Integration support

4Indigenous student support programs

5ESL support

6Individualised subject selection counselling

7Personalised senior years transition program (including ITPs)

8Individual learning plans (ILP)

9Regular individual progress review meetings

10School-based course-specific tutoring

11Learning Centre / Homework Centre

Support Programs – Wellbeing Initiatives

1Extracurricular opportunities, e.g. sport, CAPA, public speaking

2Student participation / leadership opportunities

3Recognition and reward programs

4Pastoral care programs

5Year Adviser intervention

6Careers Adviser intervention

7School Counsellor intervention

8Attendance intervention strategies

9Behaviour intervention strategies

10Targeted student at risk program

11External agencies / community organisation support

12Mental health issues support

13Physical health issues support

14Formal mentoring programs