Volume 57 (1) : January, 2004
Irish Veterinary Journal
61 The publishers of the Irish Veterinary Journal do not take responsibility or errors or omissions.Classified advertisements are free of charge to members of Veterinary Ireland for non-commercial purposes. Send a brief
advertisement (maximum 30 words, longer ads may be edited) to: Classifieds, Irish Veterinary Journal, 31 Deansgrange
Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin. Fax: 01 289 6406. E-mail: . Advertisements will not be accepted bytelephone and must be submitted on a month-by-month basis. Please enclose a large stamped addressed envelope (SAE) foradvertisements requiring a box number. There is a charge of €25/15 words for non-members of Veterinary Ireland, whichmust be paid prior to publishing. The closing date for the February 2004 edition is January 5. Classified advertisements canbe viewed on the internet at:
Situations available
Part-time assistant required for SAduties/TB testing in busy Co
Down practice, commencing March2004. For further details telephoneMichael anytime: 00 44 79 66494052.
Veterinary surgeon required to jointhree-man practice in Co Tyrone.Mainly to develop SA section. SomeLA work required. New purposebuiltfacilities for kennelling,stabling, cattle handling, etc.
Gaseous anaesthetic machine, X-ray,etc. Excellent remuneration
depending on experience. Peter
Collins - Mobile: 00 44 7801
979118; Office: 00 44 28 87
Equine practice in Kilkenny requiresan assistant for 2004. Stud workand racing experience preferable.
Contact: 087 969 3996 or
Assistant required for four personmixed practice (dairy, SA, equine)in Co Waterford. Shared rota. Xray,scanner, gas anaesthesia, etc.
Please ring Deise Vet Group on
058 42096 or fax 058 48114.
Veterinary surgeon required for
three-person, mixed, mainly LA
practice, West. Purpose-built largeand small animal surgeries. Scanner,x-ray, automatic processor, etc. TVIwork locally. Tel: 087 211 9091.
Cork/Limerick border.
Colleaguerequired for genuine mixedpractice. Experience in cattlepractice essential but must havestrong interest in companion animalmedicine and surgery. Tel: 087 6173688.
N. Ireland. Experienced veterinarysurgeon required for three personmixed practice on theDonegal/Tyrone border. Purposebuiltpremises in the town ofCastlederg. 1:3 rota equally shared.
Salary negotiable. Immediate start.
Please phone Janet Carson on 00
44 771 307 3339 anytime.
Veterinary surgeon required for
progressive mixed practice. 60:40,large:small. LA mainly cattle andsheep. Well-equipped SA facilities(x-ray, scanner, Vettest, gasanaesthesia). VNTC. Equally sharedrota. Send CV to Monica Higgins,
Moy Veterinary Clinic, Barrett St,Ballina, Co Mayo, or phone Monicaat 087 272 5824 after 8pm.
Veterinary surgeon required for
mixed practice, Co Fermanagh.
Either FT or for TB testing. Wellequippedpremises. Time off and
rota equally shared. Contact Rogerat Three Valleys Veterinary Group:
028 686 31291 (048 from ROI).
Veterinary surgeon required to joinone-in-three rota in a mixed
practice with new well-equipped
premises based in small busy markettown in Co Derry. Salary
commensurate with experience. Carand accommodation provided ifrequired. Please Tel: 048 796 33555 (028 from NI).
Enthusiastic assistant with positiveattitude, compassion and skillrequired to work and grow in busythree vet mixed practice in beautifulInishowen, Co Donegal. Purposebuilt
premises, well equipped
including x-ray, ultrasound and
gaseous anaesthesia. Husky
computerised testing. Good work
atmosphere, excellent support staff,generous salary/benefit package.Position initially to cover maternityleave but permanent position
available with partnership potential.Tel: 07493 74127.
N. Ireland. Experienced vet
required for dairy SA and occasionalequine work in three person wellequipped practice No chore duties,equal rota and good clients in afriendly small town environmentnear Belfast. Phone Ian: 028 92613211 (code 048 from ROI).
Veterinary surgeon required for
mixed practice, Co Fermanagh.
Either full-time or for TB testing.Well-equipped premises. Time off and rota equally shared. ContactRoger at Three Valleys Vet Group028 686 31291 (048 from ROI).
Veterinary surgeon required for
mainly dairy practice (some smallanimal) in Co Limerick, February2004 to end of May 2004.Minimum 1 in 3 rota; possibility offull time position for suitableperson. Phone John on 086 8198002. Away between Jan 10 to Jan 17. Reply to .
Veterinary surgeon required for
five-person mixed practice (dairybias) in the south east. Wellequippedsurgery with nursingsupport. Tel: 087 263 3852 or faxCV: 051 641 644.
Multi-man city based practice in themid west with a new purpose-built,well-equipped clinic, looking for avet with an interest in mixedpractice duties. Must have smallanimal experience. Reply to 087
415 6614 (office hours).
Veterinary assistant required for aLimerick town, good terms, one inthree rota. Tel: 086 803 8729 (after 6).
Part time assistant required for SAduties/TB testing in busy Co Downpractice, commencing March 2004.
For further details telephone Michaelanytime: 00 44 79 664 940 52.
Friendly mixed two-vet practice inCo Mayo requires assistant. 70%LA, 30% SA, also some equinework. Very good terms andconditions. Excellent back up somay suit recent graduate. Tel: 094925 4117 (office hours), 086 8193472 (evenings and weekends).
Assistant required for five-personmixed practice, Kells, Co Meath.Excellent rota, terms and
conditions. Tel: 086 924 0434; 086251 9046.
Locum veterinary surgeon required,Sligo town, April to July (inclusive),90% SA and 10% LA, no nights orweekends. SA experience essential.
Tel: 071 914 2435 (9am 6.30pm)
or E-mail: .
Situations wanted
Experienced vet available for TB
testing on a part-time basis in the
south east region. Call 087 243
Lady available to work as veterinaryassistant. Has experience inveterinary office, field work andworking with small animal insurgery. Laois area. Tel: 086 3940592 or 0505 41512.
Experienced veterinary surgeon
available for locum work orTB/BRtesting immediately. Cleared for allTVI work. Tel: 048 417 52141;Mobile: 00 44 77 03496 598.
Experienced veterinary surgeon
available for TB/BR testing in
spring, own equipment and car, etc.Leinster preferred but all locationsconsidered. 087 918 5350.
1992 German graduate is seekingjob from Jan to April, preferred dairycattle work. Tel: +49 170 980 2643.
Veterinary nursing
Experienced veterinary nurse or
nurse in training required for wellequippedhospital environment inwest of Ireland. Tel: 066 719 0908.
Veterinary nurse wanted for a busynorth Dublin small animal practice.Please call 01 837 5543 or send CVto Anicare Veterinary Group, 183Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9.
Veterinary nurse/trainee required
for 100% SA practice in Dublin city,long established training practice.Three-vet/three nurse practice.
Apply in writing to Carey & KeaneVS, 12 Old Kilmainham, Dublin 8.
Veterinary nurse required for a
small animal practice. No on-call.
Please send to: Abbeyside
Veterinary Hospital, Dublin Road,Kilkenny. Tel: 086 825 1290.
Trainee vet nurse with one year+
experience seeks employment in
progressive Dublin area practice.
Saskia, Tel: 01 278 5904.
Qualified veterinary nurse requiredto join friendly progressive six vet
equine practice in new purpose
built hospital in Co Meath.
Contact: .
Tel: 046 943 1273.
For sale: well established, 1-2 personmixed practice. Located in westmidlands. Potential for furtherdevelopment or to specialise. Box no 7.
Nonin 8500V pulse oximeter for
sale. Brand new. Includes manual,lingual sensor and leads. Great deal.Portable and easy to use. Contact087 964 4438.
Problem with alcohol or drugs?
Know someone who has? The
Veterinary Surgeons Health SupportProgramme offers confidentialadvice and professional help.
Helpline: 00 44 192 631 5119.