MCS Administrative Data Analysis / SWOT Form/ Quarterly and End-of-Year Review
What data is being reviewed? / Date Reviewed / Strengths / OFIs / Next Steps / Priority RankReading/ Reading 3D-Progress Monitoring / 9/23/2014
i-Ready diagnostic
ELA CAs / -PM is occurring at a proficient rate
-Letterland coach was impressed with our fidelity to the model.
Reading 3D Data BOY
Overall composite
K- 36 %
1- 56 %
2- 63 %
3- 61 %
4- 25 %
-All grade levels improved upon BOY scores from 2013-2014.
K- 22 %
1- 56 %
2- 42 %
3- 40 %
4- 50 %
Grades K-2 improved on TRC levels from BOY of 2013-2014
i-Ready diagnostic data- Tier 1 is on grade level
Grade / Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3
K / 15 % / 85 % / -
1 / 3 % / 79 % / 18 %
2 / 23 % / 52 % / 25 %
3 / 36 % / 26 % / 38 %
4 / 32 % / 50 % / 18 %
5 / 28 % / 38 % / 34 %
ELA common Assessments
3rd grade 53.3 % Jeff 55.5 %
James 51.3 %
4th grade 65.2 %
5th grade 74.8 % / -Improve TRC proficiencies.
-Continue with implementation of Letterland program including intervention pieces
-Continue to improve use of i-Ready / - Continue updating of PEPs each month
-Continue to monitor and adjust with intervention groups on a weekly basis
-Teachers and IF will develop written response questions for TRC to be administered with second quarter progress monitoring.
-Teachers will implement Letterland interventions during intervention/
enrichment times.
-Teachers will utilize i-Ready reports and i-Ready digital toolbox materials
Math / 9/23/2014
i-Ready diagnostic 10/10/2014
CAs / i-Ready Diagnostic data-Tier 1 is on grade level
Grade / Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3
K / 13 % / 87 % / -
1 / 8 % / 61 % / 32 5
2 / 17 % / 39 % / 44 5
3 / 13 % / 46 % / 42 %
4 / 47 % / 38 % / 15 %
5 / 53 % / 28 % / 19 %
The biggest area for needed improvement is Number and Operations for all grades. Geometry is a secondary concern for 4th grade.
Common Assessments-3rd grade NBT
xxxxxxx 75.5 %
xxxxxxx 68.5 %
Common Assessment-4th grade NBT
70.5 %
Common Assessment-5th grade NBT
57.4 % / -Improve problem solving with use of word problems and number talks
-Continue implementation of common core standards
-Continue to improve use of i-Ready – training schedule for Nov. 10th Faculty Meeting for homeroom teachers
-On fifth grade CA, scores were low due to power of 10 and division with decimals / -Continue to monitor and adjust with intervention groups on a weekly basis
-Several teachers are participating in math workshops to better implement common core standards
-Teachers will utilize i-Ready reports and i-Ready digital toolbox materials
Science / 10/21/2014
CAs / 4th grade ecosystems Common Assessment 56.9 %
5th grade ecosystems Common Assessment 69.9 %
EOG data 2013-2014 – 31.3% proficient 2012-2013 – 31% proficient / -Emphasize vocabulary
-schedule specific times for science to be taught in each grade level, including integration in reading and math / -Implement use of digital textbook from Discovery Education
-Master schedule
PBIS / Discipline Data / 10/30/14 / Total Referrals = 42
Bus Referrals = 16
Bus Suspensions (in days) = 17 days
ODRs = 26
OSS = 9 total; 12 days
Other actions taken: silent lunch. Walk laps, parent conference, student conferences, time in office, separate classroom setting
Grade Level Referrals (Bus and ODR):
K – 9
1 – 1
2 – 11
3 – 9
4 – 11
5 - 1 / - / -Select PBIS team
-Schedule training dates with Dr. Noland
-Continue xxxxxxxxxx – setting goals and reaching goals
Teacher Working Conditions Survey/Climate survey / 10/7/14 / Divided TWC into sections. SIT members selected a section to facilitate at an upcoming faculty meeting. Notes will be taken based on feedback and suggestions for improvement. / -Identify areas where improvement is needed / Information gathered will be used to guide in decision-making and overall improvement of the operations of the school.
Enrichment Plans/ Schedules / 11/4/14 / Homeroom classes have been assigned Intervention times for remediation and enrichment. Connect teachers support third grade during enrichment each morning. / -Assemblies take time away from some intervention times
-Use of research-based and evidence-based strategies
-Students grouped according to areas of need / -Be mindful of scheduling assemblies during same intervention times
-Share out strategies teachers are using for interventions
-Use the necessary data to ensure student needs are addressed during interventions
Attendance / 10/30/14 / First Nine Weeks
*79 Perfect Attendance with no tardies
*Letters sent:
3-Day – 1
6-Day – 3
*Attendance meetings with parents: 5 (we meet whether excused or unexcused)
*Truancy Committee Meeting: 1 / -Continue monitoring attendance through 3,6,10 day letters
-Follow up meetings with parents in a timely manner
-Referrals to DSS as needed / -Continue monitoring attendance through 3,6,10 day letters
-Follow up meetings with parents in a timely manner
-Referrals to DSS as needed
CWT / 11/4/14 / -Learning targets are visible and in age appropriate language 91% of the time for CWT Q1
-PDSA learning target and SMART Goal are displayed and current 88% of time
-Literacy components observed most often include Reading Foundational skills, writing, reading literature, word study, and speaking listening
-86% of PDSA strategies are current
-Instructional practices used most include coaching, providing directions/instructions, providing opportunity for practice, and teacher directed Q&A
-Whole group is seen most often
-Research-based instructional practices observed most often include setting objectives, reinforcing effort/providing recognition, providing feedback, and cues, questions, advance organizers.
-Instructional differentiation is occurring most often through environment
-Student actions observed most often are listening, and practicing skills
-Instructional materials observed most often are oral, technology, and software/website
-Most students were engaged during CWTs during Q1
-Norms, mission statements are posted; students are refocused as needed / -Most CWTs occurred during ELA, need to visit more during math/science \
-Analysis of trend data for previous cycles
-Concrete presentation of math material was only seen 3% of CWT visits
-Increase information text reading and language for literacy components observed
-Improvements in teaching/learning strategies (ACT) needs to increase
-Kinesthetic movement, presentations, conferencing, and use of technology to support 21st century learning goals needs to be emphasized more for instructional practices.
-Pairs could be utilized more as a grouping format
-Cooperative learning was not observed during Q1 CWTs
-Differentiation of product
-Student actions observed less include performance/demonstration and use of technology to meet 21st century learning goals
-Meaningful feedback needs to be provided on student work on a more consistent basis / -PDSA goals set during PLCs for teachers, IF , administrator to meet
-Survey teachers, based on CWT needs identified, which area to set for next PDSA cycle with IF
EVAAS / 2013-2014 School Accountability Growth Estimates:
Index = 0.89 – Meets Expected Growth
School Value Added – Estimated School Mean NCE Gain:
Reading: (Meets Expected Growth)
2013 - -3.3; 2014 – +0.8; Three year average – +0.7
Math: (Meets Expected Growth)
2013 - -3-3; 2014 - +3.2; Three Year Average - +0.7 / SCIENCE
School Effect – Science (Does Not Meet Expected Growth)
2013 - -1.8; 2014 - - 2.9
-meet both targets in Science (All students – participation status and proficiency status)
-Performance Composite CCR – 31.3%
-Performance Composite GLP – 37.5%
**AMO Target this year is 57%
-AMO target goal for ALL is 55%. (2013-2014 – 42.1% - met with CI)
-WHITE subgroup AMO target is 63% (2013-2014 – 57.4%- met with CI) / -Schedule specific Science blocks for each grade level (40-45 minutes per grade level)
-Integration of science with math and literacy
-CWTs in fourth/fifth grade science
-Identify materials needed
-Lesson plan reviews for Science
-Continue to provide common planning by grade level
-Implement Discovery Ed Tech Book at fourth/fifth grades
-Reading Incentive Team – develop plan to motivate students to read
-Review Igniting a Passion for Reading book for inspiration and motivation techniques
-Use Georgia Units across all grade levels – rigor in math.
-Differentiate across all subjects to meet student needs.
Principal SignatureDateSuperintendent or DesigneeDate