(Name of school)
Student’s Name: ______Roll Class: ______
Q1. Intended destination: Where are you going when you leave this school?(Please tick one box only.)
To another school?
1NSW government schoolName of school: ______
2NSW non-government schoolName of school: ______
3Interstate schoolState: ____ Name of school: ______
4Overseas schoolCountry: ______
5Senior campus of this college
6Distance educationName of school: ______
OR somewhere else?
7Home schooling
8University enrolment
9University entrance deferred
12Other TAFE or RTO course
13Post-school disability program
14Full-time employment (working 25 hours per week or more)
15Part-time or casual employment (working less than 25 hours per week)
16Employment plus part-time study (total 25 hours per week or more)
17Employment plus part-time study (total less than 25 hours per week)
18Seeking employment (for students who are 17 years old or more)
19Other destination: ______
20Not in education, training or employment
21Unknown or not provided
Q2. If you ticked one of Destinations 1–6, please tell us why you are leaving.
(You may tick more than one reason.)
1Student/family relocation
2Parent or family reasons, excluding student/family relocation
3Personal reasons, including peer group problems
4Broader curriculum options available elsewhere
5Welfare or attendance fresh startat another school
6Moving to the senior campus of this college
7Private school placement or scholarship
8Selective or specialist high school placement
9SSP or other special needs placement
10Other reason: ______
11Unknown or not provided
Q3. If you ticked one of Destinations 7–21, please tell us why you are leaving.
(You may tick more than one reason.)
1Completed Year 12
2Not completed Year 12 but completed recognised vocational equivalent (Cert II)
3Not completed Year 12 but reached minimum leaving age
4Continuing in further education and/or training
5Immediate employment opportunity
6Course work too difficult
7Behaviour or attendance issues
8No motivation to continue at school
9Lack of relevant courses
10Prefer TAFE or other adult learning environment
11Physical health issues
12Mental health issues
13Student/family relocation
14Parent or family reasons, excluding student/family relocation
15Personal reasons, including peer group problems
16Other reason: ______
17Unknown or not provided
Q4. Are there any other comments you would like to make?______
Student’s name: ______Roll Class: ______
Support Programs – Curriculum Options
1SVET and / or TVET
2Non-ATAR pattern of study
3Flexible senior student pathways
4Enrolment in Distance Education
5Study Days (internal / external)
6School Based Traineeship or Apprenticeship
7Extension / Acceleration / Gifted and Talented programs
8Life Skills program
9Course delivery across several schools
10Enhanced curriculum options through technology
Support Programs – Individual Learning Support
1Targeted literacy / numeracy support
2STL support
3Integration support
4Indigenous student support programs
5ESL support
6Individualised subject selection counselling
7Personalised senior years transition program (including ITPs)
8Individual learning plans (ILP)
9Regular individual progress review meetings
10School-based course-specific tutoring
11Learning Centre / Homework Centre
Support Programs – Wellbeing Initiatives
1Extracurricular opportunities, e.g. sport, CAPA, public speaking
2Student participation / leadership opportunities
3Recognition and reward programs
4Pastoral care programs
5Year Adviser intervention
6Careers Adviser intervention
7School Counsellor intervention
8Attendance intervention strategies
9Behaviour intervention strategies
10Targeted student at risk program
11External agencies / community organisation support
12Mental health issues support
13Physical health issues support
14Formal mentoring programs